Aniki ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ

@Aniki ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ
0 Post – 1561 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ

You needed to use the lubricant that came with it. I used mine hundreds of times with incredible results.

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Your adderall addiction isn't helping you.

Fuck blue sky

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You never did answer which police station you worthless shitstain

Which police again dipshit dumbass crayon-eating cunt rocket? Never did answer my question of who you reported me to. And when you figure that out you can tell me what law I broke you shit sipping scum bucket?

Home Assistant will always be free.

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It was far more nuanced than that. They also wanted their own lane on 91 so they wouldn't have to deal with Boston traffic.

  • โ€œMass media encouraging citizens and tourists to use public transportation and carpoolingโ€
  • โ€œFlexible hours at local businessesโ€
  • โ€œRerouting long-haul trucking around the cityโ€
  • โ€œIntelligent highway systems technologyโ€
  • โ€œManually-controlled traffic lightsโ€
  • โ€œNew one-way streets in busy areas to create better flowโ€

Never been more proud to go tell the IOC to go fuck themselves with a huge cactus.

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We did the damage 20 years ago.

Not sure why I am being downvoted other than useless chuds don't like the message.

Burning tires now just says you hate kids.

Oh no! Not a ban!! Ban where, again? Which instance? Oh right, you're as worthless as your impotent threats of nothing.

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Who gives a fuck about legality?

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck shit bitch cunt mother fucker douche bag piece of shit.

Please don't boot lick capitalism at me

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We really need to start eating the parasites that talk like this. This fucking shit stain has never worked a day in it's pathetic little life.

Ramsey was born in Antioch, Tennessee, to real estate developers.[2] He attended Antioch High School where he played ice hockey. At age 18, Ramsey took the real estate exam[2] and began selling property, working through college at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,[2] where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and Real Estate.[3]

Daddy gave him all he's got and yet it's my fault my dad was a poor artist and died young?

eat my whole asshole Ramsey

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If companies are crying about it then it's probably a great thing for consumers.

Eat billionaires.

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The internet is dying. Everyone knows it. Capitalists ruined it and now AI is propping up a decaying corpse.

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Why is commercial power so cheap and residential so expensive? We could fix two problems by balancing that back.

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This is blatantly circumventing encryption and a violation of the DMCA but lets see the DoJ do fuck all about it.

Right, Biden? Facebook, Good, Tiktok, bad?

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drop in the bucket eh? tom brady got a million fucking dollars of OUR money. TOM BRADY!

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lemmygrad in shambles.

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It's pretty easy: there's no culpability on either side. It's not either-or. If guns and ammo and knife manufacturers are not responsible for murder than neither are ISPs and software developers responsible for piracy.

If the courts don't like that an IP isn't a person, then they can pressure congress to change the laws. Until then, everyone can go fuck off

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Windows is a multi-layered abstraction hell that is the opposite of good, portable, performant software.

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Why the fuck are there ads at all?? The advertisement did exactly as the article says it does -- it autoplays full screen if you cursor over the fucking advertisement.

Not clickbait at all.

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Such a good burn. Haley the randhawa punjabi. I wonder how many of her supporters even know she's of Indian decent.

Of course it's not enough. The company is still in business and the owners aren't in jail! They still have all their limbs! We've done nothing to fix the problem.

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brb posting to lemmygrad

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I mean for tech stuff it's fantastic. I could spend 30 minutes working out a regex to grep the logs in the format I need or I could have a back and forth with ChatGPT and get it sorted in 5.

I still don't want it to write my TV or movies. Or code to a significant degree.

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No one is fixing houselessness so why are you bringing it up in a thread about a border crossing?

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imagine paying pcgamer for an advertisement like this to shout about dynamic crosshairs and backpack reloading like its fucking 1998.

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Why is this in the news

The world should.

we lost the war. 6 supreme court justices.

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Since Sheen doesn't have an X account, Bradley Whitford, who played the White House deputy chief of staff on the TV show, tweeted on Sheen's behalf.


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Who the fuck packs a rotting fish into a carry-on bag??

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Rewind all the stupid assumptions you're making and you basically have no comment left.

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It's because the GOP knows that more voters means they lose. Centrists don't exist. There's no middle ground between Ds and Rs anymore.

No one is 50/50 on Trump.


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Hunter better watch out! He may lose an election he's not running in.

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TIL: The majority of Lemmys have never lived an hour from the nearest population center, down a dirt road, on a few hundred acres of wilderness. I fucking HATE musk and I still have an RV kit in my basement so when I'm traveling around hours from anywhere, Starlink works perfectly.

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Of course. Because snaps fucking SUCK.

All my homies hate snaps.

Biden has done absolutely nothing to improve my QOL. Still terrified of a medical issue. Friends still can't afford homes. All of the major societal problems from the last 40 years are still here and there's no one that will do anything about it.

This is not an endorsement of the GOP.

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I don't give a shit.

I wanna know how they all fuck.

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