Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old to – 1920 points –

Happy birthday πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ GNU/Linux.

Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old.

It was thankfully released to the public on August 25th, 1991 by Linus Torvalds when he was only 21 years old student.

What a lovely journey 🀍


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It’s a shame. Linus was and is far more deserving of respect for his contributions to technology than Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Probably even Woz. But he’s by far down the line in terms of fame and fortune. Except maybe Woz.

Watch some of the interviews in his home office. Dude is a happy dad with a nice family. Meanwhile a lot of tech billionaires are miserable. I'd say the respect he's earned by not selling out is worth more than mainstream success. Linux and Linus are just the right size.

Fair point. Out of all the tech legends, Linus (and Woz) seem the happiest.

They seem to have their priorities in the right place, living a happy comfortable human life instead of trying to mimic the exploit-profit-control-infiniteGrowth-fullThrottle24/7 priorities of the companies they started/own/work for.

I have a feeling he's more okay with having less fortune though. Just the impression I get about him.

I can't imagine he's struggling for money, he's a smart guy and wrote an OS used in some capacity by so many corporations

He's probably written books that sell quite well

They meant gain wealth like apple founders or any other big tech. Believe he derives a salary from Linux foundation for his work. I don't imagine that being anything comparable to owning large percentage of a tech company.

True but he's also going to make more than enough to live comfortably I'm sure

Don't need to be a billionaire to have a good comfortable life

Didn't mean he wasnt earning well. Just clarified what the original comment meant.

What books has Linus written?

Google search found "Just for fun the story of an accidental revolutionary" by Linus torvalds as the first result

My point was more that there are absolutely ways he can make money off Linux's success