Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy to politics – 289 points –
Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy | Common Dreams

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Believe it or not? yes.

tho the distrust in the democratic institutions is literally the groundwork for abolishing democracy, and at least half of the media landscape is owned by people who want to abolish democracy, so where do you think most of the "government bad" stuff comes from?

Democracy is when elected officials work for interest of the people who gave them a mandate, not for the wealthy donors who circumvent the will of the people.

Democracy is when officials are elected, period. They may be bastards, and the wealthy may have a (substantially) outsized influence on the government, but the American people by-and-large have much greater influence over their elected officials than most other countries, especially non-democracies.