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Or a turd sandwich in which the bread is a bit old and causes issues in other countries.

You forgot "this is what hard-core Christians believe, this is where it contradicts itself, here are the 10 commandments including love thy neighbor and don't worship false idols".

(Completely different country here, no present risk.) The unfortunate reality for me is that I have three kids who might be called up if the shit hits the fan, and I've had 30 odd years longer on this planet.

If its not me, it's my kids.

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You forgot how many people would bitch their small size in a medium container wasn't filled properly.

Heh. Taint.

If the only thing Biden ever does is keep Trump from office it will be a net win.

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Tell my wife I now have "fuck you money", and then fuck her lots because she could quit her shitty stressful job and have energy again.

Look, I'm one of the first to say Americans are dangerously obsessed with firearms, but this wasn't a firearms issue - it was straight up murder. This wasn't an attempt to teach with any sort of responsibility or following any safety at all. If anyone tried to teach my kids firearm safety by sticking the barrel in their chest they would be decked.

First rule - every firearm is loaded. Every. Fucking. Firearm. Is. Loaded.

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This is something many people fail to realize - while society hates it exists, it is just an urge the same as my desire for women. We have just grown as a society to say this isn't right (correctly). There are many who have the urge, and don't follow up on it but its still there and they are a victim as well.

Fully agree though, this does not excuse those who act upon it, promote it or sell it.

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"Urban Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, German Literature, African American Studies, Gender Studies and Women's Studies". I'm sensing a bias here.

Also that state funding should match workforce demands for the state - this part makes sense.

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Well it removes the "Palestinians are in an open air prison" arguement. Also gives armed forces less places to hide and if they choose to wipe out Hamas they can pull the "anyone who stays is a combatant" card.

There are civilians on both sides who just want to exist and get out of conflict - they need a chance.

TBA how well it goes.

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I'm more annoyed at the lack of anything prop.

Not everything is a international long haul.

Well that isn't the action of a guilty party now is it.

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I don't consent to bleeding out

Uh... yeah? China beats nearly everyone on price but you don't go there for quality and durability.

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I mean, yeah women are being sexualised. But they are also well within their rights to be confident and proud of their bodies. Last comment had it right - there is a wider issue, but a bikini ban would never address it.

We had a great advert on a while ago that did this better - togs, togs, undies. Think it was an ice cream ad?

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Im going to lean to no. The world is incredibly empty, and we are squishy and biodegradable.

Graveyards (well, cemeteries) aren't permanent - permanent compared to human lifetime, but not permanent.

The mum of one of the dead put it well - justice was served but nobody won today.

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Yup - free pupper.

While I understand the intent, it leaves me worried on goodwill for any future prisoners.

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Whats stopping you?

My wife does then gets moody at me when I walk past and see her. I should tell her to cut the crap.

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Find one who refuses to marry Republicans, or whites, or straight couples and watch the bitching fly.

Be funnier if alot went along with it.

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You're mistaking your rational, logical brain with that of one who had just lost their little girl due to some little shits ego and a failing of those you trusted her safety with - including by the sounds of things making light of it and saying its not their problem.

If you have ever lost your cool at anyone in your life, imagine what you would have done if this was your loss.

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The concern is that if anyone can edit, anyone's bias can become prevalent. I can easily write a 500 word post, cite multiple peer revied sources and no one will check if what I am saying actually reflects the research.

There is a community (improvethenews i think) that tackles this by providing the narrative of what has happened, then providing for and against arguements (and some nerd facts after). Not this is better or that is worse - this is the decision, this is what supporters think, this is what opponents think, there is x% chance of something related happening.

This is the thing that pissed me off - the organization that has a humanitarian symbol so strong you can be legally held accountable for using it in a way that lessens its importance acknowledges that attacking a hospital being used as a military bases is a legal part of war. Meanwhile there are people whos education doesn't pass high-school screaming that this isn't legal, or its incorrect, or blaming the aggressor instead of those deliberately putting civilian lives at risk by blatantly ignoring intl rules of conflict.

If you want to throw in your argument against the red cross, spend your life and billions of dollars helping humanitarian issues world wide and then you might have some authority on the matter.

This is modern warfare. War is horrific, innocents get killed, people suffer. We put rules in place to lessen the effects on the innocent and those who circumvent those rules to try make the others look bad need to be removed in the quickest and most efficient way we can - as soon as one group gets away with ignoring the intl rules, everyone can.

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I don't know why a comment waiting for more info is downvoted.

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Likey also didn't contain rare earth minerals - no where near as effective but could have been less damaging and easier to make.

Then again, could have been a combination of arsenic, asbestos and cocaine so who knows.

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Thats what we all look like.

Don't check though

Genius that one

For those that don't speak plane, this is like saying every red light that tells you to stop and wait for someone is a near miss.

Pilot above is saying they got a red light 5 times in 15 years... hell, they got a give way 5 times when there was actually something there would be more accurate.

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Same, and discussed with my lecturers.

Especially 1st year business - we use the same text book as the last 10 years (just different versions), where nothing has really changed in the last 30 odd years, using the same template that runs through 600 odd students a year, where nearly every student uses the same easy three references that we used in class.

Its new to you, but no one is going to have an original idea or anything revolutionary in that assessment.

Also have to consider loss of experience, equipment and morale/exhaustion, along with economic costs on the civilian population.

May be larger, but are they professional forces that are well trained and equipped (for russia) or warm bodies and second tier equipment? What about the losses of experienced non-coms and officers?

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Its almost like their internet is out or something

It's ok, Russian words don't mean anything anymore.

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While I disagree with your view on "happy" and "choice how to live", it is a very interesting discussion that a country never successfully developed democracy and equality without their own citizens fighting for it.

We can push our values all we want, but until people die for how they want to live it won't stick. Unfortunately America is declining for the same reason.

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I can list off half a dozen reasons but no evidence behind it.

Best one I have is proving their ability to attack a vulnerable node in global comms and logistics - a common target in modern warfare and this is only based on the knowledge this is a thing in a modern world.

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Because it's underwater?

Its where we dump our shit?

Corse, irritating and gets everywhere?

I use the argument that consumerism is American culture. Anything from giant takeaways, to excess consumption at holidays, Costco, Walmart, even the American Healthcare system is designed to be sold.

Combine global narrative, propaganda and the backing of multiple states into the information age with instant messaging, loss of truth and mixed agendas and im still surprised nukes aren't flying.

I can't be the only one not surprised by this

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