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Or just anyone who's not clued in. Trumpland will vote even if they know he's lying. It's the people that barely pay attention to politics that will hear a confident politician say something and assume it's true.

Trump will be advertising.

It gets really interested if both happen simultaneously and we as a nation have to all just sit in awkward silence for 3 minutes wondering how we got here.

Around the same time Bowman had his own poll (the DMFI poll is effectively a pro-Latimer poll) with him up +1. Also weak for an incumbent, but there's no reason to place the baseline at -17. AIPAC money almost certainly had a strong effect on the race, otherwise they wouldn't have felt spending $14.5 million was a good use of their donation money. That's fully half of all their expenditures reported thus far. The people with full time jobs focused on influencing US policy very much believe spending money influences elections.

He's carrying on a tradition for the House leader to endorse and support (with varying levels of "support") all House incumbents. It's not an indication of policy agreement or friendship, it's just if you're an incumbent, he supports you.

Which is... fine. It's probably good that the House leader isn't supporting primary opponents to people in his caucus. But of course some support will be a lot more substantial than others. Pelosi (when she was leader) went to the mat for Henry Cuellar in his previous close primary against a progressive, but would just give perfunctory endorsements to progressive incumbents. When most people know you endorse based simply on incumbency, it's not really much of an endorsement.

How much of this is not-crossing without an asylum option available and how much is not actively seeking out Border Patrol agents in order to surrender?

Not even mentioned in the article! In what world does the author live that "vaping" was the scandal that prompted her to flee her district? Conservatives couldn't care less that she was being rude with vape smoke at a play.

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Two solutions to that problem:

  1. Choose the answer you like. Those other rabbis are wrong.
  2. Avoid breaking anyone's rules (this is, I believe, roughly the actual method). If one rabbi says it's forbidden to spin counter clockwise while dancing and another says it's fine, don't spin counter clockwise because maybe the first rabbi is right and the second just said it wasn't required, not that you had to do it. There's no electricity in the Biblical rules, but it's kind like fire and there are rules about fire on Shabbat, so they're not supposed to use electricity on Shabbat. It might be overkill, but better safe than sorry.

Wild that the Times of Israel, reporting second-hand, has a more factual accounting of the event.

Violent clashes broke out Sunday between pro- and anti-Israel demonstrators in Los Angeles after the latter held a protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue, where an Israeli real estate fair was being held.

The first line establishes the relevant information, not some vague idea that there were protesters just stopping Jews from worshipping. The only context missing is that the real estate fair probably isn't for apartments in Tel Aviv. It's probably for West Bank settlements, which are heavily populated by Americans.

CNN surprisingly actually had a more detailed accounting, albeit surrounded by the dominant anti-Palestinian narrative.

Synagogue hosted Israel real estate event

The protest stemmed from an Israel real estate event on Sunday at the Adas Torah synagogue, according to the synagogue’s security director and social media posts from organizers.

The event at the synagogue was organized by My Israel Home, a firm that markets real estate in Israel and West Bank settlements and was advertising on social media. CNN has reached out to My Israel Home for comment.

In one video, two men appear to be wrestling on the ground as others kick at them. Later, one of the men – holding an Israeli flag – appears to have a bloodied face and mouth.

Additional video showed an egg thrown at a pro-Palestinian activist and a man wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Palestinian scarf, chased and punched on the ground by a man wearing a Jewish yarmulke or kippah.

During many of the altercations, bystanders worked to pull and hold people apart.

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Incidentally, he was also pardoned by Donald Trump for misusing campaign funds.

Ah, you're referring to his vaping scandal. He was probably vaping while doing it.

You literally started the argument you're now upset about. For some reason you thought it was important enough to tell me I was wrong, but after people told you your interpretation is wrong (or at best, in your evaluation, pointless) you're suddenly wondering why we're even talking about it.

You didn't read the summary and felt compelled to make a point no one else here or in political coverage agrees with, just tuck your tail and slink away.

It's literally the first line of the summary. There was a district that most closely matched her previous one, but she's running in a district she doesn't live in because it would be easier to win.

