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Joined 1 years ago

If all your sponsors and business partners immediately flee you at mach speed over what you sent to that kid, it was certainly well past “inappropriate”

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Remember when one of the idiots who participated in his defense came out and said that he fucked up a full ride scholarship to go be a right wing talking head for Turning Point, and called him an antagonistic arrogant dumbass who couldn’t score high enough on his ASVAB to live out his dream of murdering minorities legally overseas?

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Maybe one of the member nations could do something to create that safety instead of throwing up their hands as Gaza starves. Or even just acknowledge that this is exactly what Israel wanted to achieve by killing aid workers.

This fixation on China and how every single policy has be put into the context of how it will effect them is bizarre and unproductive. The leaders and media in this country seem so desperate to start up another Cold War.

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All you’re getting from this is the satisfaction of insulting their intelligence at the cost of them dismissing everything you say and sparking a pseudo debate where you have to defend against a litany of half remembered talking points that they’ll never accept are wrong even when you offer proof.

Better to just skip all the trouble and jump straight to calling them morons; you don’t need a database of articles for that.

When has pointing out republican hypocrisy accomplished anything? They wallow in it, it’s like pointing out to the pig that it’s covered in shit.

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Not just space, bandwidth.

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We already had a nationalized SpaceX. We defunded it and gave grants to private companies like uh… SpaceX.

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It’s just a robots.txt flag that explicitly mentions a google user agent string. This is about as effective at stopping AI from training on your data as a “no trespassing” sign hidden behind the hedges of your unfenced lawn is at stopping trespassers.

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There’s a default invisible prompt that precedes every conversation that sets parameters like tone, style, and taboos. The AI was instructed to behave like this, at least somewhat.

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nah, they're gonna make fun of Trump for being broke with childish nicknames instead. sink down to his level while making him sound more relatable to all the broke people they want to vote for them. sometimes i think they're trying to lose.

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A lot of games do mocap on the face but what strikes me most about BG3 is how much body language the characters use. They aren’t an emotive head on a stiff body switching between obvious static poses. Dame Aylin isn’t just shouting at me she’s leaning into it, arms up, fists clenched and shaking. It really adds a lot to the character performances.

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please only make your voices 'heard' in the designated free speech zones.

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Could they, instead, band together to offer a service that’s more user friendly than piracy? I suppose bribery is cheaper and easier.

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This argument that open source somehow needs to exploit users and blatantly skirt the intent of the GPL because profit must be taken from it is absurd.

Why is it assumed that they weren’t perfectly sustainable before and why is it the end users responsibility to bear the burden of making their business model viable if they weren’t? Being unprofitable doesn’t excuse you from following the terms of your software license.

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Another dev who forgot to .AddGameplay()

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So she thinks she’s owed a job in a public office? I bet she thinks people who receive welfare are entitled.

If someone opens fire at people in a crowded building and causes a crowd crush that kills dozens of people, do you blame the crowd or the dude who started mowing people down? Israel murdered those people by creating that situation regardless of the precise circumstances of their deaths.

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They’re pro-birth. “Pro-life” is just marketing.

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I cannot conceive of a task where a humanoid robot would be better suited than just a robot built for the task without trying to mimic a human form.

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Brace yourself for a tidal wave of corporate apologists rushing to point out that “revenue isn’t profit!,!”

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So thoroughly CEO-brained he’s sabotaging his own business. He’d rather have his serfs in spitting distance than a future for his company. Truly incredible.

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If they’re still playing OW2 then it’s pretty obvious that nothing Blizzard does will make them stop. The fact that they’re complaining about the price’s amount rather than the price itself is proof that Blizz already has them on the hook.

They wouldn’t fight the landlords because a lot of them are landlords.

They would simply lobby to have the law repealed or, more likely, vetoed before passing. Failing that, they would exploit every loophole and edge case to take advantage of it and cry to lawmakers and voters that the law is the problem rather than their circumvention of it.

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so it's essentially a perverse incentive at work.

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If that’s their plan it’s incredibly stupid. They’re really underestimating the lethality of ecological collapse, and overestimating the ability of their wealth to mitigate it. Their best bet at survival is being holed up in a bunker by themselves living an austere subsistence life with maybe some close family. There’s not going to be anything to rule over.

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Every time someone tells you how little power a president has to realize his political objectives I want you to think about how eager, steadfast, and unilateral Biden has been in assisting a foreign country in the waging of a genocidal war. Then imagine he put that kind of political will behind literally anything positive.

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Already noticing some major improvements in both UI and functionality. So nice to see devs that prioritize improving the platform instead of goofing around with dumbass money making schemes.

Does anyone even install these mods or do they just exist for people to get outraged at?

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He’s vetoing things to create a record of centrist policy decisions in the run up to his inevitable presidential bid. It’s careerism, any other justification he provides is just smoke.

he was using a singapore VPN and had access to multiple sockpuppets. we know literally nothing else about them and anything you've heard to the contrary is baseless rumor.

leading theory is that it was a state-sponsored actor, but frankly even that much is speculation and which state is still way up in the air.

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People who treat driving as some kind of competition should have their license permanently revoked.

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I know it’s ridiculous to use a bingo board meme as a diagnostic tool but should I be concerned if I got a whooooole lot of these?

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They aren’t really forcing their views on anyone though, they’re just jacking themselves off. No nonconforming person is going to download this and inflict it on themselves, and they have no reason to use it themselves unless they’re just really closeted and lack the will to not express their own nonconformity. It can literally only exist to rile people up who sought out the mod specifically, which includes only them.

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Because an unelected council of lifetime appointed politically motivated actors who can arbitrarily decide whether democratically instilled laws are valid on a case by case basis is fundamentally stupid and obviously prone to corruption.

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The one they describe is usually so much nicer, too. Kids getting sex education that isn’t abstinence only or the STD shock image hour? I wish.

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“The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that affirmative action is a violation of the 14th Amendment and we believe the same reasoning will eventually be applied to the CROWN Act,” he [Barbers Hill Independent School District Superintendent] said.

from the article. they'll probably try to take this to the supreme court and get it overturned.

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He waived environmental protections with executive powers to expedite the process. He isnt just passively letting this happen because his hands are tied.

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They removed pure text that was almost certainly less than a GB of disk space and similarly negligible bandwidth cost that they weren’t even hosting themselves because not enough people looked at it. They just happened to realize this and ensure it was removed during a period of high public scrutiny and internal company strife that was relevant to the aforementioned TOS and the changes it’s repository tracked.

Anybody who trusts Unity after this is a mark.

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