Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations' to politics – 412 points –
Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations'

This leaky headed geriatric piece of shit can go fuck himself

Obama was mediocre but refreshing because he was actually present in many ways

I don't know if I would consider him mediocre. His policies may not have been the greatest. However the nation's esteem while he was in office was unparalleled. There are always blind spots, but he was well spoken and inspiring. No President or most of Congress has even come close in the past 30 years.

Obama was basically the best brand and spokesperson for the Democrat neoliberal ideology but ultimately he was an actor of the US as a global hegemon.

As a non American I thought he was better than most you've had since, maybe Carter

Yeah, Obama was really popular on the international stage. But domestically, he was milquetoast at best. Still better than Biden by miles, but he was 100% a centrist who ran as a liberal. Hell, on the international stage, he was considered conservative. Because the USA’s political spectrum had always leaned pretty far right, so a moderate conservative seems liberal by comparison.

The issue is that the republicans adopted a party policy of “we don’t care what it is. If Obama wants it, we’ll oppose it.” Not because they were against whatever Obama’s policy was, but because they had spent so long vilifying him to their voter base. It was suddenly political suicide for a Republican to agree with Obama. After all, they had been telling their voters that Obama was a Muslim, a terrorist, a satanist, a communist, a socialist, unamerican, coming for your guns, and any other insults they could think up.

So when Obama won the election, they suddenly had to vehemently oppose a man who was… Slightly right of center? This meant the pendulum had to swing way past the moderate right and landed squarely in fascist territory.

If Obama had actually been any of the things they accused him of, they probably would’ve been more moderate when opposing him. But since he was a centrist, they suddenly had to pander to the racists, the misogynists, the xenophobes. Those groups had always been conservative… But Obama was the first time in a long time that conservatives started saying the quiet part out loud, and pandering directly to those groups.

To summarize:

Obama pushed back race relations 40 or 50 years... because Republicans couldn't handle him doing well.

Captures Obama really well, I think he is the best the Democrats can offer in the current political era, the ideal person to carry the brand of the center-right neoliberal ideology of the party. I posted Adolph Reed Jr's take on him from 1996 in the comments which basically echoes this sentiment as well.

One thing that captures this is that America on the world stage basically is what it is, even someone like Obama, who was known to frequent pro-Palestinian talks and events, had to be pro-Israel in his role.

Never ceases to amaze me how US politics is so full of incoherently babbling clowns.

My favorite thing about Rudy are his sexts with the assistant he was banging. They sound like someone who doesn't really know how to talk dirty but the partner really wants it.

"Those tits... those are MY tits. You like my tits? That's right, I own those tits. They're mine. Those are my tits."

"Things were fine before minorities started being able to express themselves without pushback." - old white guys

Exactly. When people say Obama hurt race relations it's because those white people hated seeing black people succeeding where only whites could, triggering them into hating them more.

What he meant to say was that Republicans would have continued to pretend to not be racist and stuck to their wink wink dog whistles, but electing a black man president drove them so insane that they regressed 50 years and returned to being openly racist.

drove them so insane

This Onion story/video from right after Obama's 2016 2012 win is very relevant and oddly prescient:

Holy crap. They really predicted it perfectly. Trump is a ball of rage that demands being worshipped and supreme power.

If I wrote this back in 2012, you can guarantee that I’d still be resting on those laurels. There’s no way this kind of laser-guided prediction can be topped.

I even remember in 2016, most especially right after donnie won the EC, all the gaslighting cons were doing classic DARVO and telling everyone how they "had" to vote for the likes of donnie because they were made to do it because of something, something, Obama. [1]

If they didn't blame it on Obama, they blamed it on Hillary being "shrill" or something. I think Patton Oswalt summed it up pretty well when he talked about donnie being a racist palate cleanser:

[1] Of course Tucker has gone further and said that people like him will be forced to go fascist because something something "woke".

What in the demented word salad hell did I just read?

