Great Blue Heron

@Great Blue
2 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I must be old - it's WordPerfect to me.

I'm really dismayed by your political system - I can't put into words how much it disturbs me. I know it's a good thing that the Harris Walz campaign is doing well, but all I hear when seeing news like this is how much money politicians are taking from "average" people to give to insanely rich advertising firms, to develop ads, and even more insanely rich media corporations, to run them. It's messed up.

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It made me think much harder than I should really admit

A store near me (Canadian Tire) has them linked to their app - you find what you want in the app, go to the aisle listed and tap "find this item" and the LED flashes.

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I use so few features I could be using a 30 year old vi and not know it.

Well, that wasn't a huge investment :-) I'm in..

I understand I've got LOTS to learn. I think I'll start by installing something new that I'm looking at with docker and get comfortable with something my users (family..) are not yet relying on.

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What's going to stop you from taking over?

Sane, rational people don't want to take over anything. We just want to vote for reasonable governments, let said government get on with governing and get on with our lives. We don't want to be bombarded with all this political bullshit everywhere we turn - MAGA stickers and Fuck Biden stickers, you can't open any comment thread on any public social media post without some idiot blaming Biden for the most ridiculous things.

Since the growth of the internet and social media these right wing nazi fucktards have figured out they can weaponise their followers to take over anything at any level and with your attitude to this site that's exactly what I predict will happen there.

It blows my mind that they need to do this with physical phones. I would have thought they could virtualise/emulate everything needed.

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That one hurts. So much time wasted playing fucking solitaire.

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Yeah, it's good news but to put it in perspective - my really rough, and probably wrong, math puts that at 0.03% of the net worth of the 10 richest people combined.

They don't need to target millionaires, it's the billionaires they need to hit.

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And, F-Droid shows apps that were installed from the Play Store.

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I'm curious if this relies on the fact that we're looking at on pixelated screens to work. But not so curious that I'll print it out to check.

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I have the same experience and always assumed it was caused by bowel contents putting pressure on the urethra in/around the prostate. I'd be interested to learn if there's anything more to it than that and if it's a uniquely male experience.. (I assume you're male?)

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That's kinda where I'm at, but I already have kids, and now they're having kids. I worry about them.

I think Kodi was amazing when it was XBMC and the only real option. It seems to be falling behind now though :-( I moved to Jellyfin a couple of years ago.

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I'm so lucky that rarely had to work in an environment with daily stand ups. One time I did and I kinda managed for a few months until one day I just had "an episode" and got up and walked out saying "sorry, I can't do this". I was also very lucky to be working for an employer who supported me through the following weeks of "sick" leave and a role change.

Protecting children would mean knowing which users are children, which would mean knowing the actual legal identity of every user of the platform. It's never going to happen.

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I'm not a good reader - I skim most articles and often miss most of the meaning. I read, and enjoyed, every word of that!

I assume enforcing the no photography rule?

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My son has just signed up to a new retailer where he pays wholesale rates (he understands the risks) and for half an hour yesterday afternoon they were paying him 13ยข/kWh to take it!

That used to be my approach, but since I got symmetric 1Gb/s fibre I've found that if I leave it uncapped anything I download completes in a few minutes and I don't download anything popular so I don't have to worry about uploading too much.

I'm kinda ashamed to admit I didn't know Togo existed. Thank you for promoting me to virtually cruise around west Africa a bit and very slightly improve my geography knowledge.

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I'm the same. When I was recently buying some new wool socks the seller said something like "these are great - you can wear them for days without washing" and I thought that was gross - but he was right. I leave them loosely sitting on top of my boots to air overnight and they are ready for another day.

I used to think that there was hope for humanity. Now, in my late 50s, I'm realising we're fucked.

We've always been fucked by the mega rich that own and control everything but, with more and more people trying to survive here every day, things are getting exponentially worse.

There is no indication at all that any of these rich fucks have any appreciation of the fact that we can't grow indefinitely and we seem doomed to hit peak population (around the year 2100?) in Mad Max, rather than Star Trek, style.

I'm glad I won't be here to see it, but sad that my grandchildren probably will.

USB-PD can be used for more than just charging. If you're running something (a headphone amp for example) from one port of a multi-port brick, you don't want it to stop momentarily every time you plug or unplug one of the other ports.

That's exactly how I feel about it. Except (as noted in my post..) the software availability issue. More and more stuff I want is "docker first" and I really have to go out of my way to install and maintain non docker versions. Case in point - I'm trying to evaluate Immich so I can move off Google photos. It looks really nice, but it seems to be effectively "docker only."

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It's a 3 way tie between Back in Black, Led Zeppelin II and Wish You Were Here.

Well I learned something today - I always thought PNG was lossey.

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Or, the adrenaline triggers me to tell my boss I can't do this any more, get up and walk out of a client meeting and not answer any calls from work for a few days.

I find Python difficult - no idea why, it just doesn't feel right. I've tried a few times but never been able to do anything useful with it - that's why it's not in my list above. It does seem though that my proposed project, and development "style", is best suited to Python. Maybe it's time to try again.

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It's a bit hard to follow what you're asking, but it seems like the answer is in your question - if you're taking the A610 stay in the left lane, as marked. If you're exiting after the A610 use the right lane. What am I missing?

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Why not? Because I've never heard of it until this thread - lots of people mentioning it so obviously I'll look into it.

It should be obvious from the context here, but you don't just need geographic separation, you need "everything" separation. If you have all your data in the cloud, and you want disaster recovery capability, then you need at least two independent cloud providers.

I wish I could make my wife understand this :-(

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I've been using vim since it was just vi and I can't even begin to think about using it on a virtual keyboard!

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I'm in the process of replacing all my mp3 (including a lot of V0 and 320) with FLAC. I know that most of the time I can't tell the difference, but I did some testing and in some scenarios with some music I could tell. And, at the size of music files, disk is cheap.

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But there's no future profit for Sonos in them providing the ability for us to play music we already own from our own library.

Currently no virtualisation at all - just my OS on bare metal with some apps installed. Remember, this is a single machine sitting in my basement running Samba and a couple of other things - there's not much to orchestrate :-)

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Wow, that brings back memories. Slackware 3.x was my into to Linux in the '90s.

Y'know, I don't think that's enough to make any significant change. It takes more than money - it takes generations. Nothing will change until things get so bad that the comfortable (I assume they're comfortable if they're not engaged) majority get involved at all levels. I'm not pessimistic..