
6 Post – 550 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here on break

It was a huge shock to us all, all around the world, watching him go from attempting to run for president of the U.S., to actually attaining it. The best thing I can say for it, is that it shows that Americans have a genuine hunger for change. If it could just be directed in a productive way...

This would turn gay in exactly 47 seconds

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I mean technically, but it's not like it's trying to be subtle about it. From the page:

I believe that Facebook represents one of the gravest threats to democracies around the world [...]

The point is to discourage instances from federating with threads.

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The proposal also includes $6 billion in aid for Ukraine.
“Well look, Russia invaded Ukraine and I think if they are allowed to get way with that and the United States does not support Ukraine it will simply embolden Russian imperialism and create a never ending crisis in Europe,” Sanders says.

He does not appear to be against their aid too, no.

Source, and again. Not American, but this Sanders guy seems alright.

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That's curious because I find I rewatch more movies than ever before, since it's so easy to find them, and I already know whether I like them or not.

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wow you've really been focused on upgrading your skills and taking all of those udemy courses really shows you dedication to continued employment at planetfuckers ltd

Vetinari IRL. From Soul Music by Terry Pratchett:

Besides, Lord Vetinari, the supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork, rather liked music.

People wondered what sort of music would appeal to such a man. Highly formalized chamber music, possibly, or thunder-and-lightning opera scores.

In fact the kind of music he really liked was the kind that never got played. It ruined music, in his opinion, to torment it by involving it on dried skins, bits of dead cat, and lumps of metal hammered into wires and tubes. It ought to stay written down, on the page, in rows of little dots and crotchets all neatly caught between lines. Only there was it pure. It was when people started doing things with it that the rot set in. Much better to sit quietly in a room and read the sheets, with nothing between yourself and the mind of the composer but a scribble of ink. Having it played by sweaty fat men and people with hair in their ears and spit dribbling out of the end of their oboe… well, the idea made him shudder. Although not much, because he never did anything to extremes.

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Joke's on you, I have so many abandoned activities, I can just cycle through them

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If they'd done this right out of the gate, they would not have nearly the market share they have today, let alone all of the free advertising in the form of guides, courses, Q&As, and general expertise.

It's a classic honeydick.

Wait all the time iPhone users have been flexing?

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Oh that's infinitely less disturbing than the images my mind conjured up

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Man I don't regret leaving this behind at my last job. You start out by doing someone a one-off like "sure I can pull the top 5 promotional GICs broken down by region for your blog article - I love supporting my co-workers!"

Then requests become increasingly esoteric and arcane, and insistent.

You try to build a simple FE to expose the data for them, but you can't get the time approved so you either have to do it with OT or good ol' time theft, and even then there's no replacement for just writing SQL, so you'll always be their silver bullet.

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Body horror vibes

Not aware of any of these, which is nice, but iddqd caught my eye since that's a Doom reference! Overall I always thought the Doom community was pretty positive (at least going by Doomworld forums, and various Doom streamers, as I remember them). I thought surely it must be some misunderstanding! Oh maybe they didn't reply quickly enough to take down some drive-by hate speech, but that was it.

Anyway, holy shit, do not go to that lemmy instance. It's rotten to the core. I'm going to go take a shower and play through Episode 1 to cleanse myself now.

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And that lack of ownership should be reflected in the price.

Yupppp. I have a bit of a story to ties in to this.

I had some Salesforce experience, and when my last job heard about that I became the go to "SF person." It was like a millstone around my neck the whole time. I couldn't get any of the work I'd signed up for done because of all this SF stuff. It occupied so much of my time, and I got so good at it, that I started looking for jobs in that field, even though I hated it...

Anyway, when I got laid off I figured clean slate and scrubbed everything I didn't like out of my linkedin/resume. It's great. The people at my current job don't even know that I have this experience. I see them in the Slack congratulating each other for migrating their CSM over to the SF "Lightning Experience" when I single-handedly managed that task at my last job.

I just nod and smile.

I mean most likely, but I haven't checked my bank balance in a while so can't be 100% certain

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So this is why I struggle with daily standup

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John it's ok I'm going to get help John it's going to be alright you're ok I'll be right back with help

photorealistic ... realistic ... real-time ... more realistic ...

We had a tool for that: it was called IMAGINATION

The graphical fidelity fetish has complete ruined gamers' ability to immerse themselves in make believe worlds without the game doing all the work for us

My tone is /s, but despite my hypocrisy I do believe this is half true

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I just think it's fascinating that racists can write. Like, good for them.

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brawndo irl

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I'm sorry for posting actual self-help, it's not my intention to be toxic, but your mention of "first draft" has triggered a kind of fixed action pattern in me, where I am compelled to share this axiom that I find reassuring: The first draft is always perfect.

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Sharks watching stars come and go: strange fireflies...

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Boooo 🏳️

Careful, you have to also add --no-preserve-root to make sure you get all of it out. If you leave the roots, it’ll just grow back later!

Oh my god I effin guffawed, thanks for that


Smoking cigars was a huge money suck, back when I used to smoke.

Other than that and video games, it's got to be art and writing supplies. Probably over $1000 if I add it all up over the years.

Which actually isn't that bad considering how much I enjoy writing and drawing, so I guess that's something to be happy about

Also that urgency is rooted in job insecurity, not even customer impact. They just don't want to look bad.

E: which I mean fair enough, me too, but still.

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"Luke, I am [over the moon for these Sobeys™️ rebates!]"

Never forget, Facebook (now Meta) had the chance to federate with Friendica but closed the tap ~2015, once more people started joining Friendica. Their mission is to make money, not friends.

It's kind of hard to pin down the histories of these things, since they aren't written about in any blogs that I can find, but here's a GitHub PR referencing this issue:

Since the Facebook connectors aren't supported anymore, they are now removed. Statusnet has been renamed to GNU Social and the API documentation has been updated.

Emphasis mine.

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In Canada, the Ministry of Health pays colleges to teach kids COBOL and JCL. It's a steady job, pension, good bennies. I know a handful of people who went that route, rather than the riskier private sector.

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I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, so I feel pretty impartial on this. My partner uses oat milk for their coffee, and over the years I just got used to using it straight, or in cereals, etc. Now I greatly prefer it. It's just "milk" for me now.

Never thought it would happen, but getting cow milk when I'm out feels off - that mouth-feel you mention; just doesn't sit right anymore. It really is an acquired taste.

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Man I used to think there was no relation between what I ate and my wardrobe size, but eventually it really does catch up with you, especially if your day job is sedentary.

You haven't really lived until you've played UT2K4 on Hannah Montana linux.

My bigger beef is with a centralised platform taking enough of a cut that they can buy whole neighbourhoods to rent out.

I think you misunderstand the kind of person the brand attracts

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I thought that, then I put Sync on my phone, and now I can lost an hour or more unintentionally, just... scrolling...

But that's the app. When I'm desktop or web app, I find it much easier to check out without getting totally sucked it.

Which reminds me. Should probably get back to work now.

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I don't think you'll find many people on lemmy who will agree that the US is objectively right in virtually any conflict. I remember even on the day 9/11 was happening people were saying how this was the chicken coming home to roost. Civilians don't deserve any of this, but the actions of their country -- against their will -- started a chain reaction that lead to this terrorist attack.

That's not to excuse terrorist acts. But they don't come out of nowhere - they always feed on some legitimate grievance, or else they would have no recruits.

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Hero. Salary negotiations must have been a riot that year lol

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