"You think it's accidental; I know it's Marxist planned and executed over a long period," he claimed. "Open border is not coincidental. The open border comes right out of Karl Marx. It comes right out of [communist activist] Saul Alinsky, who, by the way, Saul Alinsky and his acolytes taught Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton."

This shit? The insane musings of high profile Republicans.

Who the eff are all these marxists, communists, socialists, etc., wielding all this incredible power in the US and how do they stay so hidden? Deep state? But isn't the deep state mostly rich white guys pulling the strings?

The real communism was the capitalism we made on the way...or some shit

I heard someone ranting about Marxist banks at one point. Like, just tell me you don't know what words actually mean am I right?

They're so crafty that even the policy they're passing is pure neoliberal dreck that's to the right of Reagan. Nobody would suspect a thing!

Lead poisoning is a huge part of why the 60+ age bracket is acting so erratically now.

Ah yes, famed communist Obama, whose biggest accomplishment was shoveling huge amounts of cash to the health insurance industry in exchange for tiny concessions on the margins.

And who teamed up with Bush before his term started to give a shitload of money to wall st so the events of 2008 didn't cause a transfer of wealth in the wrong direction. Who sat by as the banks foreclosed on a lot of people's only homes. Or maybe it was communism that made the judges decide that banks had to have proof they owned the mortgage before they could take homes from people?

You know they've digested too many Nazi talking points when they start breaking out Saul Alinsky and start trying to link him to prominent Democratic leaders.

I forgot how obsessed they got about Saul Alinsky. If there were a college major called “Being a Leftist,” his Rules for Radicals would be on the syllabus for the class on pre-internet organizing. But I’m pretty sure Fox News hosts said “Alinsky” more times during the Obama administration than all the DSA members combined.

It’s like if they were discussing Boston Celtics history and just kept mentioning Antoine Walker. (No disrespect to Toine. Or Alinsky.)

Remember when they got pissed at that Reverend guy that Obama may have saw once or twice for saying that 9/11 was "chickens coming home to roost" (by the way, he was 100% correct of course)?

Like, I wish Obama could have (publicly at least) stated that and still had a chance to win...

These cunts really lost their shit when we elected a black guy.

Yeah, because all those tiki torch marches happened under Obama? Hmmm... good people on both sides? Well all the Black Lives Matters protests... no? Not Obama either?

See, if you just hadn't scared those white people by electing a black president, things would've been so much better!

It's basic abuser mentality. "Because a black person has dared to become president, you forced us to be more racist and divisive."

Does he think Obama is still the president?

All the teabaggers will just never get over Obama. All those boomers that loved to whine about Carter and Clinton got so much more butthurt over Obama and seemed to talk about the former a lot less once Obama got into office. Gee, I wonder why. 🤔

2 more...
2 more...

Even from a right/conservative view of things this makes no sense. Obama was a fucking legal scholar. He'd learned CRT in the context of law and brought it to bear not at all in a social context.

1 more...

Maybe it took Guiliani back 40 years. He was at about 1920 before but he seems closer to 1880 now.

Can he fall down an escalator already? Fucksake.

The only time I would wish this cunt another 20 years to live is if he was being sentenced to prison for 20 years.

Preferably the one Trump came down to announce his candidacy in 2015.

He's as much a history buff as a computer security expert

I thought crazy pillow dude was the cybersecurity expert. He hosted those cyber symposiums after all. Clearly he must know something us lowly IT folks don't.

Speaking of which, did he ever pay out that 5 million dollar prize for the guy who proved his election interference data was literally garbage files?

Last I knew, no. But I haven't kept up with the case:

I can't imagine being so utterly convinced you have something that you'd offer a prize you don't intend to pay for proving it false, AND THEN NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO VERIFY IT IS WHAT YOU SAY IT IS. I imagine someone sold him the data under false pretenses, because if Mike knew it was bullshit he might not have offered the prize. If that is the case, I wish that scammer all the best.

My favorite part- the money he owes goes to a Trump voter. Even that guy knew it was bullshit.

