4 Post – 558 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

If you live in the states, Libby is a lifesaver. It's an online audiobook thing for libraries. You can use your library card to check out audiobooks through the app. And if you're unable to use Libby for some reason, I've heard mobilism has a lot of audiobooks for free

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So I can't do whipits as a show of solidarity in the climate struggle? Damn.

They best way to stop not liking crack is to start liking it!

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I refuse to accept Texas' claim on y'all. Its a word collectively owned by everyone south of the mason-dixon line and I will fight to the death over this.

Signed, floridaman

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What's the difference between a cow and 9/11?

You can't milk a cow for 23 years straight

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Has anyone tried bribing the gulf stream with some of these massive profits? Everything has a price

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We've been completely reduced to revenue streams for those that already have unimaginable wealth and it's killing us. The transparent abuse and exploitation is so beyond parody it wraps around to sounding like a joke. Then you realize it isn't a joke and get more depressed

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I always knew tomatoes were unoptimized

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Won't someone think of the managers?!

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Yes but not because of their heterosexuality. It was usually nationality, ethnicity, religion, being "counterrevolutionary", or just because someone like lavrentiy baria didn't like you

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So they're basically paying the bots now? Very cool, very nice

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TL;DR; they can't run if they would turn 81in the last year of their term.

The headline sounds nice but this law barely does anything to address the issue. Legislators also expect this law to be overturned so it's more of a vague gesture than it is an enforcable measure

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She's saying "I would assume that he's in his 70's". A better way to phrase it would've been "I would've pegged him to be in his 70's" but even that sounds dirty because we're all degenerates

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He didn't diagnose him, he said his behavior is consistent with a diagnosis of dementia. Stating your informed opinion =/= diagnosing. His rapid decline is obviously some sort of degenerative cognitive illness (aka dementia). Anyone with relevant training/experience can see it at this point

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I've only been using Linux for a few days. Am I allowed to have a superiority complex yet?

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Money can be exchanged for many hormones

2 suicides, 5 COVID deaths, 2 of car accidents from sleep deprivation after getting off. Not to mention the miles long list of those suffering from mental illness, burn out, drug abuse, severe stress, and injuries from work

I'm in the medical field. Capitalism and quality healthcare are incompatible. Any capitalist country with good healthcare only has good healthcare because they keep capitalism out of it. It gets immediately worse when capitalism is reintroduced to the field. Look at the UK and Canada for reference. Not to mention, her suicide note explicitly says profit is the reason that her and her co-workers are suffering. Educate yourself on the issues or shut the fuck up

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Quora is off brand yahoo answers. All of the misinformation and none of the humor

I unironically want to abolish golf. At least in the form it currently exists

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What're you doing, step-duo?

How about the florida democrats don't run shitty ex republican candidates and actually manages a decent campaign for once in their fucking lives? Nikki Freid is right there and they did her dirty. We don't need Taylor swift, we need someone who gives some modicum of a shit about florida. For being a huge "swing state" they sure don't seem to think we're worth the effort

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No mention of revanced? It's a great option, has sponsorblock and all

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Wrong answer! You're a -10/10, now you will never know my girth

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I'm an EMT in Florida, I can't afford the service I provide for a living due to the ridiculous cost of health insurance in this state. Fuck ron desantis. His reason is because poor people aren't people to him

Yes. The authorities will be by shortly to apprehend you for 3rd degree sub impersonation

Yeah... But chainsaws are pretty fun tho

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Once some major players start conscripting people I think it'd be reasonable to call it WW3. This is the preamble

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And Juneteenth, and a day of remembrance for victims of gun violence

The last time I put myself in a CPU I got banned from best buy

If he did that then warren buffet might only earn an extra billion instead of the 1.2 billion he was hoping for. The horror!

Butt sex

Undercook chicken? Bombed. Overcook fish? Believe it or not, also bombed.

That's pretty slick, might have to steal it

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This is hitting me hard rn. I went to my hometown the other day and the woods I used to play in (previously a nature preserve) were sold off piecemeal. Torn up to build mcmansions and a luxury nursing home owned by the gated community down the road that's only for the geriatrics that used to live there. The wildlife displacement has caused boars to make their way into the neighborhood, tearing up people's gardens and even killed a couple of pets.

The scenic highway that followed the banks of untouched marshland is now apartments and a huge subdivision. They had the balls to call the apartments "the preserve". They dredged up what little swamp remained in that part of town for bullshit. No infrastructure, no shops, no schools, libraries, clinics. Nothing. Just rows and rows of poorly built, overpriced houses. In the middle of fucking nowherewqw.

There's huge chunks of undeveloped area in town, chock full of invasives and rows of non-native trees that the city planted to dredge up wetlands decades ago that they could've developed into something resembling a real city. But because the city council is literally run by wealthy real estate agents they don't give a shit. Just sell off the most valuable chunks of land, destroying the very things that made them valuable in the process. It was equal parts sad and infuriating

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Could I borrow your ability to productively function for 3-5 years? I need to clean up a decade of wasted time real quick

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I'll take "missing the entire fucking point" for $500, Alex

Why? Are you allergic to fun or something?

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