5 Post – 288 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Linux server admin, MySQL/TSQL database admin, Python programmer, Linux gaming enthusiast and a forever GM.

I would heavily recommend linking to instead of

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Gonna throw my hat into the ring here and say this kind of self-reflection and improvement is exactly how communities of any kind improve.

People have problems, stress and issues. This shit happens. The ability to say "I fucked up", then fix the fuckup and prevent similar fuckups happening in future is how we as a global society improve and become better people.

In short: everyone should attempt to be better, that's all anyone can ask.

An amendment has changed the rules on that. They need to be as easy to reject as to accept. Lots of websites atm are breaking the law on this still.

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It's kinda funny that the whole Vanya - Viktor trans thing in S3 Umbrella Academy had his siblings behaving pretty similarly. The vibe was pretty wholesome. Basically "I don't really understand it, but you're my bro and we're trying to save the world. On with the plot!"

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Totally understandable. Haven't used windows at all, home or work, in at least a decade. However, I went through my insufferable Linux zealot phase about 15 years ago.

I was an annoying judgemental ass, but I got better.

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Doesn't read like he's an actual communist, more insulting people (rightly so) that would call liberals communists.

I don't think any right-thinking person has any sympathy for Hamas, and rightly so.

However, Palestinians are not automatically members of Hamas. This would be like saying you're "done with" Americans and we should bomb every major American city because of the actions of the Proud Boys and other right-wing militias.

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EDIT: Argh, got the text placement wrong. Whatever, good enough for a low-effort meme :P

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The Netanyahu government is currently doing an excellent job recruiting for Hamas.

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He has said a few times that after the war he'll retire from politics.

Considering his abysmal approval rating before the war and his huge popularity during it, I think he'll take the "amazing wartime president" label and happily walk away afterwards.

If history has shown us anything, the politicians you need in wartime and peacetime need very different skillsets.

rm -rf /* will work just fine (assuming sudo permissions ofc)

You need the additional flag for rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

"It takes a village to raise a child" is an old expression for a reason. Historically (EDIT: And today in most of the world), parents wouldn't take care of their kids 24/7. They would have parents, siblings, neighbours and friends to help share the load.

The idea that parents and parents alone do 100% of everything to raise a child is a very modern western thing.

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Your argument might have more weight if the head of national security wasn't a former member of the Kach party, a group Israel designated a terrorist group in 1994.

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MBTI personality matrices are just astrology for a modern audience. Change my mind.

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Fun fact, rm -rf /* does not need --no-preserve-root. It will happily start as technically, according to the preserve root check, /* is not root as the target is not /

Just think of all the trade agreements Britain has made now that it can independently negotiate! Why, the FTA with Australia alone increased GDP by checks notes 0.08%. Wait, that can't be right. Surely the British public weren't misled about any of this?

Legislation, paperwork, border checks and tariffs make it more expensive and difficult to transport stuff to the UK. Companies importing from the EU pass on the higher cost of transport to customers. Customers now pay more for the same thing because it costs more to import.

EDIT: Should also mention that this applies to stuff made in the UK too. I doubt there's many industries that don't use anything from the EU for raw materials. If you make a widget with German steel, you still pay for that import even if your widget is made in the UK. That cost gets passed on to customers too.

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Hot is broken atm. There's an edge case that can happen that stops the hot_rank value decreasing, meaning it never leaves the first page.

Gonna be fixed in 0.18, but yeah, use New until then.

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The refugee camp bombing was widely reported and Israel publicly said it was them. Israel said the dozens of civilians killed were worth it to kill a Hamas commander.

Israel also publicly acknowledged they bombed an ambulance convoy, they claim the ambulances were used to transport Hamas militia.

You can choose to believe or disbelieve them on their motivations (I am very skeptical, personally), but these aren't unsubstantiated claims. These are publicly acknowledged strikes.

And with that many bombs flying around, so many buildings levelled, of course there's going to be journalists around the place getting hit.

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Hi, I'm a Jew. I also absolutely hate Netanyahu and the entire disgusting coalition of Likud, Tkuma, Otzma Yehudit and all their Kahanist allies.

It's not anti-semitic to hate the government of the state of Israel, as much as they might like to pretend that the terms are synonymous.

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It is factually accurate to say that the economic and political aftermath of WW1 was a defining factor in Hitler's rise to power.

Saying that does not in any way endorse the despicable beliefs they espoused.

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That was a loophole to the original GDPR. That's now against the law in the EU, but bringing cases against all these sites is time consuming.

