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Joined 1 years ago

Where the hell am I supposed to go for custom-made, anatomically correct dinosaur genitalia sex toys? WTF? Please make it make sense.

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About the only time our TV gets turned on anymore is for 1) videogames or 2) watching youtube.

It’s mostly just a giant monitor at this point

Incredible game that can be a little jarring for people who are probably expecting something like Baldur’s Gate 1&2, Fallout 1&2, or some other kind of isometric killfest RPG. It essentially turns the dialogue into 90% of the game, but the dialogue is so damn good that it doesn’t matter.

It also takes getting used to damage, as sometimes you can “die” in seemingly random ways. I was on a rooftop, I think trying to reach for a scarf or something, and failed my roll. That caused me to apparently get so depressed that I lost the game. I can’t remember which stat/trait it was but I think there’s a morale or mental trait you have to watch out for too.

Pirate this game if you wanna give it a try, don’t ever buy it. This is what the developers have actually advocated for and it actually fits right in with parts of the game itself.

Really great party game, kids love it. There’s a constant push-pull to make the level just hard enough. It kind of breaks down though if somebody has made it effectively unwinnable for everybody and you can’t find a way to unblock it. Otherwise though, it’s a fantastic game.

I’m voting for Biden still bc Trump is a piece of shit, but Biden is coming off old and weak in this debate. Trump is lying his ass off about everything and not getting called out on any of it, and because he’s spouting so much of it so quickly rapid-fire, it’s obfuscating and confusing the issues.

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Wouldn't want people learning from history, now would we? How else are we supposed to repeat it?

Why did it take this long in the first place? We've literally had Russian mercenaries attack US forces previously in other countries, where was the fear of escalation then? Give Ukraine whatever aid they need and stop kneecapping their war effort by trying to micro-manage it.


So useless that they're probably just going to convert over to AI chat apps and you'll just know from the get-go that everybody you talk to is a bot (instead of just 4 out of 5 users being bots). I'm guessing they'll farm that sweet, juicy user-data from however many years now to train their AI on. Base level will be a semi-interested friend, but the higher-subscription level you pay into will unlock romantic options, naughty (ai-generated) pics, and they'll eventually add a feature where you can go on virtual dates with your AI companion and they can scan your pictures/photos and make comments on what you "saw together" on your date. Maybe they'll even insert themselves into the images to make it seem like they were really there. Hell, they'll probably even get to a point where you can have live voice chats with them.

Kenya may be a relatively stable democracy in Africa, but there’s still rampant corruption in their police forces. Police officers are typically underpaid, so to supplement their income they’ll do things like set up random checkpoints on roads in order to shakedown drivers for money. Them going to Haiti doesn’t seem like it’s really going to help with anything.

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Google translate says it means ‘Planetary Defense Cannon Commander’.

Yeah, they’ve had shitty elections for years now. Odinga has been in like every election and contests it everytime, even causing really bad election violence at multiple points. This led to them reviving the role of Prime Minister specifically for him to placate Odinga that election. They’ve literally only ever had two prime ministers in their history (President is their head of state), they abolished it again after Odinga’s term was over.

There's so many games that I picked up that I'd played through/completed in my childhood, but they'll likely forever show as unplayed in my Steam library. I've been slowly going back through my Steam library chronologically though, to try to at least reduce my unplayed games amount, and also to at least check out games I might've missed. I'm not forcing my self to actually finish the games, just play them for at least a few minutes, maybe mark it for follow-up later, but the point is to reduce my unplayed games list so I don't feel as bad about it.

Yeah, I was wondering which restaurants this guy was able to eat his wife out at. Every time I've tried I get the old, "Sir, this is White Castle, even we have standards."

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Most disasters, fires, mass shootings, etc that you see on the news are actually created by the News organizations themselves in order to grab people's attention. Those news vans you see driving around, those are sabotage squads going around committing all the violence. How else do you think they're able to get on the scene so quick to report the news? They're literally creating the news themselves. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!

(I don't actually believe this, it was an idea for a short story I had at one point though)

I loved RTS games back in the day, played through all the Command & Conquers, Warcrafts, Starcrafts and all that, but then gradually it felt like the genre starting morphing into DotA and other games and I just sort of moved on. I was mostly single-player, though got into multiplayer later, but remember it being so fucking nerve-wracking and having to click hundreds of times a minute and trying to optimize everything, I’d be so worn out after playing. My best game I ever remembered playing was Starcraft 2, there was one match where multiple players tried ganging up on me in a FFA match, it was obvious they were coordinating, and I somehow fended them off and took the game. It wasn’t an important game or anything, but that was one of the fond memories I have from that time in my gaming life.

