12 Post – 348 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They're going to do everything they can to paint Kamala as an illegitimate candidate, and spin his refusal to debate her as simply refusing to legitimize her.

Trump's base doesn't know shit about fuck, so if their god emperor says she's illegitimate they won't even think about it further.

4 years is crazy long. That means they start campaigning as soon as they enter office.

The Ukraine comparison was a little gross. But, the US is staring down the barrel of an out right, hitler-worshiping, fascist regime. Lives and rights have already been lost, and I for one don't want to be here when they start putting people in camps.

Definitely not the same as having Russia invade your country and murder your family, but don't act like a lot of lives (in and outside of the US) aren't hanging in the balance here.

I'm not personally enthused about the idea of having a former cop for a president, it certainly seems like a good way to snag the votes of disgruntled Republicans.

They got two things right: Science can be wrong sometimes. And you should Google petrified wood (it's really pretty).

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If he has to explain that it's legal, and refuses to tell you what it is until you get hired, it's a scam. Probably an MLM he got sucked into.

Lots and lots of police people turn off the body cams to do evil stuff on a regular basis.

Do y'all think we don't have cum pitchers in the US? I know we're bad, but we're not savages.

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Noooo that would be stealing food right out of the developers' mouths /s

You haven't met enough drag queens. There is no limit to how much floof the can get out of a cheap wig.

He's basically saying "we'll stop shooting once they're all dead".

I kinda wish xor (pronounced "zor"?) would enter the common English lexicon. It'd be so useful to just have different words for inclusive or vs exclusive or.

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I mean, so long as he's reporting his income. Plenty of cash businesses operate within the IRS's good graces. Hell, you can even report your income from selling drugs. The IRS just wants their cut.

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I mean, one person is promising to end democracy in favor of chrisofacism. I feel like a "drive off the cliff" campaign is a pretty apt analogy.

I would argue it's more ethically defendable. There are lots of meatless alternatives to eat. A viable hearts for transplant are scarce and if you need one then you NEED one.

I'm a bisexual trans woman. I've dated men and women while presenting as male, and as presenting as female. In my experience the whole "not picking up on hints/not leaving strong enough hints to be picked up on" thing is not a gendered issue.

Honestly I really don't think men and women are as different as they appear.

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Just a regular 'ol retail worker. I'm so glad Lemmy was here to save my lunch breaks from reddit.

It's a word for butt. It sort of has a childish connotation, like a pre-school teacher might direct their class to "keep your fannys on the ground."

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Fascism requires an "other" to function. Once one "other" is a destroyed there will always be another one to take it's place.

You're effectively voting for "eh whatever"

He's got his retired gynecologist friend to commiserate with.

I'm ready for someone to disrupt the super yacht market with some fucking torpedoes.

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Yeah, Biden is a warmonger, are you implying that Trump isn't? Because that's fucking insane.

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I'm sure Netnyehu is really dreading the intense finger wagging he's in for.

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Most of the trans women I've run into are bi/pansexual or lesbian. Of course, I'm also a bisexual trans woman and have met most of them through dating apps, so I definitely have some pretty heavy selection bias, and my anecdotal data means nothing.

Fuck, work is slow today.

"they must have cheated, after all, we cheated at every opportunity and still lost." - Republicans

I don't know how anyone can hear a single sentence out of Trump's mouth and think he's cognitively in tact.

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This is actually where systems like alimony come from. If only one works, (or one makes significantly more than the other) it can kind of leave the other up the creek without a paddle.

America's authoritarianism doesn't make China's authoritarianism any better. They can both be shitty, buckaroo.

Just like every other belief they claim to hold so deeply, they only support cops when doing so is convenient for their narrative.

Cock. A couple of hens too! I keep meaning to build a fence to keep those damn foxes from devouring my...

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I think my favorite is "cat ears on side" . It's a shame you rarely see cat girls/boys drawn like that.

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I mean, it sucks to get inconvenienced by stuff like this. But the goal is to make nations hurt economically for supporting the Palestinian genocide.

Most of the other options available would probably injure or kill innocent people. Like, you're not gonna make a difference without some casualties. Better that casualty be an afternoon instead of your life.

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No we don't. Most of us don't even like this guy, just a bunch of morons who's votes matter more than the rest of the country's.

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None. If cared about "what's necessary for the country" he would've stepped aside for better candidates in 2020.

They were gonna shoot those kids anyway. It's not like they've been holding back until now.

We do! We also have fewer teeth, and all of our mental health problems are caused by our uteruses wandering around inside our bodies.

As an enthusiastic boy kisser, I fucking love to kiss girls.


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