Any time you're told that the weak and vulnerable are responsible for how bad things are, rather than the rich and powerful, you're being lied to to – 1058 points –

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I mean yeah, but how is this a shower thought?

Is in the US.

One of the most heavily propagandized cultures in the world and most of the people in it would swear that they don’t fall for propaganda or, even more ridiculous, that there isn’t any to fall for.

What I mean is here in the US we simp for the rich and hate the poor, therefore OP's post really is nothing but a shower thought.

Seeing the downvotes I think people didn't get it. Maybe that fancy European Education isn't as good as y'all think it is 🤣

Yes I’m agreeing with you. People don’t love their oppressors for no reason, they’re culturally influenced to do so. The US is a pretty extreme example of it. Which is why it’s a shower thought to Americans; it requires a detached perspective to escape cultural preconceptions.