The reasons why you often come up with your best ideas while on a walk or in the shower to – 115 points –
Why good ideas often come while walking or taking a shower - ABC Everyday

Society has put so much emphasis on being "connected" and "engaged" that we've forgotten how to be bored. The shower provides a rare opportunity for you to be alone with your thoughts.

Jokes on you, I lemmy in the shower, ain't gonna let that brain have any free time.

Don't forget being 100% productive between 9am and 5pm every day.

I’ve been alone with my thoughts. Ultimately it leads to depression but sometimes I get some good masturbating along the way.

I like to shower in as dark a possible a bathroom. I find it enhances the creativity effect by a huge amount. Also the slight risk of an accidental, life altering fall from not being able to see keeps it spicy!


Focus shift: Stepping away from immediate goals encourages "positive daydreaming," a constructive form of mind wandering that fosters unexpected connections and sparks inspiration.

Reduced pressure: The relaxed atmosphere of the shower lowers inhibitions and anxieties, allowing us to think freely and explore creative avenues without judgment.

Sensory stimulation: The sound and feel of water can act as a trigger, stimulating the brain and promoting new thought patterns