Snot Flickerman

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Joined 8 months ago

Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

Because he is. Even if we don't like him. Even if we think his handling of Israel is fucking disgusting. Even if we think he's too god damned old.

Trying to run someone new without any primaries now would almost assuredly leave us with a worse candidate and a splintered voting bloc.

Why? Because without primaries, it's basically in the DNC's hands to choose a new candidate, which they are totally allowed to do as a private organization. I know this because they never legally argued that they didn't put their finger on the scale for Hillary Clinton in court, they argued that as a private organization, the DNC is allowed to make its own rules and break its own rules. (The law was on their side, so they pounded the law, since the facts would have said they totally did put a finger on the scale for her.)

How many Democratic voters do you think are going to line up for a party-chosen candidate? What if they did "go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way." I think a lot of voters would be real unhappy with that.

Even if the party chose to let their delegates choose a candidate at the convention (less than two months away), it could easily turn into an absolute shitshow and also split the party vote.

Biden is who we've got and we can accept that or fuck up our chances for any semblance of democracy even more.

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I mean, not trying to bash Biden, just being fucking honest here.

What did people expect from the guy who responded to years of anti-police protests that were basically asking "please stop killing us" that were responded to by police by becoming a police riot by... *checks notes... massively increasing police budgets nationwide.

System Shock 2 is begging for a remake with actually functioning netcode for multiplayer way more than the original.

Bioshock would eventually iterate on this, but the RPG systems of System Shock 2 are so, so deep, and I always appreciated that you could still get attacked by enemies while trying to hack machines. It made doing things like hacking feel very dangerous. Bioshock literally pauses time for you it's so weak by comparison.

Top-tier writeup. The original will always hold a special place in my heart but Mankind Divided was an excellent modern interpretation of similar systems of gameplay.

Exactly, the moment to replace him was from the get-go. Now we're logistically in too deep without splitting the entire party and essentially just handing the win to Trump. (Thanks so much DNC, it's totally clear you know better than the voters in your own party. /s)

I blame ineffectual Democrats who are more concerned with their power inside their own party for the rise of fascism as much as the fascists themselves, because their fucking buffoonery and chicanery literally enable the fascist Republican crime spree.

I mean fuck, look how long they carted out Dianne Feinstein pretending she was still a functional human being instead of just running anyone the fuck else.

I never asked for this.

I'm gonna be real with you people.

I'm not putting something in my body made by some fucking rando with no evidence whatsoever of what kind of materials they made it with.

Maybe, just maybe, this is a good thing because who knows what kind of toxic plastics were being used to make DIWhy sex toys.

The banning of porn is otherwise dumb, of course.

The judiciary which has a backlog of cases and this will further create a backlog.

Lawyers must be happy about endless billable hours, of course.

And sadly clearly does not think voice actors deserve the same protections as film actors.

Their union deals were a win for everyone but voice actors it seems.

Oh no, just like if you were actually hired to do a red team simulation for a business! They would have strict rules of engagement and certain systems would potentially be defined as off-limits.

How terrible of Hackthebox to *checks notes... promote industry standard Red Team practices.


I live in a smaller, but still relatively big, city in the Northwest. Similar vibe to Portland but smaller.

I searched and counted a total of 6 venues that use Live Nation.

(To be fair, it had more listed, but a couple have been closed since before COVID so Live Nation isn't exactly updating this list regularly. At least one of these venues has changed hands of ownership a few times in that time, so are they still contracted with Live Nation? Who the fuck knows, I'd have to ask in person to know for sure.)

Other than a Performing Arts Center, basically all of them have much weaker attendance for their shows than pretty much any other venue that isn't associated with Live Nation.

Literally, I can count, off the top of my head, more venues that don't have agreements with Live Nation. All these venues get tons of locals showing up, partially because of how cheap the shows are. We also still have a handful of weird houses that do punk shows.

Also, some of these Live Nation places are literally just fucking Old People places, like the local Elk's Lodge. Nobody is doing wild concerts at the fucking Elk's Lodge.

Live Nation can have a presence in your area and the local music scene can still be thriving outside of it.

Portland isn't the only city that still has a vibrant local music scene, with or without Live Nation.

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Everyone needs a Gary in their life.

I'm happy to be the Gary for my less technically inclined friends. Their lack of knowledge would get me kicked off private trackers if I invited them so they could curate their own collections, so it's just easier to be the guy who makes it easy for them.

Be like Gary, sharing is caring.

This is fantasy, who cares. Lots of non-US-born people have been suggested and a bunch of fictional people got suggested, so whatever, you know?

I'd take Ali G Inda(White)house.

provides more security than windows.


Yeah, if you have a fucking clue what you're doing which most casual users don't. (That includes me.)

The only significant advantage it has security-wise over Windows is not defaulting to an admin/root account and instead requiring an elevation of privileges.

...but even modern Windows does the same now.

Exploits exist for Linux and other open source products, corporations with Linux servers and GNU utilities get hacked.... I mean fuck just go look at all the CVE's, they don't make them for nothing.

Joe Biden is way too classy to really insult him. I felt like he was just being honest about who Trump is and what he has done. If it's insulting, it's Trumps fault for that being who he really is.

Like, there's reports Trump actually did shit himself during the debate (Sorry about the link to X, can't find it elsewhere). Joe Biden is way too classy to call Trump out for such a thing.

I agree, though! Hunter is just done even trying to have any semblance of reasonableness or classiness with the right wingers, so he'd probably be like "Okay, fuck this, let's get dirty."