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They even quoted a protester, which shouldn't be an unusual event when covering protests, but here were are.

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the city’s mayor, who called for more police patrols.

You don't need more police patrols, this was a protest with insufficient police staffing, not a random event the police would need to stumble upon. Somehow even with planned events the police knew about and were already present at, mayor's answer is just more police wandering around.

And that was from a "tough" judge who was doing everything he could not to jail him. Eileen Cannon is absolutely not going to meaningfully enforce a gag order. And she'd probably set aside 3 weeks to hear motions for each violation before refusing it.

That's the most frustrating thing about all these back and forths. So much angst and arguments when the first question that needs to be asked is "do you live in a state that's in play?" If not, then you don't need to tell anyone who you're not voting for and no one needs to tell you you shouldn't, because your vote doesn't matter and you're not making the decision based on who you'd prefer to see in the White House. Deep-X votes are being decided in relation to their irrelevance and both shouldn't be shamed as supporting migrant death camps and also shouldn't be an opinion someone in a swing state should look to when making their own decision.

I'm in a deep blue state. Usually I vote for Democratic presidential candidates merely to drive up the popular vote total and make the argument against the electoral college stronger. That's all my (presidential) vote is worth, so if I decided not to cast it, it's in that context, and someone in Georgia should be making their decision in an entirely different context and ignoring the position declarations of people whose votes really don't matter.

Could Adams actually lose? The short answer is yes, even if it’s historically difficult to oust an incumbent mayor. Adams only managed to win the 2021 Democratic primary by fewer than 10,000 votes. Kathryn Garcia almost became mayor, and a large swath of the city also voted for Maya Wiley, the leading progressive candidate.

And yet centrists everywhere acted like it was a landslide victory demonstrating a new mold for Democrats nationwide.

Or that what is essentially a court-ordered transfer of venue doesn't just count as a continuation of the already filed case for whether it's valid.

My only guess would be people can get better propaganda elsewhere and the CNN propaganda was supposed to fly under the radar as coming from a "real" news station. CNN has had various stories about right-biased reporting which actually damages their brand, unlike Fox where the target audience is all in.

This exact same school district already lost a pre-CROWN Act federal lawsuit about requiring Black students to cut their hair.

It's the exact same case, except the new kid's hair is less long and since then (literally in response to it) Texas passed the CROWN Act to make it explicit. Nothing changed to make it allowed, they just decided to keep doing it. And I'd say it's pretty safe to call the judge, who ruled against a previous federal ruling and the law explicitly added in response to the previous violation, is just another Republican racist with no concern for the law. Feels like we need a new round of federal supervision for civil rights in South.

Also, all this seems like something a journalist might want to include in a story.

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I don't like Joe Biden, but this isn't a presidential approval poll, it's an election, and he's clearly better than any of the alternatives. And when it comes down to it, he's been better than I expected. We could have just had an exclusively centrist presidency, and while there's been plenty of centrism, he has been persuadable to progressive action.

And frankly even if you can't bring yourself to express support Biden for some reason, it should be pretty easy to want anyone who willingly associates with Republicans to lose and lose badly, because they're way beyond stealth-mode fascism now. Even the most jaded "they're all neolibs" voter from earlier elections can't possibly ignore that the Republicans are just fash now. There's a real danger if they win that cities end up with federally tasked jackboots kidnapping protesters like Portland.

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It's also journalistic malpractice to just refer to this guy as a nameless "federal judge". He's a main character political player and should be recognized as such. His district refused to implement the anti judge-shopping rule handed down by the Judicial Conference and he's running a national injunction mill for Republicans. He shouldn't in any way be given the benefit of the doubt or cast as a faceless judge just doing law.

You should instead be asking why they chose an obvious outlier to represent pet owners. That one lady has 10+ pets doesn't change that 2/3rds of families have pets and only 20% of rental housing allows cats and dogs of all sizes.

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And a particularly unqualified and ideological appointment, even by Trump standards.

