A staggering 80% of American households are financially worse off than they were before COVID-19

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1005 points –

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I am reminded of that quote along the lines of “it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.” I did everything right, and had a more than adequate emergency fund.

But then my house vaporized that emergency fund… and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

I’m sure I will be in “just save money” mode some day in the future. Lots of shit left to clean up right now though.

I’m a simple man: I see a Star Trek quote, I upvote

But a man of culture nonetheless!

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I’m a simple man: I see someone point out the Star Trek quote, I upvote

and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

You just explained the last three years of my life. I have no savings left. Period. If anything happens to the car, or either one of us loses our jobs, we're done. That's it.

Well, you aren't "done". Life continues.
Even when the state conspires against you having shelter from weather when you're homeless. Life still goes on.
Until it doesnt.