
3 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I always preferred the rips fork Blu rays though. They had the highest quality video and audio and stuff. This sucks so much =(

EDIT: I just read someone else's comment that although they developed it they don't own it outright so that makes me feel a little better that hopefully other people can still make them.

Where do you think the people who pay the creators get the money to pay them? From sales from the results of the last creators who worked for them.

The second part is probably true, but ya, also don't encounter too many ads except for like some default game programs or something installed with the OS that are easy to remove from the Start menu and then you never see them again.

There's a reason Progressives don't like it. It's that same attitude that led to Biden being picked in the first place, and Clinton before him. They pick the senior person in the Party and then elevate them through donations, the Party apparatus gives them staff, email lists, endorsements, connections to media to push them up, and more to reward them for years of service.

People are finally realizing maybe we don't live in a great democracy just in time to lose it. At this rate, I'll take anyone who can beat Trump. If it's Biden I'll take it. But I'm not sure it is...

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They might be talking about her primary run for President specifically, but she had dropped out way before then I'm pretty sure. That is, I am not sure if California even had a chance to vote for her. It's one of the parts that suck about US primaries and being in a late state. Sometimes you don't even get a chance to vote for the person you wanted to vote for before they drop out.

Maybe we should've had a real primary with debates and interviews and stuff =(

We need an America 2 where we can apply all the lessons we've learned, like primary every election and judges that can be recalled easier for corruption.

Not worth the risk to lose his governorship for a shot in the dark. I don't know why the Democrat Party hasn't been building alternatives for the last 4 years. Hell, I only recall seeing Harris when she was yelling at poor immigrants to stay away. They failed this country.

The problem is that there was no live fact checking. Wtf can you do against a constant Gish Gallop of blatant lies? Even if they drugged him, I'm not sure what he could've done with that debate format.

Some of the Scrubs jokes aged badly. I can't remember any specifically, but there was some anti-gay humor and stuff like that. The show I still appreciated enough to get through a rewatch recently and still mostly enjoyed, but some of the individual jokes were hard to sit through. Wish I could remember one lol.

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Oligarchy or aristocracy, and that's Russia. And the US at this point lol.

Yup. Maybe she can get a real job instead of just making money owning property.

This ruined my day =(

That would be hilarious lol

Ya, I kind of like the idea of code being put somewhere else just in case. It sucks it's China, but I hate to see anything centralized in one company, especially if it's a big public, good like Github and all it's code.

Which of these are the Facebook ones?

Luke had to actually train and failed when he fought his main, more experienced villain for the first time. Then he went back and did more training off screen. I think that makes him less a Mary Sue. He's definitely whiny, though.

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I mean, someone has to find out what your local community is doing and write it up on the internet. That's what reporters do, and they need to get paid for it somehow.

Edited: I wrote a longer rest response but I feel like my long responses will distract from the main topic of the thread. So I'll put some in spoiler text, remove the rest, and that's all I'll say on that. This an emotional topic and can go on forever I'm sure.

It won't happen if the liberals pressure him enough. That's the thing. He's already made some concessions in rhetoric scared of the changing narrative. We can have both Biden and a stop to a genocide with enough public pressure. The election isn't until November. I don't believe a genocide is the only choice as long as we live in a democracy, can build a movement, and he's a rational candidate (which I think he is).

::: spoiler Btw it's not just principles. People are fucking dying right now dude. It's going to affect the Middle East, millions of refugees will head to surrounding countries, and then it will affect Europe. They will probably turn more fascist as a result, just like from their current immigration crises from Syria and Africa. Plus, now Israel is trying to start wars with Lebanon and Iran, and drag us into WIII. Plus it's causing shipping problems in Yemen. Not to mention the Israeli Super PAC that funds conservative politicians that we allow to run rampant in our country for some reason. It goes on and on. This stuff does affect us whether you like it or not.

In addition, this is a huge escalation over previous decades. It's another nakba. Almost the whole population is pressed South against Egypt right now. Northern Gaza won't be habitable for decades. It can't get much worse. It's too close for them to nuke, and they've taken out most of the hospitals and seem to have triggered a catastrophic famine. They're killing so fast, they're already looking to start another war before they finish this ethnic cleansing campaign so Netanyahu can stay in office. :::

And still vote, I'm not saying don't do that. I will. I'm just saying I get why other people complain about him. I'm sure they'll still vote down ballot, and would even vote for him if he changed tact on Israel.

I get that Project 2025 is scary, but so is Project 2029, and 3033. We shouldn't have to accept that we'll be an evil empire forever, always choosing between two flavors of genocidal maniac, forever cursed to enact horrible terrors on the international stage, awaiting the inevitable drop into fascism. We can use this moment to get the President to stop bowing to a foreign state that's been troublesome to us for decades. Even Reagan had to smack Israel down.. He's been slowly improving, and I get why other people would use this moment where a possibly sway-able Democratic President is in the office and has a looming election as leverage.

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Let's just all team up together, pool our issues and grievances as a group, and then have one person represent us to the compamy presenting our issues as some sort of united front. You know, so we could increase our bargaining power as some sort of collective.

