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Please point out where I said that

How do I want to terrorize innocent people? I think you should give up talking to people if you're so incapable of listening

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Well. I'm a New Zealander. We're not funding the genocide here but I feel just as powerless to do anything about it. Best of luck to you

How do I want to terrorize innocent people? I think you should give up talking to people if you're so incapable of listening

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I will agree that the asset reuse in 2 was bad. But I loved the game for putting me in completely different shoes from the norm. The settiing of the character as refugee was unique

I strongly disagree. I've been playing crpgs from literally the very first of them. I'm very definitely "into rpgs" and I love all the DA games

Sorry bro. I guess keep calling it out. I guess it feels like not enough but that's all you have, I guess

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They used copyrighted works without permission

FFS thinking that Israel is commuting Genocide and that you'd rather not fund that sn't the same thing at all as condoning Hamas's Oct attack. You are making the most ridiculous false equivalence

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We coulda had the OG and instead they chose HRC. SMH

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I disagree. I preferred 2 and 3 to 1. Obviously YMMV and that's fine

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LLMs, maybe. Most AI is useful

Everyone would rather Putin didn't invade its neighbours. That's the actual issue here

The base comment was very broad

The western market forced this on them. The US at least

I have a Huawei P30 and it's fantastic,

However the fuck you want. But it's a kiwifruit. A kiwi is a bird.

Announcements like this just remind me that new phones have become phenomenally uninteresting.

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  1. Lack of transparency is anti democratic.
  2. This is the truth behind Biden's tut-tutting about thousands of dead Palestinian children. Spouting platitudes while fueling the slaughter. Grotesque and hypocritical
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Crepes? Jesus, they're one of the easiest things you can cook. Anyway, to answer your question: croissants! I've made them from scratch before and it definitely wasn't worth it. Took half a day and weren't a patch on the real thing

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Stop supplying the weapons for Genocide?

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Which might be relevant if those were real people. You might as well worry about the genetic makeup of Pokemon

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I don't think we should have billionaires but celebrating state sponsored murder is fucking gross

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That's disgusting. I'm pro Palestine but anti semitism is revolting

And post offensive stupid stuff publically and act surprised when people don't like it

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"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

George Orwell, 1984

Wtf are on about? What have furries ever done to you?

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Back to the Emerald Mine

Changing socks is like changing undies. Daily at minimum. Don't see how being woolen changes anything. Wool socks absorb sweat and bacteria just as much as anything else

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I'm 100% sure he can't. Or at least, not from LLMs specifically. I'm not an expert so feel free to ignore my opinion but from what I've read, "hallucinations" are a feature of the way LLMs work.

Try being a programmer in the 90s. Just like that but with no entries at all

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What an utter twat

Yeah. You're used to it

I'm always impressed how capitalists love markets until other people get good at it

Not just Holywood. Any human with a brain would mock Republicans

IDK Elvis was an overweight sweaty creepy fuck, so...?

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As a non American I thought he was better than most you've had since, maybe Carter

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Why would anyone expect "nuance" from a generative AI? It doesn't have nuance, it's not an AGI, it doesn't have EQ or sociological knowledge. This is like that complaint about LLMs being "warlike" when they were quizzed about military scenarios. It's like getting upset that the clunking of your photocopier clashes with the peaceful picture you asked it to copy

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Why? It's a pretty bad game in many ways. Also good in other ways. I can totally see why it's polarising

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There's a dress code. Very strictly enforced