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If anyone has a powered cell phone they don't want someone in their household to know about, power it off.

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Don't care. I do care he took a hundred thousand dollars in gifts for this son from rightwing billionaires. He's not important because he's supposed to be a great dad, he's important because he's supposed to be impartially deciding matters of national import.

The New York Times just couldn't resist turning Trump doing a dangerous and stupid thing into another excuse to pump the Biden-age story. Trump has evidenced the same and worse mental issues and the esteemed "liberal" press would never in a million years spend multiple stories on multiple days talking about it.

The NYT has a bombshell expose every once in a while, but their standing impact on the world is whitewashing conservative propaganda so they can show they're not partisan.

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What a headline. Why would anyone ever even think the Democrats would help nominate Jim Fucking Jordan? Oh man, those Democrats really had an opportunity to reach across the aisle here but now I see they're just allergic to bipartisanship for not supporting the "conservative firebrand" and "guy who wanted to overturn an election they won". He's one of the least acceptable choices they have, why frame it like they refused to do a thing that's manifestly stupid?

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Don't demand. Sue.

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Fucking hilarious. Prior commitments on the four days your father, the former president, will be nominated for president again. What are these more important commitments?

Baron must really hate his dad. Also, I assume Melania does too, especially with him forgetting his son's age and once again publicly running through the affair he had 4 months after she gave birth. Even if he doesn't care about the kid, he should be able to calculate from the dates that keep coming up in his trial.

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Applying criminal conspiracy laws correctly is good and incorrectly is bad. Pretty easy.

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For fuck's sake, shut this down already. They're going to keep ratcheting until they get a response, and if they go far enough the next step is to actually start fighting. It's not a harmless stunt, this is normalizing the steps toward armed rebellion.

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Yeah, that's a trash headline. This isn't something that's just happening from impersonal natural effects, it's management trying to kill it. And at least as of March, 35% of workers with jobs that can be done remotely are working from home. This isn't a "last gasp for WFH", it's a few big Silicon Valley employers trying to reassert control and their friends in the business media joining the cause.

I know I'll never go back to an office and a lot of other WFH employees don't even live near their companies anymore. Good luck retaining top talent if you treat them like children in need of supervision.

Trump returning to a renamed rightwing Twitter and the NYT giving it breathless coverage is a perfect example of the fucking idiotic media environment we live in. They've got about 300 stories about the misunderstood Trump voters in diners planned, stenographers ready to transcribe his every utterance on social media, and a host of "liberal" commentators chomping at the bit to write the next "has wokeness gone too far" piece. The upper class enlightened centrists of the paper may thoroughly disavow him at their dinner parties, but they're fucking in love with the idea of humanizing fascism, because having the opinion that racism, transphobia, and domestic terrorism are bad and should be fought against is just so boring.

This isn't a case about mocking a former president, it's about trying to trademark mocking a former president, which can then be used to sue other people who use the phrase. You don't need a trademark to print shirts with disparaging words against Trump, you need it to stop other people from doing it. The Biden administration isn't protecting Trump with this suit.

How could Israel possibly need munitions after years and years of military subsidies? Especially just to fight Hamas (and do some retaliatory killing of civilians). This isn't a Ukraine situation where a major power is invading a weaker enemy who has had to choose between military spending and social spending, this is the more powerful country attacking a weaker insurgency while being continually fed funding for their military from a superpower.

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Moved to the police force sometime after an excessive force lawsuit when he was a correctional officer.

Look at his cute little "I-do-manual-labor" costume.

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There's a place where he could go to speak to 500 current union members: the picket line.

Instead he's going to a non-union shop at the invitation of their management and supported by a political group whose entire purpose is to fight against unionization. It's as anti-union a media event as one could do, but for some reason the media repeats or at least humors the idea that this is trying to garner support from union members.

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The former president, in a typically loud post on his social media platform Truth Social, claimed that FBI agents had been authorized to use ‘deadly force’ during the raid of his Florida property

Yet another missed opportunity by Merrick Garland's Department of Justice.