1 Post – 1143 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

if buying isn't owning piracy isn't stealing

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This hole was made for me

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and none of it matters because the other side thinks the work of government is to do as little as possible for the people it fleeces.

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you need to sign in to even look at shXitter now? Thank fuck, it's finally dead.

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${hot_search_word} so hot right now

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"No one is bored, everything is boring"

I use Wayland instead

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and people still think linux is hard

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Queer Arizona State University Professor Injured by Right-Wing Activists Fascists


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This is why I don't mind the cult of woke invading warhammer. Hopefully it scares away some of the actual Nazis because I just love painting minis and can't wait for the Misters of Battle DEI edition to drop.

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Deviantart died a very very long time ago. the creature currently wearing it's skin can fuck off and die for all I or any other actual artist cares.

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can a wiki editor plz change his main profile pic to that balding paypal one he loves so much? k thnx bai.

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because the Christian death cult running the states wants it to happen so their imaginary friend can come back.

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ITT: peasants attacking each other instead of the people responsible for gestures broadly all of this

Homer? Who is Homer? My name is "Ethinically Ambigaus"

back in my day we would have a cloudflare confirmation before every single keystroke and we liked it

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the M1 is still overkill for 99% of ends user tasks.

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They 3d printed the save icon

Congratulations, you are free.

no real reason

because if wages fell 40% there would be fucking riots. your masters are robbing you with the most basic slight of hand and it's working.

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The US navy detected the implosion of Twitter 3 days ago

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dispose of it properly

Ship it to the Philippines and the container mysteriously vanishes mid transit?

sometimes I remember I'm self hosting things

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wait, that's how you impresses girls? oh shit I've been doing it all wrong.

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if you didn't say NZ I literally would never have guessed. That's an actual shock.

cats with jobs

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gonna teach them by playing monopoly properly

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Fact checking: I checked and there weren't any.

no one wanted to be held accountable for the triage so we let everyone bleed out, safe in the knowledge there was nothing we could have done.

I mean, I paid for winrar sooo....

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might? Shorts are the main reason I found alternatives like Freetube, Newpipe and Invidious; and continue to look for actual alternative platforms.

if there was just a checkbox to turn them off forever I'd probably still be on the mainpage.

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The truth is divisive

he was closing the \

you haven't seen the state of my server have you

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define excessive? I love hot stuff to the point that my lunch could be considered a war crime most days and I'm not gonna tone it down because some scum fuck might want to steal it.

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they don't think it be how it is but it do

Billionaire is a protected class

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“[Biometric confirmation is] a lot harder to compromise,”

And a lot easier to obtain by force

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I play a dude IRL so why would I do the exact same thing when I'm trying to escape from reality?