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Joined 8 months ago

What part of their jobs do you think an AI can replace?

The whole sitting around, profiting from actual laborers part, I'm guessing.

14 more...

Can he fall down an escalator already? Fucksake.

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Oh, only 40+ years too late, thanks.

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Real quick: how high are you?

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Funny, it's almost like they factored in a breach to their business model. Hunh

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Something tells me this might just be an elaborate ruse by a cosplaying Colin Mochrie... πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ (Can't unsee it, now)

Aww, TWeaK the twat has earned a block. πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ€£

Maaaan, if ! would open up a spicy grill spot with discount times (like happy hour or "fourth meal", etc) matching worship hours & religious holidays.... Mmmm, hell yes!

(Just, don't let Voodoo Donuts get to the idea first and fuck it up.)

Edit: it will be called "Be'el-Z-bites" and the byline is "Mmmm... Sacrelicious!

No, it's preemptively nipping any appeals shenanigans that Trump's legal team might try, leading up to the election.

Imagine interacting with other human beings without being a cringelord. No really, try.

My money's on a petulant john outing her after recognizing her from their kids school.

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There always are.

He can barely get into the suits he already has.

More like "serf & toff". 🀌🏼

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Are you fucking high, or simply didn't read the actual text in the slightest?

  1. If you "don't equate police not held accountable and terror", you're white AF.

  2. Law and law enforcement are two entirely different things.

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On camera.

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To be fair, it was barely even attainable by those born stateside in the mid-50s. It might've taken the whole thing a couple decades to truly die, but the hopium was laced thick among the children that came after. To this day, few American teens seem to grasp how deep the lie reaches... They're so fucked.

Screeching Eels, duh.

Waddya mean leopards eat faces?!

Not condoning the bullshit, just pointing out that the app is back up on the store as of 5hrs ago

Direct Play Store link

edit: furthermore, if actual boycotting is your legit interest instead of impotent, anonymous outrage, here's a similar app that offers the same functionality.

That's very optimistic of you, thinking they can read.

What force do you imagine the police to be?! The one from your childhood, back when it was Rockwell fairy tale and shiny field trip stickers? They've always been a racist gang of corpo fucks; too stupid to make it through boot, and too psycho to hold any other job that doesn't award them the chance to assault/murder. ACAB. Fuck the police.


FFS. Wake me when it actually happens. πŸ–•πŸ½

You aren't.

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The reviews are not bought and paid for by the game producers... Yet.

Minimum age 15, with at least 20 years experience required. πŸ€“

Yes, please! 🀩

All the aid, I completely agree! πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Is this irony? If so, well done.

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Wonder if those Saudis bought it during the "golfing" visit.

As a former "unicorn hunter", I fully recognize that I was in the minority and had to work that much harder to overcome the stigma fueled (and fully justified) by asshat antics of others in the space during that era of my life. Thankfully, it wasn't long before my partner was able to stir their courage to also share that role, but it was pretty challenging in the beginning, running those intros solo. πŸ˜…

tl;dr: Don't fuck this lying sack of fetid GOP pus; he's another in a long line of predators and deserves every exposΓ© in the works.

What's $1.2k supposed to do for such an enormous project? Also, the sentence is a bit odd, so I'm curious if I'm missing something?

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Wise notion. I've always understood that only new money is loud. Old money is silent.

FTFY. ✌🏽

That's because Russian "law enforcement" is actually terror, they do everything for the large part of citizens to be too afraid to even speak up not to mention doing anything.

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There you have it, folks! The latest intel from the Russian front line!

β€” Oh, I'm getting a report now. This. This is from the front... room... The front room at his nana's house. Yeah, that checks out.

Don't cherry pick. That's exactly the half-assed fact- hecking that this sort of sociopolitical theater from any gov't depends on.

It was the otter race character that hooked me. 🀌🏼

Here's another mirror, if that helps in any way: