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Joined 9 months ago

It's enough to wipe out most people's student loans, and buy a reliable vehicle, then put a down payment on a house. That's life changing.

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Threw rocks at stuff.

Trains, signs, each other,

Peed off of tall stuff.

Ride bikes.

Try to build ramps for the bikes.

Crash the bikes.

Ask your mom for a popsicle cause you have a fat lip now from hitting your face on your bikes handlebars.

Generally dumb things.

Freak out cause the kid s few doors down got his hands on some dry ice.

But the dry ice in bottles.

Run away when that nosy old lady calls the police cause people are "making bombs"

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What kind of dragon are they?

Are they a chromatic dragon like Bezos or Musk?

Are they a metallic dragon like Swift?

Either way they still smash smallfolk, it's a question of if it's purposeful or not.

That'll work out well for them. Fascists are famously tolerant of people who are slightly different.

"the serial output from my test unit turns into garbage and it happens at completely random times!"

"Did you make sure they were plugged in all the way?"


Some time later

"Yeah, it turned out to be the serial connection was loose."

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"Where does this green wire go?"

I appreciate HW engineers and techs. I'm not afraid of datasheets, circuit diagrams, or a mso and they're always patient enough to explain things to me so I can make the rocks behave. Or at least tell me how to go from diagram to board lol.

"It's not an ethnostate! Also, you're racist if you criticize our ethnostate!"

Google is not an endpoint if you wanna be a money-laden tech bro. To get real cash you gotta create a startup and grift some money out of VCs. To do that, it helps if you "innovated something totally new" at someplace with name recognition like Google.

Everything except search and ads are simply practice grifts before the real grift. You cannot rely on any Google product to last for any length of time, even properties Google purchases will lose reliability as they fall into disrepair and neglect, see Nest.

I used to love Google everything, I was on the wave beta. I was one of the first with a cr-48. It is sad for those of us that want to contribute to something big, cool, and impactful, watch for fuschia to implode next, I think it already started when they "had" to layoff "over hires."

One or two person teams don't put a man on the moon. It takes a lot of really smart people working on very small specific things together to make world changing stuff happen, the culture of Big Tech is not conducive to "real" work anymore. It's big grifts run by little grifters.

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"You hear about 'billionaires should be outlawed' — that really isn't the issue," Elson previously told BI regarding Gen Zers' concerns. "The issue is the bottom. What is the appropriate bottom living standard for an American citizen, and what role should the government have in ensuring that people don't fall below that?"

Yes, this sad situation over here has absolutely nothing to do with sociopathic pursuit of a high score in our totally unflawed economic system.

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This doesn't read as flirting to me.

You're being too subtle, try to be more obvious about your interest.

Alas, I cannot grow hair on the top of my head, so I must grow it on the bottom.

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Is Missouri the new Florida?

This is a sad story, but as a former Missourian it's not super surprising.

There's anger and distrust that's festering there. A societal anger, not a personal one. It's a personification and personalization of national politics.

I can't describe the relief it is to not live in that environment anymore.

I am incredibly lucky.

Modern nuclear technology is much safer than older stuff, additionally when the older plants are well maintained they are much safer than they're made out to be.

This is one of those cases where pop culture doesn't match reality and as a result people who are half informed do more damage to their cause by rejecting the good in pursuit of the great.

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Gotta be able to boot Nazis. Otherwise it'll be Nazi bar.

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Who could have predicted bootloader drm wouldn't go well?

"if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room"

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It's a reminder to those who display the fake ones proudly that they lost. It's not mocking the surrender itself, it's mocking the idea of "lost cause" romanticism or the idea that flying that flag is anything other than celebrating loser traitors.

Also me waiting for the junior dev to address review comments satisfactorily.

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I'm from there, here's a cool fact that you Non-Free people won't get: "lead tastes kinda sweet" so jokes on you, our water is better tasting than yours.

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They like to say that but ask them how to pronounce herb or tortilla.

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For something I can easily wear for a decade this seems like it might be less impactful than other alternatives.

Weren't corn flakes invented to suppress the urge to masturbate with their blandness or something?

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We haven't had an actual budget that wasn't a continuing resolution since what? The 90s? I don't think any of them are even actually capable of governance anymore.

Since we're already destroying institutions we might as well have some fun with it. I don't think there's any reason he couldn't be a supreme court justice.

Expand the Supreme Court and add Kanye, King Charles, and Elmo. At least that shit will be entertaining.

"But Elmo wants to know why policemen don't have an obligation to intervene to protect the public."

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It's a surprisingly good comparison especially when you look at the reactions: frame breaking vs data poisoning.

The problem isn't progress, the problem is that some of us disagree with the Idea that what's being touted is actual progress. The things llms are actually good at they've being doing for years (language translations) the rest of it is so inexact it can't be trusted.

I can't trust any llm generated code because it lies about what it's doing, so I need to verify everything it generates anyway in which case it's easier to write it myself. I keep trying it and it looks impressive until it ends up at a way worse version of something I could have already written.

