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Joined 12 months ago

All the more reason to switch to Wayland.

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No. Carbon neutral isn’t enough. We are going to have to go carbon negative.

We can’t just take hundreds of millions of years worth of sequestered carbon and dump it into the atmosphere and leave it there to re-sequester itself. That’s going to take a long time to reverse enough to even buck the current trend of global warming, if we were able to just go carbon neutral today.

Trees also don’t really sequester carbon for long. They die, and the carbon gets eaten by organisms and the cycle continues. Or it burns and most of the carbon is released instantly and only ash remain.

Coal only got there specifically because there was nothing evolved to eat lignin for a long time and dead trees piled up so high that dead trees on top ended up compressing their ancestors into it.

Crude only got there because plants and algae in shallow water died, mixed into sediment, rinse, repeat times a few million years, get compressed by the weight of all the layers above, and turn to crude.

The sequestration of ancient carbon wasn’t just by virtue of being plants, but what happened after those plants died.

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It’s a shame. Linus was and is far more deserving of respect for his contributions to technology than Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Probably even Woz. But he’s by far down the line in terms of fame and fortune. Except maybe Woz.

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Probably so they could keep an eye on the toenails on the non-operating foot.

There’s a reason they tell you not to wear nail polish before surgery. The nailbeds are one of the best ways to detect cyanosis caused by low oxygen levels in blood.

I’d imagine a “control foot” is probably preferential, and it’s easier to keep an eye on the other foot during surgery than it is to keep an eye on their fingernails.

Dude, how long have you been online if wikifeet is what you think puts us over the edge of deserving internet?

You could honesty find at least 300 more taboo fetishes in under an hour without even getting into the dark web.

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The dude was compromised by a landscaping company and by fucking Borat. Of course he got compromised by the Kremlin.

Not judging…but have you talked to your doctor about your newfound promiscuity?

A sudden change of a core behavior like this is concerning unless you’re like currently going through puberty. In which case it’s concerning for an entirely separate set of circumstances.

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How close is this stuff to HP’s Cyan?

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All the fucking cybersecurity bullshit I gotta go to as a network admin for a federal contractor and the baddies can just have some tech illiterate federal representative install whatever back doors they want on their personal computers under the guise of morality or whatever.

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Idk man. You go hang out on a cruise for a bit you will find some old people who have made cruising their entire retirement plan. Basically just staying on boats going from port to port until they die.

Which actually doesn’t sound all too bad. I’d think it’d get old after the first few weeks (I never heard Cupid Shuffle so many damn times in one week), but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Nothing compared to a single commercial fishing boat

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I never use them but I can see the point. Like when you’re poking around for a log file, not sure what it’s called or where it’s stored and just going on a hunch…but you’re in an SSH session and don’t want to deal with X shenanigans.

It’s a legit PITA to ls, look for files, cat/tail them, etc. sometimes you just want to ls -alR but your corporate build runs tmux on SSH sessions with no configuration so you can’t scroll back since your shortcuts don’t work so you have to pipe everything to more and it just sucks.

Don’t forget that the old gear has to be replaced. That’s good American jobs right there.

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You’ve got it backwards. People take care of themselves because they have self esteem. Depression takes that away.

Please don’t treat depression like it’s a choice. Nobody chooses to be depressed.

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Well, one reason is that they’ve been utilized for Amber Alerts. Granted a lot of cities/states haven’t been able to figure out how to practically scope the announcements, but they are helpful.

Another is the ever-changing climate. My region (Southern New England) rarely ever gets tornados. We had three a few weeks ago. One was in my hometown, and another was a couple of blocks from my bosses house. So while you may not be “prone” to natural disasters, that is likely to change.

That said, if there ever were a reason to activate a National EAS, we would probably feel a lot better not being warned. That situation would likely be for confirmed launch of several nuclear munitions, or an eminent meteor strike, or something else cataclysmic that a few minutes warning would really do nothing except fill our last moments with fear.

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Poverty level for a family of four in Georgia is about 27k.

You mean to tel me that an income of 34k for a family of four is too wealthy for a public defender?

In all seriousness, fuck this country.

They gonna fix sharing digital games with family members? Or do I have to keep cartridges around so my 4yo can pop them out and lose them?

Crazy to think that when I bought a lot of my digital games, I wouldn’t have expected a second kid who wants to play them on a separate switch. Now my saves are all fucked because he’s gotta play them on my profile on the second switch. I bought that switch because my wife and I both wanted to play ACNH, which was also bullshit. And then I got stuck with the Lite because we couldn’t migrate her island over, which was also bullshit.

There’s no reason we can’t share digital libraries with households. Amazon does it.

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I’m not trying to imply that Meta isn’t in the wrong here…but for real, where are the parents?

Like…we’re nearly at the point now where parents of kids under 13 really can’t claim ignorance. My kid is in elementary school and I was chatting with other parents at the bus stop the other day as to how amazing it is that Pokemon is still around and reminiscing of Pogs and Slammers.

I had AIM and ICQ and IRC in middle school. Phpbb2 and vBulletin in high school. Livejournal, MySpace, and Facebook came shortly after. Hell, my reddit account is old enough to drive, let alone sign up for Facebook.

Parents of preteens today, IMO, have to hold at least some of the blame. We are first-generation internet immigrants, and our kids are native-born.

Pig Latin. Kids haven’t figured it out yet. One can spell so that went out the window.

Next stop is probably Morse code.

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I’m getting my doomscrolling and worthless banter/arguing with strangers “fix” from lemmy.

But Lemmy is no replacement for local news/rumormill, or most career/hobby subs, yet. Except for at a very high level. Like metro area, or “gaming”. Reddit is still far superior only because theres already a community there.