I think I eventually just shifted over to turn-based strategy instead and I don’t know if the genre ever really returned from DotA.

After living 7.5 years in an Ecuadorian embassy, I wonder if he feels like that portion was all a waste of time, going to those lengths to avoid extradition. Though maybe the timing worked in his favor in this case, given its been years since Wikileaks was relevant, whereas had he been extradited years ago he might’ve be faced a harsher situation.

For the price, pizza always seems like the cheapest “eating out” option compared to others. Our cheapest I’ve seen is $7.99 at Little Caesars for a pizza (“large round”), along with $3.99 for breadsticks. With 3 kids, that’s one of the best deals compared with everything else around (only ~$12). It doesn’t seem universal with all pizza places though, some are worse than others.

What did your order in seems to be the stuffed cheesy bread, dips, and the delivery tip, those ate up half your costs right there, but food prices in general have gone to shit. ~$12 for a combo meal at a fast food place is pretty typical in my area and made me question my receipt a few times during the pandemic when I first started seeing them that high. I just stopped eating out at most fast food places altogether and get by on a salad, shake, and protein bites for around $6 a day.

“sharpen our focus and improve the way we work together to bring more agility to our organization.”

Ahh yes, watching co-workers get laid off does wonders for improving the way you work together with the people still there.

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Make Asia Mongolian Again

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Yet holding onto classified documents, then hiding them and lying about it to investigators for months gets nothing but a very stern finger-wagging?

Here's hoping her eventual career with Brazzers pans out as well as her Congressional career.

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As an American, I'd like to dump America if Trump becomes president again.

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Is this MAGA-world’s version of the crucifixion now? “Our lord and savior Trump was booked, photographed, and released on bond for our sins.”

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He should be ordered to pay something back to the American public for his frivolous term in office.

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Brilliant move by Musk. 'X' has long been identified as the universal symbol for closing out of an application. Hopefully with this move even more people will permanently close out of Twitter and move on so I don't have to read so many dumb news stories where the lazy journalist uses a few random tweets as their "source" for the headline.

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It’s so stupidly petty and has nothing to do with what actually makes Trump a shitty candidate (the whole fascism and insurrection thing and everything else), but it will probably bother Trump the most out of anything precisely because of how self-conscious it’ll make him.

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What’s the deal with college kids these days?

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He shouldn't agree to debate Trump on the grounds that he's not qualified to run for president, given that he plotted an insurrection.

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Who brags about taking a cognitive test? Does he think that's like an IQ test that proves how smart he is? People are given cognitive tests when there's reason to suspect problems with a person's mental functioning.

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Start putting solar canopies over all these goddamn mostly empty parking lots we have everywhere. Completely wasted space otherwise and it’d provide some cover from the rain for people coming and going from their cars.

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I wonder if there's anything they could be doing to reduce the deaths of their young men who are of age to start building families (20-30 year olds)? It must be a total mystery if they're resorting to using female prisoners as breeders. I guess we'll never know.

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What kind of a dumb system do we have where everybody has to be physically present on the floor to be able to put in a vote? They can’t just do a conference call to find out how a Rep would vote and get it recorded?

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I don’t mind people going to Church and practicing their religion, as long as they stay in their lanes and they’re not trying to force their religious beliefs on everybody else. Trying to better yourself and your community is great, there’s a ton of really nice people out there who go to Church and are just all around good people. It’s all the assholes that think their belief trumps everyone else’s rights that need to eat shit.

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“Floats the idea”, as if this were just a normal idea that any prospective president might ask around about.

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“We let this monster of our own creation rage out of control for 8 years, and he’s still out of control!”

Edit: Also, the Party that tried to enable him to short circuit the democratic process and attempt a violent coup is suddenly upset… that he’s not following the democratic process. :(

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Even if the research had come out that masks did absolutely nothing to protect against Covid, I would have absolutely no regrets for masking up. We did what we thought was the right thing based on the evidence available and it harmed no one. The worst that would’ve happened if we were wrong (outside of a false sense of security) is that we looked silly for awhile. The people that were vehemently against wearing masks were tool-sheds who were manipulated into their position by an Administration who assumed it would affect Democratic-leaning cities/states more and who are so blinded by their anti-science views that they didn’t even understand the threat posed by Covid. Mask wearers did the right thing and the evidence backs us up. Anti-mask idiots hopefully learned an evolutionary lesson, but I doubt it has really ever sunk in.

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Wait, is this reality or is this just another layer of the Onion? I don't know what's real anymore.

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Can confirm, I've been playing tetris for three hours and I've almost completely forgotten about the dead hooker in my trunk.

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Just send in an 18 year old kid with a gun, those Texans will be petrified with fear and won’t even be able to respond. Or does that only work when it’s at a school?

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