Like... which scene groups or individuals?

Don't really have a particular favorite, although Subsplease is pretty snappy for anime if you want it as-it-releases.

Otherwise, for groups focused on US/UK/European media, whatever's got the quality range I'm seeking and preferably a season pack all from the same group/same quality.

Is it that or is it that the laws are selectively applied on little guys and ignored once you make enough money? It certainly looks that way. Once you've achieved a level of "fuck you money" it doesn't matter how unscrupulously you got there. I'm not sure letting the big guys get away with it while little guys still get fucked over is as big of a win as you think it is?


The Pirate Bay: Only made enough money to run the site and keep the admins living a middle class lifestyle.

VERDICT: Bad, wrong, and evil. Must be put in jail.

OpenAI: Claims to be non-profit, then spins off for-profit wing. Makes a mint in a deal with Microsoft.

VERDICT: Only the goodest of good people and we must allow them to continue doing so.

The IP laws are stupid but letting fucking rich twats get away with it while regular people will still get fucked by the same rules is kind of a fucking stupid ass hill to die on.

But sure, if we allow the giant companies to do it, SOMEHOW the same rules will "trickle down" to regular people. I think I've heard that story before... No, they only make exceptions for people who can basically print money. They'll still fuck you and me six ways to Sunday for the same.

I mean, the guys who ran Jetflicks, a pirate streaming site, are being hit with potentially 48 year sentences. Longer than a lot of way more serious fucking crimes. I've literally seen murderers get half that.

But yeah, somehow, the same rules will end up being applied to us? My ass. They're literally jailing people for it right now. If that wasn't the case, maybe this argument would have legs.

But AI companies? Totes okay, bro.

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On average, we respond solely to voice pitch, tonality, body language and facial expressions

I mean, to be fair this is a human thing that is well known. It's been known since Nixon looked like hell next to young JFK, the first ever televised debate. Nixon boned it because he was sweaty and looked like shit.

It's been an issue of the television era ever since we began to focus on images instead of words. It's also an issue with public speeches.

I mean for fucks sake, JFK went to Berlin and gave a speech where he said "Ich bin ein Berliner" while a Berliner is a fucking donut and despite that confusion Germans went fucking wild cheering for him.

"What did he say? I am a donut? Whatever, he's awesome woooooooooooooo!"

Acting like it's just American citizens is fucking dumb. It's humans. It's an issue with video media, period.

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If he ever makes another album, I think you just named it.

Weird Al - Al Generated

No one will ever be able to complain about his age since he doesn't age and just owns a painting of himself that ages instead.

Negative self-talk doesn’t help.

Of course it doesn't, but plenty of mental health issues involve negative self-talk, so it's unlikely they're doing this on purpose.

One sure-fire way to get someone to do negative self-talk their whole life is for their parents to talk down to them and put them down at any and every opportunity. Ask me how I know. Philomena Cunk.

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All of us contain the capacity for great good as well as great evil.

Further, while good and evil are important concepts, they are still essentially made up human ideas that will go extinct when we do.

He's also a perfect counterpoint as a healthy representative of the Christian religion. It's the reason he doesn't curse in his songs. He's a good clean, Christian boy!

Would they let him respond to debate questions in song with his accordion? Dear GOD I hope so.

...with Vice President... hang on I'm having trouble reading this... Hot Saucerman? Shock Jockerman? Trick Shotterman? Yacht Rockerman? Who is this guy??

Not sure who I would pair him up with for VP though.

Dude, you forgot about Dre.

...but then how will they rent you services like heated seats?

They need to be able to turn cars into a glorified gacha machine so that they can make money from Whales, too! /s

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After the fucking Presidential debate last night, I'm scared as living fuck that I'll be living in a fascist dictatorship by January 7th, 2025.

That fear was compounded with the death of the Chevron ruling by the Supreme Court this morning. US administrative state is basically DOA.

They're out here doing Project 2025 right the fuck now. It's not a conspiracy, it's fucking happening right now.

Honestly, I'll say it, if you're not scared shitless by all this at this point, you're naive, no matter if you're a US citizen or not. The world's largest military being controlled by fascists is a bad deal for the whole planet.


With Presidential Cabinet members Steve Carrell, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Judge John Hodgman, Jordan Klepper and Lewis Fucking Black.

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We'll see how this fares in the face of Chevron being rescinded. Will they even recognize FCC authority to do this?

Pretty sure all new rules like this must be made my congress now...

Hoo boy we are fucked.

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"I pity the fool who doesn't vote for me!"

Because Trump would never see him coming.

I had thought about some folks in that wheelhouse, too. Sometimes I really wish Macho Man Randy Savage was still around.

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I'm not even sure if this one is silly as much as it is serious. Too bad Stewart would never want the job!

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I thankfully didn't have enough weed or alcohol available to me to make it that deep into the debate, and to be frank, I'm glad I missed this bit. How infuriatingly stupid.

Maybe not this exact model, but 20 years ago when I was a young gun in college for the first time, I got one of these because I hated cleaning the fucking shower and tub.

It worked about as badly as you'd expect. I don't know if modern versions are any better, but holy shit they're a lot more expensive than they used to be. I remember spending like $40 at the time.

I quickly learned to just wipe down the shower after use and clean it more often. Thing was fucking worthless.

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The Notebook is notorious for this.

It's "hero" has big stalker "I'll kill myself to punish you if you dont love me" kind of vibe.

Lots of women fucking love this movie and it makes me sick because the relationship is SO unhealthy.