Eventually Lemmy may get to that point. Time will tell. I still haven’t installed the Reddit app, and I basically only end up there when some other search brings me to Reddit. I’ve already stopped muscle-memory impulsively typing it. My autocomplete for www.red is no longer safe-for-work.

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Maybe this isn’t for personal editions.

I’d suspect Microsoft would prefer to move personal editions to being mostly perpetual and OEM licenses, while a subscription service for business/enterprise makes more sense. Windows licensing for business is a nightmare and a per-install subscription model could be much simpler to manage while still offering good breaks under Enterprise Agreements and putting license and support under one annual sku.

ETA: Also, worth remembering that “Windows 365” is a thing and it’s very useful for DaaS. Term-based licensing makes tons of sense for DaaS/Cloud Desktop/VDI environments.

And actually, that could make a lot of sense in a future home/personal market with purpose built thin clients. Or perhaps even a set top box. Maybe, even, the Series S. A small monthly/annual fee to to make your Series S into a full-fledged desktop PC, sounds like a hell of a deal to me.

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He faps himself to sleep thinking of the black kid he arrested.

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“I’m high, and this is charcuterie”.

Bluetooth does, legitimately, suck, for gaming though.

The only official two-way audio profile (that is, mic and speaker working simultaneously) mandates a low bitrate mono audio.

Stereo audio itself has a slight latency which may be fine for music or even movies (especially with lip sync adjustments), but for gaming it can be a problem when your audio is a big part of your situational awareness.

I don’t mind not supporting Bluetooth for games, at least for multiplayer. 3.5mm to controller and a proprietary protocol for the audio is the perfect compromise. For single player or media, though, I’d agree it’s dumb.

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Punctuation marks have to be placed in checked bags. Since she sent this from the cabin, she wasn’t able to get hers to place into the original message.

I know, how do you manage to “attempt” to kill an infant? They aren’t exactly known for being durable.

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Dude was raised in a Jewish family and volunteered with his wife in Israel in college.

Mad props for ever speaking out about Israel, IMO.

Went out to a pizza place the other night. Thought it was a brewery (one of my favorite local brews, actually), and had been there before and enjoyed flights from them…only to find out the place was a joint between the brewmaster and the restaurateur. Brewmaster took his share, his recipes, and dipped a couple days prior.

Anyways while the food was pretty good, I mostly went for the beer and that’s a big part of why I won’t go back (they only had a couple cans from the brewery left and nothing on tap, only some other regional breweries).

But the other part is that my wife put a tip down on the slip for our party of four (us and two kids) and asked me to doublecheck her math. I thought it seemed high and it turned out they already put a tip on the bill. For a party of four. Never saw that before.

People who are still afraid of dietary fat from the anti-fat craze of the 80s and 90s.

If you’re watching weight, cutting calories from milk of all places is the worst place to do it. At least from whole down to skim. All the healthy stuff actually just so happens to be in the tasty part, the cream, since milk does these thing of mixing the ”sugar” into the cream in the form of Lactose. Cutting that out just leaves you with a worst-tasting, less nutritious beverage aside from the fewer calories.

If you want fewer calories but still have nutrition, soy is the way to go.

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Says the not fascist….

Considering they’ve resorted to lying to Cubans to hire them as mercenaries…probably.

Good American cheese is the really cheap shit.

The whole point of American cheese is that it’s barely cheese and more like a delicious coagulated milk-stuff sheet.

Gourmet American Cheese is some 1%-er bullshit.

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RedHats focus is on Enterprise Linux, Openshift, AWX, etc.

Are they even a “competitor” in enterprise Linux desktop? Enterprise Linux servers, sure, and I suppose a good number of orgs who don’t want to deal with dissimilar “user” distros, but I’d think Canonical would have enterprise desktop Linux pretty much sealed by now.

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Honestly this is why software TOTP is a shitty MFA form for businesses.

Sure it’s free, easy, and pretty much universal…but if you’re gonna MFA as a business, you are better off using hardware tokens, or yubikeys, or even smartcards. If you have to try on an app, it should be limited to work-issued phones so they could be locked the hell down.

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Congress need to be held accountable when they fail to do their jobs.

Can’t do the literal very core of your job and pass a budget? Whole house gets flushed. Every incumbent barred from holding office for one full term.

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What the fuck is the point of an indicator after you’d already started the action. That light ain’t indicating any more about the driver than the fact that they bought a Tesla after 2022, and that tells you everything you need to know about them.

A good stepping stone product, but netbooks weren’t destined to last long. Beyond the rosie tint of nostalgia, it was a pretty impractical device. Good enough display for DVD video, but no dvd drive or enough onboard storage to handle a selection of movies (at an acceptable encoding for the time, at least). Big enough to require a flat surface or a lap to type on but not powerful enough to justify it, and a very cramped typing surface at that.

Eventually they got replaced by tablets/convertibles, large phones, and ultrabooks. And all much better platforms in all ways, IMO.

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Still won’t help me when I type ifconfig or dig, though.

Also I’ve noticed there is also a curl in Windows CLI that I believe is based on libcurl, but when called from powershell is an alias for (iirc) Invoke-WebRequest.

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OSHA gonna have a word about how they’re using those ladders…

Actual reason is system permissions.

Most the default installation path is Program Files. That needs elevation to write to. Fine when you’re installing something, but not something you want to need just to run the game.

Writing to %APPDATA% or really anywhere in %USERHOME% is guaranteed to have the right permissions for this user.

Granted, a lot of home PCs and gaming PCs are single-user environments. The “personal” computer. In that case there’s no reason games and applications can’t be installed in %LOCALAPPADATA%, and in fact, I think windows has an environment variable or registry setting for that.

It’s no different in Linux. You don’t want users writing to /etc. And you may expect multiple users. So all of that stuff goes to dot files in $HOME.

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