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The history they wouldn't teach you, unless your mom paid scholastic

Layer styles > outer glow


Biden ended the war in Afghanistan after 20 years. You just don't like that he sells military hardware to other countries, but that's what every president, even Jimmy Carter, does.

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If only he had been president for 4 years already or something, then we'd know

Trump touching glowing orb

Why is the former president and leader of the one of two political parties not the status quo?

Gore was status quo, but if he'd won we wouldn't have had the war in Iraq.

Hilary was the status quo, but if she won we'd still have Roe v Wade.

If you vote republican, you will get the status quo with an added disaster or two mixed in.

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Because Hilary campaigned on banning private prisons which caused their stocks to collapse for a year until she lost.

Yeah and I liked Justin Amash but 1 or 2 local Congress people do not define the party, definitely not enough that anyone should vote Trump because of them.

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It was a terrible format. I thought the point of being able to mute them would to keep their answers on question but we got 3 minutes streams of consciousness where the guys rambled off as many of the talking points as they could before the timer ran out.

If Biden had been coached to provide very short, sweet, direct answers and not had an audible death rattle in his voice, he would've won.

It's 50% a desire to stay informed and 50% sports entertainment

The only realistic person who would replace Biden is Kamala Harris, and I don't think people would vote for her.

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They will make a bunch of super cuts of Trump talking confidently and then Biden trailing off and getting confused. They will flood Facebook and Tiktok with them.

Canada getting PP too.

This will be a pretty critical 6 years to prepare for the climate apocalypse coming up, and we'll all be going into it with the worst possible leaders imaginable.

It was like watching 9/11 all over again, Joe.

Bernie had 4 years to shore up his weakness with black voters, the same issue he ran into against Hilary and didn't.

Bernie could've offered Pete VP to stay in the race and continue splitting the centrist vote, but he didn't.

In the timeline where Bernie won, and also beat Trump, we'd be dealing with progressives feeling betrayed that he inevitably did what ever other US president would do and sent weapons to Israel after Oct 7th.

I'm tapping out for my sanity

They're going to make a bunch of super cuts out of this and that's all anyone will see one Facebook, twitter, instagram, and tiktok

Please do not swear at me

CNN wants it's ratings cow back

Looks like the skin on his face is trying to meet his feet. Just cramming as many talking points as his been trained to memorize as possible into his 3 minutes.

The c-levels are really sick of all these new features they're adding and no one is using them because of silly reasons like "they don't work good" or "I can't even see the point of this for me".

In their wisdom, they've taken the option to say no away from the users. Now they have a much easier time justifying their bonus this year, just look at how many users are using their new features!

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Then I will file a criminal complaint against you with the police.

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I obviously have issues with his actions in '16

But they were going after him for releasing the footage of the US gunning down civilians. Not his actions during the election.

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That's what they always used to say to Chris Hansen when he'd confront them about the texts

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It's a bunch lonely people who got hypnotized by a podcast and now that podcast informs all their opinions.

He's right. They used to put meth in chocolate and marketed it as a great way for housewives to lose weight while keeping their home tidy.

Cortisol addiction is a real thing

Green Maeng Dae and THC gummies are all that keeps me going some days

That's funny because if I was trying to tell the difference between a wolf and a dog I would look for 'is it in the woods?' and 'how big is it relative to what's around it?'.

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Reported, enjoy your ban for harrassment

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If Boeing faces criminal charges, the potential consequences could be severe:

  1. Financial penalties: Boeing could face substantial fines beyond the $2.5 billion settlement they previously agreed to. Victims' families have urged prosecutors to seek a nearly $25 billion fine[1].

  2. Business restrictions: A guilty plea could lead to additional limitations on Boeing's operations and jeopardize its significant revenue from US government contracts, including those with the Defense Department[1].

  3. Reputational damage: Criminal charges would further tarnish Boeing's image, potentially affecting customer trust and market share in the highly competitive aerospace industry.

  4. Stricter oversight: The Justice Department might impose more rigorous compliance measures, potentially including the installation of a third-party monitor to oversee Boeing's adherence to regulations[1].

  5. Admission of wrongdoing: Boeing might be forced to plead guilty, officially acknowledging its misconduct[1].

  6. Leadership changes: Criminal charges could lead to pressure for further leadership changes, following the recent announcement of CEO David Calhoun's upcoming resignation[2].

  7. Legal vulnerability: A criminal conviction could make Boeing more susceptible to civil lawsuits from affected parties[3].

In my opinion, not good enough. There are specific executives that made the decisions we're suffering the consequences of now. They should be spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison for their greed.

Citations: [1] US prosecutors advise criminal charges against Boeing for ... https://www.newsbytesapp.com/news/business/boeing-might-face-criminal-charges-in-us/story [2] DoJ prosecutors recommend Boeing face criminal charges, reports ... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/boeing-crash-doj-charges-plane-b2567688.html [3] Boeing could face criminal charges after violating a deal ... - Fortune https://fortune.com/2024/05/14/boeing-criminal-charges-violating-deal-regulators/ [4] Report: DOJ to decide if Boeing will face criminal charges ... - KING 5 https://www.king5.com/article/tech/science/aerospace/boeing/boeing-may-avoid-criminal-charges-no-decision-made/281-e0e54e4d-1a1e-4d17-a04c-54940fc9834c [5] Federal prosecutors recommend to Justice Department that Boeing ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boeing-criminal-charges-recommendation/

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If things get worse for them, it'll be better for me!

God can only create so much good stuff, so the less of it others get the more he'll give me.

In Origins there is a lot of grimdark stuff. Women taken into the tunnels and turned into unwilling broodmares that you need to murder

Yes, if I don't have the absolute best quality I can get it drives me crazy.

My relatives from Sweden visited recently and they're all super obsessed with Russia and certain they're days away from being invaded

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Let's try to make a list of where America went wrong

  1. The Louisiana Purchase: turned the nation into an expansionist empire.

  2. Andrew Jackson ignoring the rule of law so he could genocide the natives

  3. Lincoln keeping Johnson as his VP while at war with the south.

  4. Ending reconstruction early

  5. FDR not hanging the conspirators in the business plot

  6. Nixon using the Southern Strategy to win his election

  7. Ford pardoning Nixon

  8. Everything Ronald Reagan did

  9. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and NAFTA radicalization of rural Americans

  10. Supreme Court awards GWB the presidency

  11. The Iraq War

  12. Unregulated banks allowed to crash the global economy

  13. Limited US involvement in the Arab Spring fails to capitalize on popular movement, Syrian refugee crisis sends far right into overdrive

  14. Allowing the host of celebrity apprentice to be President

  15. Ignoring the COVID pandemic until it's too late then not locking down hard enough.

  16. Supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza

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I never used to understand why Picard and the crew got upset with Data's long winded explanations until I got a Google Home. Now I understand very well.

Imagine if space shit killed your dog

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Yeah, even if you're half starved and are certain the company will retaliate... That's still a little child. You've got to take the hit.

They're literally the backbone of funding for conservative politics lol