14 Post – 330 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III 5.56 NATO w/ bump stock

Come to Columbus, Ohio. It doesn't have the name recognition of Seattle or Denver, but it's a pretty chill city with decent weather, good people, and a lower cost of living than just about anywhere else while also having job opportunities.

"Trust me bro!"

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80 years of living in the church of capitalism will do that to you.

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I mean yeah, but how is this a shower thought?

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Pretend that OP had his fragile ego damaged by your stupid, inane, misguided, stupid take >:(

I kept closing tabs and they kept reopening with ads. It must be a sign.

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two hours is waaaay out there guys!

My sides are in orbit! Here is a side-by side of the Alps

next to a small section of the American Rockies,

which is still nothing compared to Canada (yes there are people in that big empty area).

No offense, but true European rural doesn't exist.

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I was trying to run some weird nonsensical dream program for a work presentation and it kept opening M$Edge to show me ads. Every time I closed a window, two more would open. Eventually I was fired because "real dudes use arch". Then I woke up.

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Still better than the guy trying to push his crypto scam at Ohio State's ceremony this year.

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They may be insane, but they're insane AND active voters. They're also heavily armed.

The point isn't to actually impeach him, it's to make a big media circus that frightens and confuses voters. They want the biggest news story in the days leading up to the election to be "Biden lookin sus" as opposed to Trump's criminal history or the state of the economy, because that's their best shot at pulling votes away from him.

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This is actually Apu but still.

Where in the country did you move to? The US is really big, and things change depending one what region you go to.

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Look man, gooners just wanna jack it in peace.


You've heard of doomscrolling, now get ready for GOONscrolling

My husband is FTM trans and we're starting to get worried, living in Ohio. We've made the decision to move to Vermont this August because I just can't guarantee his safety anymore. His family is wholly unsupportive and mine, while not malicious, just doesn't get why we're making such a big deal out something so small. It's always "well [town name] is [town name], it's always been rednecky, you just need to hunker down and wait for it all the blow over". Not like this, and I don't want to move into one of the 3-Cs just to have the whole state go tits up. It sucks, but at least in VT he'll have access to a doctor. That and Ben & Jerry's.

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Don't make me laugh. The time for civil disobedience was five years ago. If Trump wins (or loses) this next election, it's time to tighten your belt, learn to shoot, and prepare for life in a balkanized North America.

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American culture was deeply scarred by the cold war in ways that I don't think many people realize. Over the last 80 years, the pursuit of self-interest has come to dominate every aspect of life and in turn degrades any attempt at community or helping one another. It's quite sad actually. The America that gave my grandparents the opportunity to drag themselves out of poverty has turned around and eaten itself alive.

Exactly, we should treating guns like cars. They should require revocable licenses, registration, training, and significant financial investment.

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They have more room to work legally, since he was an American

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What a way to go.


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TF is the president supposed to do here?

The Breakfast Club is overrated

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Looks good! At some point they're going to ask if you have any questions, make sure you ask at least one. It shows that you're interested and paying attention.

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IDK why people are downvoting you, that's essentially how it works. Everything is super interconnected now, but it wasn't always that way and the constitution hasn't been updated to reflect it.

Ohio has more complex political environment than a lot of states. It sits on the border of a number of major geographic features, and host a relatively large, diverse population. It's swung hard right over the past decade as the Republicans embraced populism, but has always been more left-leaning than many of its neighbors. This state is a political and cultural circus, but I wouldn't have it any other way (well, a bit bluer would be nice).

The rural exodus happened for many reasons, none of which have to do with the availability of high-speed internet. People are born where they are born, and often live there too. Sometimes that place is densely populated and replete with amenities, such as the Alps, sometimes it's not. You don't have to be an uneducated dick.

Damn ten years ago

As someone born in 98, it's been sad and frightening to have grown up watching so many of my peers fall down the alt-right pipeline and pop out as fully radicalized fighting-age fascists.

I would suggest Shenandoah National Park. Partly for the beauty of the park itself, and partly because the drive from Indiana will go through some gorgeous terrain. I would suggest taking route 33 through Wayne National forest in Ohio. You can stop in Athens as a halfway point, it's a picturesque little college town nestled in the hills.

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Except that's not the case at all. Reality isn't that simple and if you believe it is then you need to get out of your bubble and start listening to your left-wing allies in Trump country when they tell you what is going on.

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He's not, it's just gerrymandered to shit here.

Off topic but you HAVE listen to this song at least once before you go. The whole album is one of my favorites.

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Is that academy award winning actress Margot Robbie, star of the silver screen sensation Barbie?

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