We're geniuses. No one has ever thought of this before.

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So in this case Amex is a person's name and not a portmanteau of American Express?

I'm sure this is a joke, but just in case, try to remember there are lots of Jewish people against Zionism and lots of gentiles for it. Try to remember that.

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As long as the US backs them up they feel invincible. I'm sure the nukes help, too. They're like Russia.

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This is what I've been talking about. Keep up the pressure people. Everyone who has just suggested throwing up your hands and saying "oh well" at the Biden administration's handling of this genocide and voting for him no matter what he does has been, imo, too cynical, ironically more cynical than those of us saying to pressure Biden. It feels weird to say that, but those of us recommending threatening to withhold your vote for Biden unless he did something actually believed he was capable of change, unlike the ones cynically accepting the US's complicity in the elimination of a culture of people from their homeland. Keep up the pressure, keep up the threats of withholding your votes, keep up the protests, and the songs - because I think Biden will continue to bow to it before letting the country fall to Trump out of stubbornness.

At least I hope so. He's got a couple more months to prove it, and this is progress. Hopefully he doesn't reverse course like the sanctions on the West Bank settler terrorists. But overall, ya, I actually do believe in him, and the country's ability to come together and push him before November.

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Hm... I should get a gun. And a passport.

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How did you interpret a genuine compliment as so negative? You need to get some more self-esteem, friend lol. You're valid and you have good insights!

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They've got to be at least 75% of /r/worldnews.

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It's so sad how alone he is. The culture in Israel is so right-wing, so extreme. They like to pretend this liberal with their protests against Netanyahu, but now they're all calling for blood as if the last 70 years of occupation never happened, as if they haven't been killing and starving people this whole time.

The kid is right. There's no military solution to this conflict. But it's sad that to say such a obvious thing makes him a pariah in his own home. The US needs to stop supporting that bloodthirsty populace.

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I can't think of a specific song but I can say that I hate when radio ads do that shit.

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It seems like his stroke really changed him, like personality wise. It's just a shot in the dark, but I wonder if it really did. I really liked him before.

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A lot of people are trying to de-google.

To be fair, that was a lot of my Reddit, too. Antiwork and work reform were constantly on the front page lol.

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This is what happens when you not only impede progress but want to reverse it. We're going backwards.

I thought they'd wait longer before doing this. Don't they want to tease the West a bit longer? See if they can get more weapons and stuff? Or are they calling their bluff, knowing they'll give them stuff no matter what they say at this point?

This is the part that hits so hard. I always thought that if I had lived during the holocaust, I would've done something. But, here I am, during another genocide, and I feel so utterly powerless and my county is helping it along. It sucks.

Beautiful. I bet this will be in contention for the best picture award for this community at the end of this year.

Nobody thinks Trump will be good for the Middle East. They are just trying to pressure Biden to actually change his policy. The idea is he'll change course if he sees it's not popular and could threaten his election. I say publically it'll make a difference because I don't want Biden to support a genocide and it's the only tool I have, but I doubt it will. I'm sure they're all like me and live in a blue state, which means we're useless for the electoral college. He needs to try to get purple states.

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My last 3 jobs have had a 45-1.25 hour commute. The city is too expensive to live in, plus traffic, plus trying to find a midpoint between my job and my wife's all kind of lead to this. I get some of my coworkers prefer to go in because they can't work from home because the environment there isn't conducive to working, but that doesn't mean I should have to pay for that. I never realized how much of my time was being sucked up commuting until I the pandemic lol.

Cold war drama is still alive and well. You could see it when people call freaking Bernie, or even more laughably Biden, a communist, or in the fall out of every country in the global south, from Latin America to the Middle East, from propped up divisions of countries in East Asia, to the poor former Soviet block of Eastern European countries looted in the wake of the fall of the USSR. Our present interference in South Korea, Taiwan, Cubs Afghanistan, Yemen, and elsewhere are all relics of that time. The US has never really left the red scare mindset, and the global geopolitics of that era will reverberate for generations to come. It's why everyone celebrated when Kissinger died.

Still, saying all that commie and socialist stuff, I still think lemmy.ml is too ban happy. I like that they don't defederate as fast as Lemmy.world, which I think is too eager on that front. But in terms of their posting moderation, I think lemmy.ml is way too heavy handed, and hence I don't like their moderation style at all. It's why I made sure not to choose either of those instances despite them being the biggest and most default. I do like having the choice, though, which is one big thing I like about the fediverse. There's no way to avoid that kind of shit on Reddit. I just wish people would split up the communities among different instances better, though.

Lemmy.world is biased, but in a way that's harder to see. They're more liberal and centrist, which isn't political in the same way being white "isn't". It seems like it isn't because it's the default of the English speaking West.

But still, ya, lemmy.ml needs to cool it with the bans and heavy handed moderation. I'm glad it's not the biggest anymore but now I think everything is too much on Lemmy.world. I wish people would split up their accounts and communities on more instances instead of putting it all on one (or two). This and Reddit is a great example of why we shouldn't be giving the same people power over everything.

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