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I'm no expert, please take this with a massive chunk of salt, but as far as I understand it China is trying to balance their relationship with Russia with their relationship with the US. I'd expect the reaction to a rail bombing like this to be muted and cautious.

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A commenter in one of the many posts about the conflict pointed out something I find very interesting: while 60+% of Palestinians do have at least a slightly positive view of Hamas, 70% of them believe that Hamas should relinquish control of all militias to the PLO. And this poll was before the attack.

To me, this points to Gazans having at least a slightly positive experience with Hamas run infrastructure, while wanting them to cut out the violent attacks.

Freemasons also don't let atheists in. Was a hard pass from me at that point. I'm not faking belief in some deist creator god just to join in their weird rituals and bridge clubs.

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There's two separate addictions going on with smoking: habit and chemical. What patches, nicotine gum, etc are trying to help people do is tackle them separately.

This means you can focus on getting out of the habit of lighting up after a coffee, or after a meal, or whatever triggers you had, while delaying the chemical withdrawal which seriously messes with your head until later. Tackling the two seperately is easier for many people.

With that said, patches don't work for everyone, and I hope you find the cessation aid (if any) that works for you. Quitting smoking is an absolute bitch.

For me personally, the most helpful aid was nicotine gum, and then swapping out the nicotine gum for normal gum once I was confident I'd kicked the habit part and could focus on the chemical withdrawal.

There's a lot of evolutionary processes that don't have to do with having more offspring, but increasing the viability of less offspring. Having kids, no matter the species, is a very costly affair. You could argue that mate selection generally reduces the number of offspring, but increases the viability.

I've read a hypothesis (very much unproven) that having some gay members of a species increases the viability by having more people to care for the offspring without being in mate competition. It's called the gay uncle hypothesis

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As long as the next line also has 5 spaces, that's fine. Python only complains about inconsistency, not the exact number of spaces/tabs.

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Eh, more like they would commit genocide if they could. They'd happily and gleefully murder every Jew in Israel, but they don't have the military strength to do it.

The original game that Monopoly is based on (The Landlord's Game) was a tool for teaching how bad landlords and owning land privately and permanently is. Monopoly is still a great tool to show how an early advantage leads to an ever-growing monopoly that will inevitably crush all the other players with no modifications necessary.

Paradox as a publisher seems to pull this shit a lot. Was really looking forward to Lamplighter's League, but the buggy mess that it released in shows very clearly that Paradox shoved it out the door before QA had some serious time with it.

They don't do this shit with their in-house games, seems to be an issue with them as a publisher.

The "captain's daughter" was a euphemism for the cat o' nine tails. So in other words, that line meant give the drunken sailor a lashing as punishment.

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There are many Israelis fighting hard to protect civilian lives, both in Gaza and the West Bank. You should look up B'Tselem. Quite a few of their activists got arrested over the last few days for peacefully protesting the bombing campaign.

Last year I was forced to take 2 weeks PTO just before Christmas so my company wouldn't get slapped with fines. Unexpected, but welcome. I just hadn't checked how many days were left unused.

I like our European rules as well.

For a newbie? Don't sweat it. Subscribe to stuff, post, comment, enjoy.

Once you get your feet wet and understand a bit more about what's going on around you, then you can start asking more serious questions like:

  1. Who are my admins? Are they doing a good job?

  2. What are the rulesets like on other instances? Do I like them better?

  3. Do I like my local communities? Local communities are the lifeblood of a larger instance

These are questions for later though. Have fun :)

Is it surprising that a userbase for an open-source online forum with no ads are advocates for an open-source browser that can remove ads?

The most important part of this is the support level. I have 2 points about this. First is that 43% of Palestinians in Gaza that don't support Hamas are entitled to not be blown up or displaced, the second is that out of those 57% there's a big difference between material support and just ticking a box in a poll. Does someone who says "Hitler did nothing wrong" deserve execution? I would argue they should be deplatformed, but not starved, tortured, shot and/or bombed.

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At least here in eastern Europe, it's pretty standard kit at almost any veterinary clinic. Normally costs pennies (just labour cost of the vet).

Damn, this is a lot of discussion and I don't see a single person actually volunteering to actually go code the feature. It's open source, you know? If anyone cares about the feature, go learn rust (like I'm trying to do now) and code it up.

EDIT: In case anyone reads this, please look at entitlement in open source. It's an eye-opening read for those not familiar with the headaches involved.

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