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Joined 1 years ago

try using the console to set the speed to like 0.5 or even slower. When things speed up, the game physics goes nuts; slowing them down stabilizes them again.

They didn't just mess up, it was straight up false advertising. It was even found to be such in court in a few chunks of Europe iirc.

But no, it was very much intentionally deceptive, and that's why people were rightfully pissed off.

They HAVE put a ton of effort into making things right since release, which surprised me - my guess was they were gonna laugh all the way to the bank, dissolve their company and rebrand, and never push a single update for it. They seem to actually want to make the thing they promised, so credit where it's due, but the initial uproar was proportional to their crime.

Oh, good catch. Fixed.

Abiotic Factor

Hadn't heard of that one... it's like a survival builder set in Half Life 1 lol. Wishlisted!

The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt $39.99 $3.99 (90% off)

If you've somehow managed to avoid Witcher until now, it's a dark medieval fantasy, 3rd person, open world RPG based on Norse Slavic mythology. Lots of political intrigue, choices that actually impact outcomes in game. Fantastic voice acting, story, soundtrack, and combat/gameplay mechanics. This is one of the best games on the market - if you don't already have it, now's the time! There are also two DLCs that are each the size and scope of an entire standalone game - don't miss those!

Also available DRM free on GOG for the same price.

(shoutout to for GOG intel)

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Subnautica $29.99 $9.89 (67% off)

Sci-fi survival builder: you're on a massive spacecraft that ends up crash landing on an ocean planet; your goal is to figure out wtf happened and find a way off the planet. This game is 80% feel-good tropical diving simulator; and 20% thalasaphobic deepsea horror. This has become one of my go-to "idk what to play" games that I keep returning to for a nice digital tropical vacation... with a dash of fleeing in terror from, uh... spoilers. No really though, if you don't already know this game's story, DO NOT start looking up videos and posts etc about it - just buy it and dive in.

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Satisfactory $29.99 $14.99 (50% off)

Sci-fi, you're dropped down to a lush alien planet to do what humans do best: strip all of its natural resources! Combat is limited, but boils down to fighting off wild animals - the main gist of the game is building and optimizing things like miners/conveyor belts/smeltors/assemblers/etc to automate the pillaging of the environment with increasing efficiency... which admittedly sounds more like work than play, but this title caught me a bit off guard with how fun and - true to its name - satisfying it is play.

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Valheim $19.99 $9.99 (50% off)

You're a viking that died and you find yourself in a purgatory called "Valheim" to prove you're worthy of Valhalla. Another survival builder - with a somehow charming combination of really bad graphics paired with really good lighting. The combat is kinda clunky, but the other elements of this game make up for it. Well worth $10!! Don't forget to turn your music on before summoning a boss.

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Grounded $39.99 $19.99 (50% off)

This is basically "Honey I Shrunk The Kids" as a survival builder. Set in the 80s, you and up to three others are teens that miniaturized by... well you gotta figure out the how and why, and how to return to normal size by navigating the back yard of a scientist with some knowledge on the tech. TBH, I didn't really expect much from this game, but found myself having a ridiculous amount of fun with it. It is REALLY well made - the attention to detail is insane, from the yard design to build pieces. I wish I had this game when I was a kid, but still enjoyed the hell out of it in my 30s.

Orcs Must Die! $9.99 $2.99 (70% off)

Hybrid tower defense and 3rd person shooter/slasher. This game is... fucking stupid! Like by design - your character is a moron, and says some of the dumbest shit you'll hear come out of a protagonist's mouth. So with this game, you get a high dose of face-palmy humor paired with orc arms/heads/bones/etc flying across your screen after they get blended up by all your traps. Gameplay is surprisingly solid; you'll get some time to think and plan where to place traps and obstacles; then you'll get hit with a wave of orcs and other fantasy critters and try to manually pick off any that make it through the traps. There are a couple more games in this series - imo #1 is the best, but if you like this one, keep the others on your radar too.

Witcher 2's controls are a bit janky, but it's a solid game in and of itself for the story alone; if you can stomach some pretty bad mechanics to enjoy an otherwise decent product, I'd say start at #2.

Witcher 1 is... so bad it's kinda comical. I'd just pull up a story summary of Witcher 1 on youtube and call it a day. If you're a masochist, go ahead and give the actual game a whirl; but I'd recommend modding the snot out of it to at least make your character OP as fuck, allowing you to mostly skip the god-awful combat. But even then, the only selling point is the story, which again you can just pull up on YouTube.

That said, you can dive into 3 with zero knowledge of the previous two and be just fine. There are things that will go over your head, but nothing significant.

I don't think I'm capable of articulating just how fucked up it is that that level of nuance is even possible, let alone backed up with recent examples.

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Once you get a hold on dodging/parrying/etc, you'll feel like a damn ninja, especially on harder difficulties; but leading up to that, yeah combat is... OK. Also don't miss out of experimenting with different builds - one of my favorites optimized using bombs, which later into it makes you a walking B-52 - fun build if you enjoy clearing trash via a wave of pure chaos, then mopping up the stronger guys by way of the sword.