There's also a chance he just grabbed some random files himself, declared they proved it, and thought that since he had no idea how to show or disprove that, no one else would be able to. The whole conspiracy mindset really leans into the "there's no way to know for sure" aspects of reality and projects that in many areas where it doesn't apply because general knowledge isn't enough to figure it out.

Though the worst part is they can do this because there's many cases where "experts" have abused the trust that used to be put in the scientific community, such as the ones behind the tobacco industry funded smoking safety studies.

Yeah, because all the creepy weirdos on the right absolutely FREAKED OUT that a "Kenyan usurper" was selected by We, The People to run the country.

Remember how ecstatic all these freaks were when OJ won just the EC? The memes of showing how OJ - King of the Birthers - was eclipsing Obama?

I'm sure none of those feelz from the right had anything to do with racism.

“We would have all stayed under our rocks if YOU hadn’t forced us to freak out by electing a black guy”.

The right-wing reactionary response to Obama's election set race relations back.

It's unfortunately another parallel to the rise of the Nazis in Germany, as they replaced one of the most progressive governments that has ever existed even up to today.

So his racisism is Obama's fault.

Yeah, he claimed whites only hate blacks now because Obama was their only experience with them

Well, how could it be anything else? Obama is so DIVISIVE.

Look, the country just wasn't "ready" yet for a democratically elected, centrist, fiscally conservative, ~brown~, America-first, pro troop, business friendly, candidate. There's just ~something~ about him that was too radical for many people. 🤷

I bet it was that fancy Dijon mustard.

It was that goddammed tan suit. What kind of president could rock one of those? What kind of president has any style or fashion sense? It’s just un-American

My favorite part was how they would make up New Traditions just so they could accuse Obama violating them, when none of these violated Traditions were ever historically a thing. They were legitimately making things up just to be mad about them

"Race relations" is itself a racist notion, the idea that a race is a real ontological entity and that people can be spokespersons on behalf of a race. This usually means meritocratic elitist race representatives dismissing notions of racial justice which threaten economic arrangements that sustain the system that causes racial disparities in the first place. "Race relations" is how you get things like entrepreneurial programs (half of all businesses fail in general) for racialized business owners instead of improved social services.

Why does Rudy think he has an opinion worth listening to on this matter?

Or anything else, really.

Because he was the highly respected mayor of 9/11 New York, and we learnt nothing more about him since, of course.

Hey Rawstory, less reporting on what they say, more reporting on what they did, thanks. was just about ten years ago that they were saying racism was over because we had a Black president. Make up your mind, Rudolph.

Translation: when we elected Obama it upset the racists so badly they had a great big meltdown about it

So elected Obama made fun of Trump. It made him flip and get into the race. That put him in a position to become a president which fucked up the race relations. So yeah, checkmate.

Thanks Obama!

The race relations Rudy is talking about is MAGA related and means segregation returns. We moved away from that. Magats don't like that.

"Trump gets into I think a psychological illness they have about Trump," he said. "Trump derangement syndrome is real — so obsessive."

The only people who suffer from TDS worse than the far left liberals who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name ...are his supporters.

the far left liberals who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name

You mean the people who fear living in a theocratic dictatorship roughly twelve months from now? Yes, god forbid we're a little upset at the idea.

You can't even be on the "far left" and be a liberal simultaneously, "far left liberal" is an oxymoron. Private property is a core aspect of liberalism which is contrary to any ideology that could be considered "far" left. Liberalism is also market economies, with the left being at the very least mixed but "far" left would be centrally planned economy.

If you hate the guy so much that any time his name is mentioned, even if it is something he did right, you have a problem. I don't like him either, and I fear what he might mean for this country if elected again. . .but if his name makes you lose your shit you have a mental problem.

If you hate the guy so much that any time his name is mentioned, even if it is something he did right, you have a problem

This sentence is missing a clause. If you hate the guy... that you _______. What are people supposed to be doing because of this hate???

I love the hypocrisy. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. Also that Obama guy...

