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Watch them cry foul, threaten to pull out, start a legal fight, then go nowhere like the abusive type they are.

17 more...

They fly him around the country, but the media outfit he's working for didn't bother to invest in media training for their homicidal poster boy?

So much for standing your ground.

What happened to "nothing to fear, nothing to hide"?

2 more...

To spell out the point here - healthcare isn't the point of the healthcare industry under capitalism - profit is. Any healthcare delivered is going to be the bare minimum required to separate you from your money.

24 more...

It was a Hamas ambulance... The dozen kids at killed in the area? Hamas. The hospitals we bombed? Believe it or not, Hamas. We're the victims here - look at the number of Palestinian kids Hamas combatants we've been forced to kill in a transparently genocidal land-grab self-defence.

-Israel probably.

7 more...

Rhetorical question: antitrust when?

They are dominant in search, ads, browser, mobile hardware, mobile os, mapping, and email. They're using their dominance to corece users, and are just getting away with it. The influence they have over the Internet is second to none, and it shows they've dropped the whole "don't be evil" thing.

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How's protecting those kids by putting them in danger going?

Oh - a kid you wanted to kill us dead - all part of the plan.

These lawmakers are knowingly lying for personal gain, and to kill those they don't like - including kids. They're fucking demons, and their supporters are either as bad, or mentally deficient.

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I guess Israel were too busy genociding Palestinians to make it to the meeting.

72 more...

This is an understandable sentiment, but telling everyone about the charges for which this person has served their sentence in order to rally the rest of the workplace to look for ways to get them sacked is super-likely to see you face consequences for bullying.

If you don't want to work with this person, consider explaining the circumstances to HR (noting that your friend was a victim), and say it'll be too traumatic to work alongside them. This seems like a reasonable request to me, which should be accommodated - particularly if HR are already aware of the conviction.

If you want vengeance, figure out a way that isn't going to put your livelihood in jeopardy. Don't squeeze more negative consequences out of an already shitty situation.

Finally, you need to consider the society you're advocating for - if we're abandoning the rule of law to keep people out of work and unable to support themselves after serving their time, we're relegating them to be either wards of the state or homeless. We've already seen the issues caused by felons being barred from voting and its interplay with racial and political dynamics - how do you think manufacturing a desperate criminal underclass will work out for society?

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Reminder: China isn't communist - it somehow cares about worker enfranchisement even less than the US.

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Remember kids, if you see someone shoplifting or switching the barcodes at your big-box self-checkout: No you didn't.

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A question for the genocide deniers that'll pop into this thread to spout their monstrous nonsense...

Can you point to a way in which the actions, policies, or rhetoric of the Israeli government meaningfully differs from those of Novemberpogrome-era (Krystalnacht-era) Nazi Germany?

This isn't pointed at any individual, so I'm not even putting you on the spot - this is an opportunity for you to bring your best answers.

150 more...

After Musk disabled Starlink to aid Russia, a hostile state in their efforts to invade a sovereign democracy, it should have been clear to everyone that Musk poses a very real security threat, and Starlink should have been seized and nationalised.

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It's a little too... European for a Texan regressive.

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Calling opposition to genocide antisemitic is one of the most anti-semitic things one could do - it paints genocide as inherent to Judaism - a ludicrous position that is about the best reason one could find to justify exterminating the Jews.

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Ask Hamas... also, get within 6 blocks of Hamas, and we'll probably kill you. Given a little time, we'll probably kill you anyway.

Israel have the motivation and means to commit a genocide. Hamas terrorism was always going to be the pretext, it was just a question of when. Meanwhile, the civilians all get fucked - though not remotely equally.

I'm well aware - they approached me with a lucrative job offer years ago, which I declined because I knew who they were.

Are you so naiive as to imagine that a major social media platform headquartered in Beijing is not censoring content at the direction of the CCP when there's multiple, credible sources pointing to collusion between them?

TikTok executive refuses Jake Tapper's multiple requests to acknowledge China's treatment of Uyghurs

TikTok's owner is helping China's campaign of repression in Xinjiang, report finds

Xinjiang's TikTok wipes away evidence of Uyghur persecution

Exclusive: ByteDance censored anti-China content in Indonesia until mid-2020

Revealed: how TikTok censors videos that do not please Beijing

Here's the TikTok CEO addressing Congress as it relates to their management of US data.

