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Joined 1 years ago

But she can shake a dick at a theater.

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The only thing that gets me hard is billionaires not getting their way.

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It's only universal healthcare when it's made from the Universalis Healthcarus region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling medicine.

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Both Apple and Google benefit from Twitter "nazifying" their users so they vote Repug and pay zero taxes. They'll never do shit.

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Anybody still putting money into this is a sucker. For 50mil they should have had some game out and ready

Fuck, the entire time SC was worked on we had Elite Dangerous get funded, released expanded and crash and burned. No man's sky launched from being "Sean Lied People Died" to the biggest redemption story in gaming and Starfield went from a twinkle in Todd Howards eye to complete. Two Everspace games. Rebel Galaxy 1&2. X4!! Fuck me.

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Putin thinks about gays more than Gay people do. 🤔

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He's lying. Rich people don't ever go broke.

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Sucks but if Lemmy.World is gonna be the "face" of Lemmy it's probably best to keep the shadier sides of the fediverse out. Just to keep the damn lawyer trolls off our back.

Plus it keeps the "uninitiated normies" out of the Piracy instance. At least until they know.

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Fauci would probably get a better response if he said "Don't wear masks so the lib cameras can track you".

All of a sudden masks sell out everywhere.

Seriously use reverse psychology.

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Any non Republican: breathes

GOP: 😡

That and reddit which is why they shit the bed the exact same time. It's coordinated.

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Satire senses tingling.

I hate this. Same with WB patenting the Nemesis system then not even bothering to milk it.

Based General for not even entertaining the idea of knowing what the W word even means.

It's too bad all our journalists are sold out to corpos otherwise they should respond to anyone wanting woke with "what is that? Idk what you are talking about please elaborate".

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It's a website where bots talk to each other and posts links from all over the internet in order to scam corporations out of ad revenue.

Dead Internet theory personified.

Conservative women need to keep their mouth shut and stay in the kitchen. There are bible quotes on this. Every time they speak in public the only response should be

KJV: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

RSV: "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent."

GNB: "I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet."

I wanna see hundreds of replies to every tradwife politicians with these every time they speak and I wanna see reporters repeat these instead of asking questions. If they want rights and be treated with respect, ditch the religion and trad shit and join the rest of us in the future.

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Delete conservatism and religion.

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Had mine for a year and yep no I'm just gonna pretend OLED doesn't exist.

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If you simp for dictators you cannot be leftist. All authoritarian is right wing. Tankies are virtually no different than MAGA Republicans. Both have the same goals regardless of the minor differences. And I have never seen a tankie talk shit about conservatives.

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A Republican gov would never ever appoint a Dem to replace a Dem so yeah fuck em. Go cry about it I say.

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Fellow Ameribros will get salty but this is exactly what freedom looks like.

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Yeah well maybe give people some incentive to want a family like maybe some mother fucking downtime from work and maybe some fucking guarantees that the world isnt going to turn into Venus in one goddamn generation.

The Japanese are just being smart.

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Yeah but are you this old?

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Most games being bought on these "killers" is probably on Steam anyway.

Valve right now:

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Maybe they should stop recommending videos I've already watched. And if I reroll give me a brand new list.

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He was one of the group that visited Moscow on July 4 a few years back.

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Tell China to "Czech yourself before you wreck yourself" would be my response.

A good chunk of Black Americans are conservative Christian and would absolutely be Republican if it wasn't for the overt racism. Same with Latinos.

Wizards of the coast paid $0 to fund this game, that's why it says Larian in the publisher field on Steam and not WoTC or Hasbro.

Yeah that was probably the deal but then Putin actually kills him because he's a literal Bond villain.

Still a better love story than Star Wars Episode II The Attack of The Clones.

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Great they just had to name it Hilary. This shit is gonna get memed to death right next to Brandon.

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Give em a "you won capitalism!" Participation trophy 🏆 too.

Nintendoss lawyers right now:

Yeah, absolutely.

Look the Republicans can literally go out and shoot one member of your family that you love in front of you then skull fuck you and force you to swallow it and they will still not vote Democrat.

It doesn't matter it's a religious tenant now.

Thinking small there, there are several Unity games published by big dick AAA corps.

Like Hearthstone, most of Kings catalog, the Doom ports were wrapped in Unity. Plus there's a lot of Unity games on Gamepass and that's Xbox 's bread and butter right now so Microsoft could just slap the shit out of em or just buy em out entirely (might be smart just for the King purchase itself).

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Inb4 hexberians have a hissy fit and call me racist for hating on one guy.