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Joined 11 months ago

As in Q, the crazy conspiracy thing.

Drone strike d4

They do exist. For sonic adventure you could load a Chao onto it and it was basically a tamagotchi.

I think that some of us hoped "strong ties" would maybe stop at "enabling genocide." Biden has signaled disapproval, but the US is also basically threatening the ICC for making a warrant for bibi. Absolutely unhinged shit. Dude is unquestionably a war criminal.

Hillary is such a smug fuck I really don't know what Harris would have to do to make me hate her more.

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"Supporter" is a strong word. I prefer "person who realizes biden is the only option to slow America's descent into a fascist theocracy."

We just lost chevron so it might be too late anyway.

Literally any CCTV in a Chinese factory hosted on liveleak. Rip.

You aren't a 14 year old boy she don't want you.

It's funny how you understand sex is more than genitals then claim it's set in stone. It's like 8 different things and we can change most of them.

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What's the function?

I took one pill and saw the source, man. I was one with the life stream.

The amount of armor necessary would render it useless.

The cops were charged.

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Would probably be nothing more than a software update. I wouldn't be surprised if they were already capable of engaging boats.

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How dare you advocate for destroying the entire police force!

/s... Cause that's what would happen. I'm pretty sure more than half would quit outright if they thought there was a possibility they'd see consequences for their actions.

Just one example

Gotta disguise being a capitalist country somehow.

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The issue is he posted a tweet about how the CIA was after him and then died very shortly after. He was such a wildcard that my personal conspiracy theory is that he made that announcement and faked his death just to stir shit up.

Also here's how to remove McAfee from your computer, by the man himself.

Yeah because Elon doesn't understand the concept of a crumple zone. God forbid a cybertruck hits anything solid faster than 35mph, the people inside would get splattered.

Are they supposed to be the middle man between you and God?


Didn't Jesus die specifically for that?

Uhh, not exactly. I think catholic god sealed heaven off after Adam and eve did the thing. Jesus came down and died to fix everything and open heaven back up. I assume the waiting room was getting full. He also died for all sins ever, but you are still born with original sin and have to go to confession etc.

Asking saints to intercede is just asking for personal bullshit. Different saints were known for different things, so being experts on those things they would be the best to hand your prayer based on that thing to God.

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Astroturfing. Ads disguised as user content.

You see an ad, you recognize it as an ad. Your opinion is probably unchanged.

You see a user saying "Hey this product is actually pretty good," it's more likely to sway your feelings on the product, or at least your perception of the general sentiment to the product.

Anyone know where I can find a copy of Shrek in 8k resolution.

"Oh, blow dart, ja? Super."

It's not illegal to be wrong on the internet, but don't feel compelled to keep doing so.

Wow that's crazy. Can anyone give me on an update on water and its wetness?

I'm not too worried about misrepresenting Boeing at the moment

That's fine, it's telling the truth about Boeing that gets really dangerous.

If anything, she's a good wedge to pull non-Maga Republicans over to the dem candidate.

Russia is also claiming they shot down 4 missiles. Their track record suggests that's unlikely. This whole story reeks of bullshit. Lemme know when literally any other country reports civilian casualties and then I'll care.

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As if they're ever not melting down.

UFC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The fact that politico humored this idea enough to actually request a comment from the UFC is fucking hilarious to me.

I like this idea. Not for immigration, but political offices. Gimme trump and biden in the octagon.

Another former employee corroborated the story to The Verge. Dr Disrespect responded on Twitter by stating that the legal case was settled and "no wrongdoing was acknowledged".

Oh my God that's as good as an admission.

Maybe he's just very passionate about bottom surgery for all trans people? /s

The persona is barely fake, which is why he always rubbed me the wrong way. Like yeah a hyper macho gamer can be a funny ironic persona, but when you're legitimately Gamer Raging TM on stream, you're just doing the thing. Not surprised he turned out to be a piece of shit a while ago. Mildly surprised he was a pedo, though I didn't notice his right-wing tendencies so that's on me.

I've never heard of a major female influencer telling lonely incel types how to get a girlfriend.

There's a few, but they say the same shit the male influences say. It's pretty rough watching a 27 year old single woman telling men about The Wall.

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I imagine they were funny like dane cook was funny.

The "wall" women hit when they turn 25. I'm not gonna delve into the details but incel influences like them... Very young.

Dems really need to bump up their shit flinging game if they want to stay competitive.

I'm not following. The first part makes sense, but wouldn't driving gas up make Ukraine less popular and less likely to get US aid?

“God was with them,” said Jara

Well God could've fucking helped a little bit then, eh?

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Collapse faster, please. Sick of ai bullshit clogging up my searches.

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