And yeah, the whole package is what counts here: Witcher 3 is a fantastic all around game. It isn't without it's imperfections, but they are barely noticeable amidst the tsunami of ridiculously high quality you'll be hit with from all the other features.

Surgical tech here!

We do these (breast reduction surgeries on men) every now and then. Not super often... I've been in maybe 10 of them? Of the ones I've been in, one was a dude with breast cancer - chopped out the cancer, then chopped down the other moob so they'd heal to be the same size. All of the other ones were gym rats who took steroids and grew some boobs. None were overweight.

I've only been in a handful, so grain of salt, but in my experience weight is NOT a factor.


...and this seems like a good time for a plug: Men can 100% get breast cancer. Not often, but possible. If any of you fellas feel a weird lump in your moobs, DO NOT hesitate to get it checked out!!

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Initial scroll through looks pretty meh. There a list of good'ns going yet?


From another thread, looks like Witcher 3 is 90% off. If you haven't played it yet, now's the time!

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One of the best games on the market. Worth every cent and then some, even at full price.

Ate out with the wife tonight, and got an unexpected political back-to-back: the restaurant had CNN playing on one end of my field of view, and Fox on the other.

CNN reported on all kinds of shit. Every time I looked up, different topic. They went back to the upcoming debate and the Gaza genocide a couple times, but otherwise just an even spread of unfolding events.

Fox spent most of the time talking about how left wing media will spin the debate to make Trump look like an extremist; and then a few small snips about how illegal immigrants are terrorizing our society and getting our youth hooked on fentanyl. They even managed to bitch about Hillary lol, although I missed the context... assuming they're still rambling about emails.

People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.

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It'll almost be like having xFire again!

...I miss that software. IIRC they were bullshit-litigated out of existence.

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IT WAS SO GOOD! It was better in like 2010 than shit like discord is today.

Would be an incredible product today if it continued to receive development (w/o enshitification ofc).

Just realized this is the perfect time of year to stock up on some fireworks. That level of evil leaving the government (formally or influentially) absolutely merits celebration!

...there are a few of those fucking cockroaches whose passing would justify lighting up a few celebratory 'splosions.

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The only way to stop a bad kindergartner with a gun, is with a good kindergartner with a gun.

Yeah, by Yahoo... fuckin assholes.

I was wondering which restaurants this guy was able to eat his wife out at.

Waffle House, ofc.

People like Elon are part of why I refuse to bring anyone into this dumpster fire of a planet.

Well... there is a federal path to handling state level health care crises.

Two magical ingredients.

First is to actually declare a state of emergency in the Y'all Qaeda infested regions of the US on the basis of denied healthcare leading to the current and worsening humanitarian crisis in those areas; and in doing so, enabling the VA to provide abortion services to non-veterans under section §1784 of title 38, United States Code.

Second is federal enclave, which pretty much states that on federal facilities, state law can eat a bag of dicks.

This dystopian GOP shit is maddening. We need to stop trying to argue with it, and start finding ways to just work around it. Fuck em.

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Fox addiction.

Absolutely, but it's a lot better than whatever the hell we're doing now. And it can happen fast - biggest holdup would be the sudden change in supply/staffing demands at relatively few facilities, but the VA can limp along while doing its best until those needs are met.

This is speaking as a veteran who receives care at the VA - if there's one thing they can do well, it's juggling a clusterfuck while still somehow remaining operational.

I don't recall ever seeing Bobo and mtg both at the same time... pretty sure they're just one Nazi who occasionally dons a wig and glasses.

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Maybe you should reevaluate what you projected?

Does that count as introspection?

Worst President in the history of the nation.

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Would fucking love it if we just got rid of tipping all together. Employers -not customers- should be responsible for providing employees good pay.

Factor the difference into up front price of the food/service and be done with it.

118 more...

I have a hunch that in the terrifyingly near future, we're going to see the internet absolutely dominated by enshitification.

Don't get me wrong, it's bad now ...because like the frogs in hot water, we collectively just tolerate changes for the worse. But it used to be small incremental changes over a long period.

Then this Musk asshole comes along, looks at the frogs ever so slowly cooking.... and cranks the stove to max, pisses in the frog-pot, supplements the heating element with a welding torch, and flips the frogs off as he pours gasoline all over the kitchen.


What message does that send to the rest of the internet?

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I was worried we'd be seeing waves of this kind of anti-user aggression from large websites. My hypothesis is that twitter is running an active experiment to see just how user-unfriendly you can make something with an established userbase / what level of profitability corresponds with what level of fuckiness.

YouTube n' friends have been watching from the sidelines and picking their own jaw up off the floor after seeing just how much the average user will bend over and take.

...which all makes me absolutely LOVE to see communities like this. Yo ho, motherfuckers!

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API bullshit refugee here. Y'all are stuck with me.


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He's been using Nazi talk since day one. "Fake news" is the most glaring example, which is just the most recent take on Lügenpresse.

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I'll believe it when I see it, but god damn is that a sexy headline.

"The Nazis Russians entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them."

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Most redditors who aren't willing to bend over and take whatever Spez wants to shove into their asses have already switched to Lemmy.

We'll get a few stragglers, but I wouldn't expect much of a reaction at this point.

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