
1 Post – 543 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t know how Joy gets such quality from small files, but damn.

Depends what you mean. If I’m understanding you, then no, you’d be dealing with some kind of metadata recursion problem. On the other hand, on my hard drive I have a file detailing the schematic of the drive.

Also needs mentioning: clustering. I have a years old cluster with none of the hardware I originally started with, but my Pi-hole is still there. Having the ability to migrate guests between hosts is a game changer when you frequently replace or rebuild said hosts. With the right setup, migration can have as little as a few seconds of downtime, or even no downtime at all. You can’t do that with bare metal installs.

America has an oligarch problem

Exactly. Conservatives are the “us” that the law protects but does not restrict, and everyone else is “them” who the law restricts but does not protect.

As bad as it is, i’m not sure cirrhosis deserves that

There’s dozens of us! But seriously, i2p has a future for this

No, that would be Shrekel

Uh oh well

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

Ugh, Discord. no thanks. Otherwise, looks cool!

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The Emu War

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Yes, but majority only matters in a democracy.

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My life is a constant stream of becoming incoherent, forgetting social norms and standing there dumbfounded and very few people say I’m demented. I also don’t engage the public for work, nor do I have a camera trained on me all day with an army of detractors at the ready.

Time for tubby bye bye

As your future colleague wondering what the hell that variable is for, thanks Go.

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Piracy is only illegal because we made it so. We can change that.

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The rule is apparently not to raise taxes, and the plan is to raise taxes on billionaires.

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And fuck a system in which their opinion’s correct

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Professors requiring their own, expensive textbook for their course.

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It’s easy for the administrators. No investigation, no attempt to understand what happened.

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Corporations even have a built-in currency for this. Any government money given to corporations should be in return for equity.

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For anyone else wondering about the Wizards of the Coast comment, Hasbro just laid off 1100 people.


Edit: 1100 across Hasbro, thanks @Damage@slrpnk.net

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But he couldn't be racist, his wife's best eye is black.

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We’re paying attention to the heart association now? Job done

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Where are all the states’ rights people now?

From the article, parts pairing is “a practice manufacturers use to prevent replacement components from working unless the company’s software approves them.”

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They knew

And what, pray tell, is “total victory”?

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And Trump’s so hungry for attention he always swallows the bait.

  • "Everything's working, so what are we paying you for?"
  • "Everything's broken, so what are we paying you for?"

Filling in PDF forms online is one of the things I would love to be able to do direct in my browser.

The laws already require you to not infringe copyright. This is a new front in the same old war.

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I was with you until "ALL 3"... help

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If only there was some government funded accomodation he could stay in, with free meals and some bars to keep him safe.

That and it's a tire-screeching exit from the abusive road we thought gaming was going down. Microtransactions, lootboxes etc. Baldur's Gate 3 is refreshing from that perspective and, like me, I think many are amazed that it's actually working.

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Oh whoops somehow it got turned on 🤷

Wimpy knew how to spell “hamburger”

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Seems low

Wikipedia is absolutely not useless without the sources. I don’t even know what to say, that statement is so deranged.

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