Education to Lefty – 884 points –

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gonna teach them by playing monopoly properly

You can teach them properly about capitalism by making them follow the rules to the letter and following slightly relaxed rules for yourself, such as starting with extra cash and the ability to take out interest-free loans on you properties while still collecting rent, and reducing the costs for you to buy houses and hotels because you can leverage market forces in you favor.

New chance cards only you could get would include:

You busted a union, collect $100

Shorted stocks and left everyone else holding the bag, collect $25 from each player

Caught Insider trading, pay $1 or go to jail until your next turn

The original game that Monopoly is based on (The Landlord's Game) was a tool for teaching how bad landlords and owning land privately and permanently is. Monopoly is still a great tool to show how an early advantage leads to an ever-growing monopoly that will inevitably crush all the other players with no modifications necessary.

Exactly this. If you want to rig the game, just give one player a bunch more money than anyone else and watch how the natural game unfolds.

If you want to simulate Capitalism with the Monopoly game, you need to start with:

  • All the land is already owned and randomly developed.
  • Not everybody starts with the same conditions: you have 3 classes of player, "high" getting a large amount of money and a share of the land already occupied, the "medium" getting a small amount of money and no land, the "low" starting with no money and no land. You can randomize who gets which class.

That only one of those who starts as a "high" class player has any chance to win and the game is no fun for the rest is part of the lesson.

It's the only way to play if you don't want the game to last for three days.

It's not the only way to play. The original version -- "The Landlord's Game" -- had an entire second "Prosperity" ruleset that Parker Brothers didn't want you to know about.