I wonder if you'll:

  • Engage the point (to fight a losing battle),

  • Pivot to whataboutism and American diabolism that fails to engage the point, or

  • Do the smartest thing under the circumstances (assuming you're incapable of learning) and quietly skulk away.

13 more...

Because a global power engaging in aggressive colonialism is bad - even when it's not the US doing it.

5 more...

Oh cool - Israel, a foreign state that's currently working on a genocide are openly interfering with US domestic political operations, and noone seems to care enough to stop them.

Any influence is legitimate influence if you can afford it.


...or he'll just skip out on the bondsman like most of his other creditors.

1 more...

So someone tried to steal one of the robots, and the robot company was keen to give the footage to the cops?

There's a lot of potential for fuckery here, but dishonestly spinning this non-issue to look like some kind of crisis distracts from real problems with privacy and the police. Hack "journalists".

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Nah - it'll just pivot to "Well it's too late now - no reason to hold back".

I genuinely wonder why eco-terrorism isn't already a meaningful "problem" - I don't mean "some protestors blocked a road for a couple of hours or flinged some paint and soup around" - I mean "You're working to kill all known life in the universe, and we're doing whatever it takes to stop you."

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It's the scientific community giving an exasperated "we're fucked", my guy.

It's all outliers and constant "once a century" weather events these days.

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The fact that conservatives will look at someone like Buck Angel and say "yup - that's a woman" is deeply weird - but so is their obsession with checking children's genetalia, I suppose.

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You didn't consider the crust ratio, did you?

The crust tends to be a consistent width, so it represents a greater portion of a smaller pizza, shrinking the bit most people are there for.

...but hey, if you love the crust just as much, more power to ya!

5 more...

They're not selling a product that's evil - they are evil.

Petrochemicals lack the agency required for moral culpability.

The use of white phosphorous in this manner is a war crime.

Why are you making excuses for war crimes, my guy?

13 more...

The type of "communist" that supports authoritarian, usually state capitalist regimes like the USSR, China, and the DPRK.

The lack of meaningful worker enfranchisement in any of those regimes should tell you all you need to know, really - they're red-coded fascist lunatics.

16 more...

"Waaaah my precious market forces are working against me."

They've seen 50-100% payrises in many cases - unions are important.

17 more...

Sure, I guess.

Eating vegetables is good too - rotten vegetables are bad to eat though.

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Vetting of the app downloads should fall on the app stores.

Vetting of the platform usage should fall on the platform owners.

The app isn't the problem any more than a web browser is - it's a dumb front-end for the platform. The platform is the problem.

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I personally think it's more about manufacturing an 'other' to blame everything on and unite people in hate.

There's little benefit to targeting women for oppression in the modern economy - they're just more undifferentiated labour to be exploited (though it remains possible to pay them less). I think this was meaningfully different when living off a single income was a realistic proposition.

I'd argue this should have been the immediate response to Mitch McConnell blocking nominees half a term away from an election, but if the court can't uphold the rule of law, it should be fixed (and expansion seems like the obvious solution) or replaced.

The procedural question on this one is whether he could shrink the court to boot say... Thomas, then expand it again to replace him with someone less obviously corrupt. Republicans fail to confirm a replacement? We'll shrink the court a little more. Obviously, this won't happen, but I'm interested to know if it's possible.

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Great - more illiterate kids, more future conservatives.

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How many trans people have been caught jerking off their partner while getting groped, vaping, and using inappropriate language in front of minors?

Never mind - we'd better genocide the queers just in case - to protect the children, you see. Boebert? Whatever do you mean?

The fact that awards are just assumed for any big title in spite of a decidedly lacklustre reception says a lot about the industry.

It's getting measurably worse at a fairly predictable clip - boomers had it easy, x/y less so, it's dark for milennials, and impossible for zoomers/alpha.

The guardrails were removed and wheels set in motion by the boomers so they could more effectively ransack the economy - everything since then has been a consolidation of wealth and power at the direct expense of workers.

I'm sorry people aren't posting content relevant to your personal preferences.

May I suggest you use filters, or perhaps go fuck yourself?

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And I say the $454m is payable to me personally.

...but the legal system doesn't work on dumb assertions, does it?