6 Post – 595 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

woah holy shit a bio?

The truth is the winners have already won, and no one else ever will. They do not intend to make the American Dream obtainable for anyone but Those Approved.

It's a big club. You aren't in it. I'm not in it. everyone you or I know isn't in it. You know when your in it, because you benefit from this. If you will likely lose benefits, like all of us will, you aren't in the club.

How do you fight those in power uninterested in giving up that power?

You take it from them.

Or maybe we shouldn't have anyone debating a Facist anti-intellectual. Because you can't.

It's like arguing with a toddler. You can't, because even when you are right you are wrong

And then there's me. Who has been with one woman, who was actually appalled by the whole attachment thing, but controlled so much of my life that I became permanently awkward, uncomfortable AND stuck with super low self esteem.

I don't know if I suck at sex, or just suck in general. If I survive this divorce I'll take that win right now.

Sounds like this will inevitably happen anyway. It's not like they are bussing homeless people to Colorado are they?

No actually, I am asking are they doing that, because I can see them doing that.


What oligarchy? What fascism? No see only the winners win because they already won, you all lost that's fair and square.

If anyone wants to understand the pain of fissile uranium production, play factorio. Gives you a little tiny fraction of what it's like to produce enough fuel for a powerplant. You need a lot more for a bomb.

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That's a lot of racists

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that's why

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I think it's a good reminder that one of Hitler's closest "friends" and instrumental in the rise to power of the nazi party, was executed in the night of the Long knives. Ernst Rohm was publicly known to be gay. Due to this close relationship with Hitler, they determined it would weaken Hitler's image.

Copeland certainly won't be the last GOP casualty due to their bigoted policies.

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Because it's a bullshit narrative. Cost of living keeps going up. But inflation doesn't count rent, groceries, or gas.

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It is. There's evidence of its use in the Old Babylonian period, evidence in 1800 B.C.E Egypt, India in 700-500 BCE, China during the Han Dynesty at least.

It's very simple to prove, and anywhere you find squares or triangles in architecture, it was used.

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Banned "from" MAGA?

Ok. So MAGA is a political party now. Great. Good job America.

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It's almost like Nazis were naturally unkind people.

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"Watch the voters"

We already have poll watchers, is he really trying to go full 1933 nazi and have his zealots "monitor" voters?


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May he rise as a martyr the Russian people so desperately need.

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Its unclear how Ukraine managed to target and shoot down the planes.

Well, when you're defending your home, you tend to test the limits of systems. I would wager some of those classified maximum ranges and flight speeds are classified for such a reason.


This all reeks of marketing now.

I got legit angry at it, but it makes sense, there is a very slight but noticeable delay in almost all bluetooth audio. Sony certainly wouldn't want to taint their brand by something that small

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This is a good reminder that pets do not make good gifts.

If the pet and the master both consent to it, however, I don't see a problem gifting a pet to a good master.

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You just used addicted and choose it in the same sentence.

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That's a huge problem.

That's up to 68 affected jets. The engines are maybe $7m a pop. $467m of jet engines that need to be replaced. There are 1276 737-Max and 2939 A320neo jets produced.

Until they find the planes these were installed on, those planes are at risk of failure

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Very end of the article explains you need access to the TPM communication hardware, which no longer occurs external to Intel and And cpus

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Alright, let me clear something up.

This is literally rocket science. The process to put humans into space is literally done this way, for this exact reason. They had two key primary objectives for this launch:

  1. Successful ignition and control of 33 raptor engines in first stage.
  2. Successful hot separation into second stage.

The first stage separated entirely and gained plenty of distance before it did explode.

The second stage flew for several minutes before the automated emergency flight termination kicked in and destroyed it.

All of the data that they were recording will pinpoint the failures in the return of the first stage, and the destruction in the second stage. They would not have that data if they did not do this test and nothing went wrong.

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I hate concept cars.

"We could make it look like this, but we really only will make it look like a Civic."

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So... Pay it?

Maybe I'm dumb, but this is starting to seem like these Tech CEOs are dumber than we thought.

Why not just make 4000 accounts and have distributed scraping? What are they going to do next? "Unverified Twitter accounts can only be accessed 10 times?"

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"I'm not fascist" says man who declared calling him fascist illegal

With NIH and FDA oversight and HIPPA compliance right?


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how 'bout no

and we give them more weapons to stop this nonsense

Ok, this has me hyped because it also implies further iterations.

At not wildly inflating costs. I love my deck, so I can't wait to see the next iteration :).

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I know it's not the best, but Proton has come a long, long way. I can play D4, Monster Hunter, factorio, lots of stuff.

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Man my birth control seems way safer and way more effective. It's called: "Obesity, Trichotillomania, and absolutely fuck all confidence."

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"The data is not affected." You know, that's an interesting thing to point out. The attackers clearly want to restrict access to information, possibly specific information, possibly information in general.

However, whoever is in charge of this DDoS is clearly fulfilling a directive of "prevent access to it." And they clearly don't realize that a DDoS is temporary. Do they have a plan for when it's back up? They can't just DDoS forever, unless they plan on DDoSing the entire internet. And I don't see them having the resources literally the rest of the world has.

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They not even hiding it now. They control the court, so they control the law.

This is one issue where I get angry with the democrats. They could have stacked the courts a long ass time ago and prevented shit like this.

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As a blond haired, blue eyed, white German ancestry raised protestant male. I can confidently say: fuck these empathyless inhuman jackasses.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!

-Mario Savio, In a speech during a protest with his university at the time, but the words always seem appropriate to these situations.

In this case I attach free to "free to live without fear that losing your job means losing your life."

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Wait. Hold on a fucking minute.

I cant even have a security review to have clearance before I get a job that requires it (and then what happens if you don't?) but these people aren't even reviewed?

Fuck, you want to talk about compromised information, that's a fuckload of security risks

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Da Rulez is surprisingly thorough. Except when it's not.

The amount of jobs I've gotten through LinkedIn: 0.

The number of people I have found from highschool/college/random person on the street who I can't find in Facebook: waaaaaay too many. If it didn't tell you who was looking for you, linkedin would be far creepier of a stalking tool. I mean, shit I've found people I've only seen a picture of. Now I know where they work, where they used to work, and went to school. By extension I now also know where they likely used to live and at least the general area that they live now (provided they don't work remote that is).

The more I think about LinkedIn, the more I want to remove my profile.

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I have an idea. Destroying it probably just gets written off from insurance.

Wash the boat with undiluted pine sol.

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