And don't forget how obsessed all these creepy weirdos are over the Hunter Biden hard drive....oops, I mean, his "laptop".

Every accusation is a confession. The usual with that crowd.

The right suffers from Trump Delusion Syndrome

Well, his idea of "race relation" is going back to colored people in chains and white people with whips. Getting 40 or 50 years away from that is a good thing.

"The dominance of neoliberalism frames inequality as deriving from personal responsibility or the lack thereof and replaces structural analysis with a focus on “race relations.”" - Barbara Fields

The Jacobin lol

Always worth a read just for the chuckle.

Not the type to read an interview with leading scholars on this subject I take it.

A historian is not a leading scholar on economics. That's a Jacobin-level tale from ya there

A historian, with a Ph.D from Yale, Professor at Columbia University, first African American woman to earn tenure there, a multiple award winning author including the MacArthur's Fellows Program, who spent her professional career studying the concepts of race and racism in America.

But sure, throw out her point because a website you don't like talked about it.

Not only that but race and racism in America as a uniquely economic relation. One of her central thesis is that this notion of race developed out of economic relations and not the other way around as it is often presented, or in her words, "as though the point of slavery was to produce white supremacy instead of cotton." She argues that race is not a real biological category and against essentialist notions of race that suggest they are ontologically "real," and that race is invoked to explain and justify economic inequalities. She often invokes the absurdities within so-called "biracial" or "mixed" racial categories to highlight the lack of explanatory power race offers as a point of analysis.

None of this has anything to do with economics lol

First off, Neolibralism is broader in scope than just economics, reducing it to such shows a profound lack of knowledge on the subject.

Secondly, even if your limited definition was sufficient, the study of how economic systems affects racism and societal structures is a common topic amongst scholars in her field. Racism and racial divides directly impacted the social structures of the United States, economic systems also directly affect social structures, so (intentionally or otherwise) economic systems will have an effect on the divisions along racial lines.

Feel free to make continue glib assumptions that a respected scholar discussing a topic she spent her life researching must have missed your brilliant point that "economics is a different word than race", but the reality is that you are dismissing a well researched point out of ignorance on both the topic at hand, and the argument being made. But do us all a favor, the next time you don't know what you are talking about, read up or shut up.

Oh I will definitely continue to mock the Jacobin blaming every I'll in the world on "neoliberalism" because The Jacobin is not deserving of respect and "neoliberalism" loses all meaning when they say it.

But do us all a favor, the next time you don’t know what you are talking about, read up or shut up.

I know more than you and everyone who now or ever has or will ever work at the Jacobin

I know more than you and everyone who now or ever has or will ever work at the Jacobin

"The Jacobin" sounds like how an old person says "the pokeymans." ITS PRONOUNCED JACOBIN MOM!

You're not wrong, and that's very funny

historian is not a leading scholar on economics

Their major area of study and impact as scholars is contextualizing the institution of slavery as a primarily economic relation. You're being confidently incorrect.

Jacobin is a leading left publication, if you're a right wing or liberal you probably don't agree with it's editorial stance, but dismissing leading scholars on a topic because of this is pure anti-intellectualism. Here's one of her essays Ideology and Race in American History that a prof seems to have hosted on their university site which contains some of her main ideas, you can lead a horse to water after all...

Jacobin is a rag, regardless of its leanings. It is poor quality reporting, writing, and commentary.

That it happens to be leftist is not part of why it sucks.

Yes you have made your opinion known, I would just say don't read it if it makes you uncomfortable. This is what happens when you get between an American and his anti-intellectualism I guess. For someone who is so self-aggrandizing about their superior intelligence it's surprising you don't know who someone as renown as Barbara Fields is. Your other pedestrian remarks make it obvious you don't know about the ideas being discussed here either.

It doesn't make me uncomfortable though. My OP says, straight out, that I read it for the laugh.

Same reason I read shit from Heritage Foundation.


Have you ever seen the old Nicktoons show Doug?

Only thing I'm hearing is that I need to share way more Jacobin links on lemmy now, but I'll block you so you can't see them, best of both worlds. Move over New Left Review it's Bhaskar's time to shine.

Wait wait - stay with me - he's right. Because electing Obama caused people like him to be more overtly racist.

"We wouldn't have any racism if blacks just stayed in their place!" /S

i think Rudi is owned by a bunch of Russians, and he speaks for them and for other losers like them

I wonder why Republicans think that Democrats and Leftists have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" but no other Republican president ever received that degree of ire.

TDS wasn't real

While the symptom of a leftist freaking out whenever Trump does something was true, it's not fair to call this irrational when what Trump was doing was legitimately terrible. It would be like telling the Jews that they had Hitler derangement syndrome.

I agree. My question was rhetorical. Of course right wing grifters are trying to normalize Trump's fascist tendencies.

Well.. the conservatives used be "Staunch Democrats.." until the Nixon thing... I think every American knows that racism, and racists, severely flared-up when they felt like they had a kindred representative in Trump.

Are they paying this freak for this one on one?

I actually agree with him to an extent, I can agree with his thesis statement but not his conclusion.

See he believes that black men are inherently inferior and Obama proved this by being a terrible leader and an alleged racebaiter.

I believe that Obama was a pretty average leader all things considered, but his election did indeed bring race relations back a few decades.

See all the bigots were quier because they knew everyone was equal on paper, but there was a silent "off the record" agreement that the "lesser races" wouldn't venture too far out of their reign...

A nonwhite entering the highest office in the allegedly free world, and one with a blatantly nonwhite sounding name was a "violation of the silent agreement" and thus the bigots no longer "kept their end of the bargain" and in doing so indulged in their prejudices.

I contest that Obama had nothing to do with exacerbating or improving race relations. The racists were most vocal during Trump's administration. Flat out. A quiet bigot doesn't mean that bigotry doesn't exist.

Adolph Reed Jr has probably the best response to Obama from the left, a black political scientist himself who was still alive when Jim Crow laws were in effect in New Orleans and lived through the aftermath and written countless books on things like race relations and black politics. This was published in 1996:

“In Chicago, for instance, we’ve gotten a foretaste of the new breed of foundation-hatched black communitarian voices; one of them, a smooth Harvard lawyer with impeccable do-good credentials and vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal politics, has won a state senate seat on a base mainly in the liberal foundation and development worlds. His fundamentally bootstrap line was softened by a patina of the rhetoric of authentic community, talk about meeting in kitchens, small-scale solutions to social problems, and the predictable elevation of process over program — the point where identity politics converges with old-fashioned middle-class reform in favoring form over substance. I suspect that his ilk is the wave of the future in U.S. black politics, as in Haiti and wherever else the International Monetary Fund has sway. So far the black activist response hasn’t been up to the challenge. We have to do better.”

So, Obama was too presidential? He held the general appeal to be elected, so he wasn't “my” type of activist? Instead of agitating for better race relations, he simply exercised to office of President, as an inspirational leader regardless of skin color, and set an example for all to follow? The horror

Would you say we are in an improved state today vs Obama's time? America is in a degrading state right now and Obama was hugely influential in this system. Trump basically created his political brand in a similar fashion to Obama's.

If you seriously think Obama was good explain how things are better now. You do realize about 13% of Obama voters supported Trump? Arguably Trump won because of former Obama supporters.

True, I agree that President Obama hasn’t done anything for the country lately. The guy is really slacking off. Thanks, Obama

He said on Pod Save America the other week that we have collective blame for what's going on in Gaza. Do you have blame for that? I think of you more highly than he does apparently.

And what did he do, approved drones to kill kids at weddings and other civilian bombings and atrocities in Afghanistan, knowing full well how terrible it was going but not wanting to take the L? Come on you don't need to stoop to the level of pretending this was a good person. He was a great brand and orator with mass public appeal that sold neoliberal capitalism as something new and different, the same economic arrangement that caused the situation you're currently in was something he proudly promoted, and it led to fascism, just like what we were all saying at the time from the black left.