Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale to Steam – 242 points –
Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale

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Who gives a fuck about legality?

Please don't swear at me

Fuck fuck fuck fuck shit bitch cunt mother fucker douche bag piece of shit.

Please don't boot lick capitalism at me

Reported, enjoy your ban for harrassment

Oh no! Not a ban!! Ban where, again? Which instance? Oh right, you're as worthless as your impotent threats of nothing.

Then I will file a criminal complaint against you with the police.

Which police again dipshit dumbass crayon-eating cunt rocket? Never did answer my question of who you reported me to. And when you figure that out you can tell me what law I broke you shit sipping scum bucket?

You never did answer which police station you worthless shitstain