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Joined 12 months ago

I think what the person you were replying to was trying to say was, that land is an investment platform, and nobody better touch his stuff, or he will enact capital punishment as judge jury and executioner

I do enjoy the lack of Elon Musk fanboys trying to defend his every word here on [any place that isn't Reddit]

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you will sit down and be quiet, all you parasites stifling innovation, the market will solve this, because it is the most rational thing in existence, like trains, oh god how I love trains, I want to be f***ed by trains.


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you need to get out of your media bubble, but hey the most pro-worker/pro-Union president in American history "can barely read from (a) teleprompter" vs. the attempt to overthrow the nation is funny guy

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we already have a federal shipping service, and it would be better if republicans didn't try and destroy it every chance they get, like scrapping the sorting machines to stop mail in voters

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damn, we get a twofer!

  1. he diden't do it
  2. it was fine because other people do bad stuff

sounds like every other denier of stuff they know to be true

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I wish it was that easy, but nestle has taken almost 80% of global middleman positions in the food market, they have become a pseudo monopoly in the food industry.

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this may surprise you, but the police started out as PMC union-busting operations

it's not newspeak, it might be euphemisms but the meaning of what is being said is alive and well, the major hallmark of newspeak is to limit the ability to convey ideas via conversation

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that would literally put the entire Murdoch empire out of business, you can't do that!

they will never be convinced, people who deny climate change at this point aren't going to be convinced by evidence

He burned down half the city just to prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun.


to be fair, tankies are the fascist skinwalkers wearing the visage of the lefties they killed

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name the Federalist Society a hate group

to be fair, if we pretend they hate white people it would be signed faster than the ink could dry

ya, we did the whole blood and soil bit in the 1930-1945, we have since decided that ethnic cleansing is not the answer to someone getting killed.

or what would you say Germany do? go and start slaughtering the people in Gaza? maybe dig out the old playbooks, what was it 10 jews Muslims for every German killed? is that what you are calling for?

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ya, but as an LLC you get a lot of rights that you didn't have before!

these people? dude they yearn for the "rural settler life" of course they want to go back to the good old, god fearing, sustenance farmers and factory workers

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would take TV remote over touch display any day, those things are horrible in so many ways, lack of tactile feedback and having to confirm it registered the input is literally a lethal hazard because it's another reason people aren't looking on the road while driving

The founding fathers didn't dress fancy at all, literally the attire of better of peasantry, they just made sure to look their best for picture painting day.

the idea of Washington in his military uniform as permeated the public idea of what the man looked like to the extent that modern depictions show him wearing his military uniform when spending time at home with his children!

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oh, the parents? for the most part unknowing, the doctor on the other hand? ya, hate him

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I’d go with the one parading executed civilians and spitting on their bodies tbh.

this sadly does not narrow it down

wait, you are using the propaganda figures of an authoritarian shithole that openly genocides one ethnicity after the other as your source?

ya, if you go by that logic, I'd just use PraugerU and claim that America is a morally pure nation who's only problem is the existence of civil rights...

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free markets build monopolies, the only reason we are only at oligopoly is that we still have some regulation on the market (that inherently makes it not free btw)

it does, in the fields of exploitation sciences, also known as orthodox micro economics

He always has been kind of trash, but now he has regular business meetings with Putin.

In other COMPLETELY UNRELATED News: Russia has been pushing far right isolationist propaganda in the west for the last 20 years or so, going as far as to fund major parties in the Brexit movement, and far right parties all across Europe, and the Republicans in the USA.

I don't know what to tell you, but not Hamas or the Israeli government are interested in peace, in fact many members of the current government were anti-arab terrorists beforehand, and now some guy who got his kicks murdering Muslims in mosques, and praising soldiers who openly execute children as heroes is in charge of the police, and a "settler"(see imperial expansion) in charge of the military, and of course the "Palestinians aren't even people" PM they have.

this is what racism and ethnostate bullshit brings

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70% of casualties are women and children, this doesn't mean that 30% are Hamas, after all most men also aren't part of Hamas, just that they are actively targeting civilians

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it's almost like the entire region is nothing but two sides led by religious radicals who believe that it is their task to purge the other side.

there are plenty of cases where anti-arab terrorist did similar, often but not always as part of the military, one of who is the current Israeli minister of internal security.

dude he HAS a massive PR team to keep his image up, hell that PR Team is the only reason why people had this image of him in the first place

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as Orwell stated:

"As an ex-Indian civil servant, it always makes me shout with laughter to hear, for instance, Gandhi named as an example of the success of non-violence. As long as twenty years ago it was cynically admitted in Anglo-Indian circles that Gandhi was very useful to the British government. So he will be to the Japanese if they get there. Despotic governments can stand ‘moral force’ till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force."

it already can, multiple terabytes at once

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damn, imagine you need to justify killing brown people so hard you would use Assad support numbers.

Fun fact, there can be no accurate survey of opinion in a region controlled by a group that kills you for having the wrong one

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Obvious political persecution.

what political stances is he being persecuted for? Then again, WW2 was "Obvious political persecution." and I don't see anyone having issues with offing the Nazis, I mean it was literally targeted at a political party!

He admitted to doing porn with women and making money. Never admitted to “rape” or “trafficking” because it didn’t happen

look, I get it, English wasn't part of your Hustlers' university degree, but the man said it himself

quite frankly, the man is evil, and it isn't inherently wrong to get rid of shit stains like him

the EU actually does quite often, not that Americans would notice much of it. EU courts are the reason why Microsoft need to offer multiple browsers on install and why the N category of windows existed

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the IT wages in Germany aren't as high, you're looking at €3000-€5000 above your typical factory worker for the type of work they seem to be looking for, BUT therefor they also have German levels of workers right XD, just wait 5 years when Google decides to outsource somewhere else again, and realizes it can't afford to pay the severance of all those employees

no, be pessimistic, the optimistic stance is that hey will magically self regulate

Believe it or not? yes.

tho the distrust in the democratic institutions is literally the groundwork for abolishing democracy, and at least half of the media landscape is owned by people who want to abolish democracy, so where do you think most of the "government bad" stuff comes from?

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high fertility rate bullshit? does supporting Israel make you just turn straight up Nazi? any more race realism takes? maybe you also share the view of the Israeli government that Palestinians are below animals as well?

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it's concerning when victims of the holocaust want to do a holocaust but with different targets

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well ya, the very nature of the shareholder system demands short term profits, the rug pull has become the industry norm, dismantle the company to make your numbers seem better, inflating value, and sell before it collapses, find your next victim "investment opportunity" and repeat