MAGA Convoy Confused By Lack Of 'Invasion' As They Arrive At Border to politics – 594 points –

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No one is fixing houselessness so why are you bringing it up in a thread about a border crossing?

Because they are trying to distract with a shitty whataboutism argument.

Also, if anything, Texas is potentially contributing to New York’s homeless problem by spending millions of dollars busing migrants and dropping them off at the city without any support. If these are “invaders”, then Texas is aiding the “enemy” and conducting economic warfare against the city.

I wholeheartedly accept Abbott's framing that this is an invasion. Moving invaders farther into the country they are invading is certainly providing aid and comfort. Therefore, Greg Abbott is a traitor.

Maybe they’re suggesting the MAGAians should’ve convoyed to New York instead and volunteered at some shelters, helping the least amongst us like their Bible says.

Context from behind the NYT paywall: