
2 Post – 1822 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I never thought I'd see the day when a respectable blue chip company like Boeing is publicly outed as ordering an assassination. They fucked up royally. The timing of it all is too eyebrow raising not to be noticed by the entirety of the airplane-using world. Top down criminal investigation. Now.

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Remember when Trump raped a 13 year old girl and then settled out of court, then a few years later he said that people who settle out of court are obviously guilty?

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Sure, Biden kinda sucks, but THE ALTERNATIVE IS ACTUAL FASCISM.

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Scott objectifies Ramona, and through a series of physical fights with her exes, learns that he was fighting for a person that only existed as an idealized version of a perfect relationship. He subconsciously devalues Ramona, Knives, and himself throughout the entire film and only at the end does he realize that Ramona is a real person who should be treated like a real person and not a trophy.

Most people just like it because of the stylistic graphic novel aesthetic that they NAILED.

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Because as we know, the only way for companies owned by the richest person on Earth to do business is if they get hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money first.

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Pretty much.

Anyone with half a brain cell knows that he is a pathological liar. And even worse than being a pathological liar, he's a pathological "truth bender". At no point is he lying, and at no point is he ever telling the truth. This gives him a method to worm his way out of any verbal snafu he found himself in. He learned it by emulating his sociopathic father, and he taught his children the same trick.

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The day before his testimony. He was 100% assassinated. Too bad Boeing is such a major company. This would have FBI agents crawling all over it if it wasn't a company that can afford to buy every politician in DC.

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Can YOU, a regular citizen, openly declare your desire to commit genocide and still retain YOUR job?

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This is purely my anecdotal experience, but Tesla drivers appear to be some of the worst drivers on the road. There are stereotypes of drivers. BMW's never signal their turns, Jeeps think they can drive basically however they want including on shoulders, and Tesla drivers are oblivious to any kind of spatial understanding of the road around them.

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So wear a fucking bikini. You'll be the one looking like an idiot, not Fetterman.

That's a really nice way of threatening to take away the livelihood and health insurance of people doing work for you.

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That's a funny way to say you hate black people, Rudy.

And here I am just pissed that Duolingo keeps overhauling their whole program. Like, in less than 2 years time, they've had 3 different versions of the website and of course it wipes out all of your progress and approximates where you may be in their new system. Except the latest. The latest update just wipes all your shit out and says "good luck fuckface!" I've become less and less a fan of Duo over the last 4 years and yeah, not gonna do the AI thing with it anymore. Sari can go on vacation with my one-eyed dog named Max and eat cheese sandwiches for all I care.

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Real people will die if he becomes POTUS again and yet America minces words about what kind of ideology he represents. He better hope the mob doesn't ever get their hands on him.

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How about, and run with me on this, Mozilla stops trying to be Microsoft and Google and instead just provides the cleanest, most barebones-yet-privacy-oriented browser? Will they ever have market dominance? No, and they never will even with AI tools. Fuck AI and what it's doing to the planet and fuck all of the capitalists enshittifying The Last Browser.

We need a new Foundation willing to develop a fork.

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Sex work should not be a crime.

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Piracy is a service issue. Give people the option to stream all of their media with an option to download for the nerds, and sell it at a reasonable price, you will hurt piracy. Splintering all media up into a thousand streaming services and implementing black box licensing agreements is what pushes people to piracy.

Remember when he asked the supermodel what the "first five digits of the Pythagorean Theorem" were because haha stupid women? Then he got super owned because he meant to say Pi? What a complete wanker.

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Hot take: .world and others banning/blocking /c/ is better for the fediverse and for piracy. It means less eyes on piracy discussions and incentivizes users to spread out to other instances instead of just all using .world.

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Who are they advertising to? Emaciated cross dressing men with bad haircuts?

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The joke is that any criticism of Israel is labelled anti-semitic by the propagandists.

Why are Republicans calling people that directly attacked and killed people in the hallowed halls of the Capital building "the good guys"?

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In other news: company with long history of selling over-priced, under featured products to aspirational nitwits does it again!

If the software is free, but not open source, it's harvesting your data. How else do you think these companies stay in business?

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Lol invade Ukraine after promising not to. Getting entire generations of sperm makers killed in illegal war. Force female prisoners to be baby factories. Ladies and gentlemen: the bad guys.

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Publicly available information from the FAA. Simple as.

Why is a bread and soup restaurant selling energy drinks so caffeinated it will kill you if you drink it?

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Is this different to how people would edit Britney Spears' face onto porn stars in the 90s?

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Right now. Somewhere on Earth. Someone. Is currently purchasing Diablo 4.

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Did it take off? How many people are rushing out right now to buy a gaming laptop so they can have the best wifi?

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Not that any death is worth more or less than another, but it is surreal to know that the people killed at the music festival were privileged young people completely removed from the conflict, and most of the people killed in Gaza are poverty stricken children and starving adults.

War is ugly and unfair.

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"Ahh, it's been a week, no one remembers that ol Elon Musk agreeing with Nazi rhetoric thingy. Let's spool those ads up again. We're definitely seeing a return on our marketing budget by advertising on the platform known for being mostly bots!"

Yall know there's free porn on the internet right?

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Imagine not knowing how to cook or do anything for yourself so you need a captive woman to do it all for you and not resent you at all.

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Quad9 is operated by the Quad9 Foundation, a Swiss public-benefit, not-for-profit foundation with the purpose of improving the privacy and cybersecurity of Internet users, headquartered in Zurich. It is the only global public resolver which is operated not-for-profit, in the public benefit.

I think that any country that has nukes should not be asking for handouts.

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Ahhh there it is. The PM of Israel just said he plans to violate the treaties and annex Gaza and the West Bank. By ejecting these people from their homeland or just wholesale killing them, that's fucking genocide. It really never was about Hamas. And Hamas still exists.

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“I don’t agree with the idea of just singling out people because of how much they have or don’t have,”

That's literally how income tax works, you ignorant slut.

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Having a copy of the data publicly available through Anna’s Archive is a direct threat to its business.

How would it hurt WorldCat's business given that the service they offer is free? If the information, that being the location of books and articles in specific libraries around the USA, was freely available on another site, what value has been lost?

Yeah, generally that's how you feel after being poisoned.