I assume that it's the same way with everything I'm not an expert in. In which case it's worse than useless to me, I can't trust anything it says.

The only thing I can use it for is to tell me things I already know and that basically makes it a toy or a game.

That's not even getting into the security implications of giving shitty software access to all your sensitive data etc.

Last time somebody did this to me there were a lot of sit downs about how to properly chop up large scale code changes and why we don't sit on our own branch for two months.

"How long will this take to get in?"

"Well, two weeks for me to initially review it, a week for you to address all the changes, then another week or so for me to re-review it... Then of course we have to merge in all the changes that have been happening in primary..."

Given the history of outside influences on Haiti, I'm not sure how much of this story I buy.

Could be "violent gangs" torching "civil society" for "their own benefit".

Could be "revolutionaries" torching "an oppressive oligarchy" for "the benefit of working people".

Both of them would be reported the same way in US, or European newspapers.

I'm just skeptical when I see "violent gangs" taking over public infrastructure and when one of the "first casualties" of a "bloody uprising" is the Prime Minister who is not in fact dead, just forced to resign and flee the country.

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The "normal" government machine is broken. Attempting to rely on long established norms as guardrails is not something that will turn out well. "The tables could be turned" is not an argument that applies to the current state of US politics.

The Republican party literally told the Obama white house that they wouldn't even hold a hearing for his supreme Court nominee (Garland March of 2016) "because the American people needed to weigh in since it was an election year." Which many people properly identified as complete and utter bullshit.

Then Republicans went from a nomination on September 29th, 2020, to a confirmation on October 26th, 2020, of Amy Coney Barret, who I'm sure is eminently qualified for the position.

Less than a month.

The Supreme Court is effectively meaningless as an institution attempting to maintain a facade of impartiality.

The "system" as it once existed is gone now. Republicans have been waging a war on public institutions for decades and they've won. It's over.

Attempting to continue to play by the old rules doesn't do anything but multiply the effectiveness of the grift.

Welcome to late stage capitalism where the game's made up and the points don't matter.

Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.

I've tried to use "AI" to help me with minor programming tasks, or to start basic projects, it's really bad. As in, it takes me more effort to fix the garbage it outputs than it would have to write it from scratch. In addition to that, it writes things badly in non-obvious ways. Junior engineers make similar mistakes to each other, because they're working logically. "AI" makes weird mistakes because it's not working in the same way a human mind does.

The short answer is "practice"

The longer answer is, do it a lot. Listen in code reviews. When you investigate bugs, do actual root cause analysis, understand the problem, and understand how it got missed. Don't stop learning, study your languages, study design patterns, be intentional in what you learn.

I had good mentors that were hard on me in reviews. Developing a thick skin and separating criticism of you from criticism of your code will help a lot in terms of learning in reviews.

Source: 10 years in the field. (Senior SW Eng. Focused on embedded systems and VnV)

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They're getting worse too. Retroactively blocking third party toner cartridges.

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Fascism is a tool of the power hungry and vain that makes the unremarkable and mediocre feel special enough to hate their slightly different neighbors and embolden the worst aspects of humanity.

It's wielded by non-believers cynically who either foolishly believe they can avoid the inevitable blood soaked ending or they don't care. Either way, it doesn't end well for anyone involved.

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"I know that I did things, I promise, but I can't remember what any of them are"

The chef states are (from North to South) Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Those states, amongst others, grow a lot of food, Corn, wheat, rice, pork, beef, and soy, come immediately to mind. They're certainly not the only ones, but they do a lot.

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"moderate candidate"

They got legal weed in WV now or is that just the standard chemical cocktail that results from rabid deregulation of what companies dump into the water there?

The world will be a better place when this dickweed stops stealing oxygen from good people.

Idk, my parents and teachers were 100% sure it was laziness for years, they didn't seem confused about it at all. It wasn't until I was diagnosed as an adult in college that there was any confusion.

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If I were to try to explain it to my 9 year old in the shortest way possible:

"It's the exact same thing as an air conditioner but you play an uno reverse card on it."

Dollars to donuts their infotainment system shares a CAN bus with nodes that affect control systems. If they can't handle the easy stuff, what the hell else are they fucking up?

It's not about the infotainment system, it's about the culture that leads to this problem.

This company will not end because of this issue. Boeing is still kicking and you can actually count the number of people they've killed with shitty software/system integration process.

I've spent my career working in embedded systems and embedded test and verification. This issue is not the first or only issue to get by. Maybe they take this like the red hot poker it is and fix their problems, maybe not. I'm not gonna gamble on their products though.

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If you could get the car with all the bells and whistles present but disabled and it was a loss leader for the company, I would argue that it's a very ethical and socially valuable thing to do (buy the car and bypass the drm I mean). Not only do the dummies get hit where it hurts, you get some bonuses and incentivize other people to punish the dummies.

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