They'll never understand to ADHD – 1178 points –

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So this is why I struggle with daily standup

I prepare 45 minutes before, then 15, then 5 and then I'm late and my prep was useless.

One day though I'll be a star

I'm so lucky that rarely had to work in an environment with daily stand ups. One time I did and I kinda managed for a few months until one day I just had "an episode" and got up and walked out saying "sorry, I can't do this". I was also very lucky to be working for an employer who supported me through the following weeks of "sick" leave and a role change.

That's amazing, I'm so happy it turned out ok.

Since my current team's timezone is all over the place, we do our standup async via text, so it's not so bad. But still having to explain "What did you get done yesterday?" to the Slackbot at the beginning of my day is not always a great feeling.