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Joined 11 months ago

I just thinks you’re a garden variety redneck.

Thomas and Alito retire and suddenly go on incredible vacations.

The “every accusation is a confession” rule suggests that he was on some meds to help him keep his composure. Definitely not any truth serums though.

America #1 in sharing


Those of us who pay attention and give a shit would vote for her, but Biden (or what’s left of him) already has our votes whether we like it or not.

But for the people who are disconnected or ignorant enough that they aren’t already itching to vote against Trump? They can be influenced by the dumbest things.

What if you were born in the wrong place and your family got gunned down or buried under rubble because the enemy thought a hostage (or their dead body) was in a building at the end of your street?

You can’t always assume you’re the one who is both on a righteous quest and in possession of superior firepower.

Iirc, didn’t he give Trump a much higher chance of winning than other outlets, even though it was still a small chance compared to Hillary?

C’mon baby you know you like our big throbbing F-22s and aircraft carriers!

Seriously though, if we manage to reelect the criminal and he pulls us out of NATO, I trust you guys to keep it running.

I personally agree that one of those two being President would be great.

But then I think of the cold hard reality of who I share this country with. All the people out there who, in the face of Trump being Trump, can somehow be undecided or unlikely to vote. They just don’t seem like the type to get off their ass for somebody who will be characterized as extreme.

We here know they aren’t extremists. We know they’re basically centrists within the larger civilized world. But ignorance is a huge part of the problem for the US voters who are indifferent enough towards Trump that they aren’t already lining up to vote for Biden or anybody who takes his place.

Yet another thing that tens of millions of people across the country would instantly lose their job for, made even MORE ok for the people who can cause the most damage by doing it. Every corporate conflict of interest training I’ve taken at current companies makes it abundantly clear that even the APPEARANCE of a POTENTIAL conflict needs to be disclosed and handled appropriately. Never mind there being literal, in writing, cash money kickbacks.

When it comes to having lower standards for state officials given special powers than we do for random schmucks, at least we’re consistent. From the lowest local cop to the highest federal politicians, why do we not only refuse to set standards but also remove ethical expectations?

At this point it’s pretty easy to imagine a governor or president giving the SC the finger and doing what they want.

Unfortunately when I see that play out in my mind, it’s a Republican doing it. Yes, even though the SC is biased in their direction.

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No ü

I’m glad I got caught up in the great exodus when they fucked over the 3rd party app devs. I’d read Reddit with Apollo, and it was mostly passive consumption of the posts and discussions being thrown out there by the faceless masses.

Here, it feels more like having actual discussions with real people, and I started actively participating right away. (Granted, this place isn’t impervious to bots and trolls, but for now it’s a smaller target at least)

People are certainly susceptible to Rosy Retrospection, but let’s not forget that 2023’s word of the year was enshittification for a reason!

I’ll sign this pact too.

Once I’m into the top 1000 net worths on earth (practically a given to happen), I’ll just retire.

If my valuable assets force me into the top 100 (more likely than not), I’ll hire somebody to find good charities to prop up.

If I stumble into the top 10 billion/trillion-aires, go ahead and do what you gotta do and remind my widow to do nice things with the estate.

Sounds like one of those rare cases where engineering and marketing might agree on something.

Have you tried Linux Mint yet?

I recently installed it on a Dell laptop (work) to dual boot, and it seemed pretty much as simple as installing windows.

I’m a daily Linux user and had been using other distros in VMs, but I still wanted to try it.




Insert that photo of a pregnant lady smoking while talking to the news about how something else is making her concerned for her kids.

Yeah my first thought was that this looks like an extremely optimistic take drawn by somebody without the issue.

Even having plans AFTER work can mess things up.

Premeditated whataboutism. Because that’s a great use of resources to benefit the country.

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I am reminded of that quote along the lines of “it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.” I did everything right, and had a more than adequate emergency fund.

But then my house vaporized that emergency fund… and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

I’m sure I will be in “just save money” mode some day in the future. Lots of shit left to clean up right now though.

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It amuses me to no end how here on Lemmy, with our concentration of computer nerd types, absolutely HATES touch screens in cars.

But to be fair, I think everybody who reviews cars says they hate them too.

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Invasion of privacy is a very big deal to our legal system when it is the rich peoples’ big number papers.

You know, I was just thinking that salt water is definitely what my last PC build was missing.

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This seems like the perfect place to use “oh my sweet summer child”

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The fun part about being the “good” husband is getting to hear all the gossip and complaints about friends’ husbands and/or dating disasters.

Verily I say unto you, men is too headache.

Happy me be man.

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Oh yeah, those theater kids and their notorious disdain of LGBT and other marginalized groups.

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Wow, the Christian app that lets you sort people by religion ALSO lets you sort them by race and ethnicity?

I am shocked. SHOCKED!

Well, not that shocked.

If The Swedes are commies then just call me Comradesson!

  • an American who collaborates with our office in Sweden.

I think the biggest problem isn’t the tax rate, but the fact that the billionaire class can circumvent the tax system entirely.

Own billions of dollars in stock, don’t ever sell any, don’t pay any taxes on that growth. Maybe some dividends get taxed or something.

Need pocket money though. Take out a loan for $100 million using a little bit of your stock as collateral. You don’t get taxed on taking out debt.

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I’m an American that hasn’t been to many other countries, but Sweden is fortunately one of them. The culture is different from what I’m used to, and it boils down to respecting the dignity of the people around you, and in the process respecting yourself as well.

So, it’s very nice to see the solidarity of the workers, but also not surprising. In a good way.

I’ve always heard and said it as “ex-or.”

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Did I have bad policies?

No. It is the Swifties who are wrong!

Wow, a news story that makes me think my kid could actually live in a better political climate than me in a few decades. I forgot what this feeling was like.

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For somebody who has loved taking government money, he sure is a bit “fuck you, got mine” about others getting government money.

  1. Go on TV talking shit about the guy who wants to kill adversaries.

  2. Vote for that guy anyway

  3. Pikachu skull & crossbones

Fortunately I at least have Firefox on Linux. But then when I need to use Windows for something… well look at that, also Firefox!

American here, and I am totally OK with a tiny bit of extra latency if people & companies want to move their servers to some place in Europe that actually respects freedom and people.

Though I suspect that if you’re a US company with servers located abroad, they will still make the law apply to you since you control it.

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Sup, fellow XCHWM here. My first thought was to agree and say something about how people’s right to exist and live the life that is normal to them doesn’t depend on anybody understanding or approving it. And assuming it’s peaceful and all that. You know, decent human stuff.

But then I reread your last line and got saddened by imagining the mental state of JKR. Imagine you are not just rich, but an adored famous artist, an American Dream success story, and doubly mega fucking rich to the point that you could just walk around giving random people life-changing amounts of money all day while funding other big amazing shit… and your mind is distracted by anger and fear towards the existence of other people you don’t even know. And now your famous name is attached to that awful attribute.

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