Israeli Forces Fire at Gazans Waiting for Food Aid, Killing at Least 100, Injuring Over 760 Others to World – 550 points –
Israeli Forces Fire at Gazans Waiting for Food Aid, Killing at Least 100, Injuring Over 760 Others

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If someone opens fire at people in a crowded building and causes a crowd crush that kills dozens of people, do you blame the crowd or the dude who started mowing people down? Israel murdered those people by creating that situation regardless of the precise circumstances of their deaths.

And in so many more ways than that. There was a crush of people trying to "loot" food because they were starving. Which was also caused by Israel. If aid trucks were regularly coming into Gaza, they wouldn't be dealing with desperate people when they got through.

If people swarm a stadium killing hundreds in their panic do you blame the people who crushed them or the police who intervened?

There is still a timeline to work through, and the full story will take time.

Your claim that this started with the IDF firing into the crowd around the trucks is exactly what's being discussed here

could you explain to me how the anxious, starving crowd of people trying to reach aid "started" it?

Are you suggesting an anxious crowd couldn't have started trampling eachother or couldn't have caused the drivers to panic?

Are you suggesting that an anxious crowd devolving into a panic is improved by the addition of weapons fire?

If that is what happened, why would the article in the OP lie about it?

Why would you brush off these lies as unimportant?

Lie about what? Nothing in the article contradicts what I've said. Even if you buy the bit about Israel firing "warning shots" after the panic had already started, they still created this entire situation to begin with. They starved those people then tossed in some scraps and shot at them when they reacted pretty much exactly how any rational person would expect. It doesn't fucking matter if most of the bodies don't have IDF bullets lodged in them. They killed them all the same.

Above, you arrive at the suggestion that if the IDF was firing off warning shots, this could have set off a panic/stampede through the crowd and the trucks driving. but this would still mean that the IDF was largely responsible through this chain of events. Which I certainly agree with.

But the article says something completely different. It suggests the IDF waited for these victims to gather around the aid trucks and says they then opened fire on them. With artillery, drone missiles and gunfire. It mentions nothing about people being trampled or run over by trucks.

You don't see a little bit of contradiction there?

My dude I’m not arriving at any conclusion about what specifically happened. I saying even the most favorable interpretation toward Israel is damning. It doesn’t matter when or how they shot into the crowd, the only reason a starving crowd on the edge of panic existed in the first place is because Israel created it. That, for me, is enough to lay all the deaths at their feet regardless of whether they were shot, trampled, or run over.

If you’re concerned that I might be taking Israel at their word for some reason, let me assure you: I do not buy their version of events for even a second.