63 Post – 1923 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We don’t know why someone hit Metcalf and that was over a decade ago.

Reposting a comment from a few months ago:

Was just worrying if we were due for one of these:

Over the course of 19 minutes, about one hundred bullets caused $15 million dollars in damage to our power grid, damaging components that take months to manufacture: 2013’s Metcalf sniper attack near San Jose, California

::: spoiler A second incident, 2022

Moore County, NC: Gunmen shot up two power substations. 40K customers lost power. Took days to fix. FBI had warned about extremist threats to grid. Investigators found shell casings, offered $75K reward. Theories: anti-drag show motive or generic extremism. One lady died when her oxygen machine stopped (homicide). Schools closed, curfew imposed. NC governor pissed. White House "monitoring."


If terrorists were testing our response time or something, they would’ve acted on a large scale by now right? I kinda need to always be able to charge my PC/phone soooo

In fact, the “air” in the name derived from the Latin “airres”, for “cleaning fee”.

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Probably the least political offer I’ve ever read

Neither politics nor candidates come anywhere close to mind

How long have you been following the law?


How about you, how long have you been following the law?

I'm the wrong person to ask. I'm not superstitious, heck, I'm not even a little stitious.

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I imagine something like “I do not consent to a search nor seizure of any of my property. May I reach into my pocket so I may place my phone in plain view? If my property is going to be seized even against my will, I still want to ensure everyone’s safety.”

Then repeat the no consent line as you place your phone on your dashboard or whatever.

I imagine this means your lawyer will have body cam footage of the double nonconsent and the judge will see you were willing to comply even with potentially unlawful orders so the justice system could sort it out in court instead of someone trying to fight it out on the street.

But mah mobile

AdGuard doing the best it can… is it? Could enable another list 🤔

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I wish, iOS!

UBO everything otherwise

always be detectable

Maybe with some content ID system… but you’ve just predicted their 2025 update which we might imagine would go something like this:

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iPhone tip to require password to open:

  • Hit lock five times


  • Hold lock & at least one volume button

(Edit: ahh, this tip’s been given several times now, only new info is that either volume down or volume up or both will work)

Level set: ads suck

Least they can do is to serve adfree videos

Now, corporations are greedy right?

Genuine question: What does Greedy Google do if we all install adblock on all our neighbors’ computers tonight?


Do we unintentionally use products we didn’t realize repetitively messaged us?

We’ll never know…

Just kidding, we can be sure it’s incredibly well studied given the billions and billions of dollars going into ads!

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they would have had to release him

Maybe we could say he wouldn’t be in this situation because he could’ve responded to every request his company got and they could’ve provided all of the zero logs they had.

I believe Telegram just wasn’t cooperating at all which is wild! Such a Musk thing to do.

You can fool some of the people some of the time… right? :)

I’d expect nothing less than executives at a number of the Fortune 50 to be ruthlessly cutthroat, including when it comes to vetting the claims of their marketing teams.

(I know I’m speaking about studies I only assume to exist by the way, will have to research it later)


Oh, the year is 2100 and YouTube only plays on dedicated Alphabet-produced hardware (available “free” of course) with cam-proof screens? Storytelling will come back in style with a vengeance overnight!

…and then, with the passion of a man whose next meal depends on it, he pleads:

”like and subscribe.”

OK kids good night!

I might be wrong, but it seems like creating new accounts & using new emails or at least email forwarding services should help protect our privacy a little bit.

And some thoughts about like five people:

I feel bad YouTube is punishing YouTube Premium users who wanted to do a couple searches about finding divorce lawyers or birthday gifts to buy their kids while maintaining some privacy for a couple moments. Bet if Proton bought them they would implement some URL parameter you could pass or something.

I think its brevity and down to earth, no nonsense message, easily interpretable by the normies, is why it won out in Alphabet’s endless discussions and revisions. (Everything there goes through like eight managers right?)

I checked and murder is wrong but it’s very wrong so you can murder someone who committed murder because then murder isn’t wrong because you’re wronging in the right way against a wronger

Nothing conclusive from a quick search, which one?

How much does it say these beans cost?

How does CamelCamelCamel display a price history if the price is different for everyone? Perhaps it’s inaccurate for some (Just hasn’t been for me the handful of times I’ve “had“ to use Amazon.)

And Amazon doesn’t price discriminate if they put something on a nationwide sale? So the bloggers can advertise that AirPods are at their lowest price ever?

::: spoiler reporting on their bad biz practices

They definitely get accused of other unsavory stuff:

Amazon “tricks” customers into buying Fire TVs with false sales prices: Lawsuit


A painting at the Rothenburg criminal museum, depicting criminals placed in stocks. The town people would tickle them and put salt on their feet so goats would lick the feet.

--Wiki, Tickle Torture describing painting at “Rothenburg Torture Museum”

The invincible ham of the free market will sort itself out

I wonder how much investment it drives in Facebook to be a user who registered under an assumed name on a VPN with an ad blocker enabled.

Unfortunately, probably some.

Maybe this contributed to him mentioning Kamala’s* gender, which threw me off:

::: spoiler *

Just sidestepping the debate by using the first name of Vice President Harris :)


Interesting thing here:

YouTube's top 3% of channels now attract 90% of total views, up from 67% in 2006. Even among those elite channels, average annual ad revenue is only $16,800 - less than a third of U.S. median household income. For the remaining 97% of YouTubers, reaching even that modest income level is nearly impossible given the platform's increasingly skewed viewership distribution.

I feel sheepish saying it but I wish even these obvious fakes were marked as parody in tiny little font somewhere

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Imagine the level of training to attain such a perspective:

Hoist with his own Google review:

Ouch, the stupid:

approximately 4,359 posts/replies

Give or take

Good job FBI, who knows whether he was serious but there’s a reason there’s an exact statute for this and he actually had weapons - not a good look buddy.

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Do the right thing, courts.

We have trouble fitting all our freedom on your kooky, internationally-recognized sizes

Here’s a comparison using the most sensible units possible:

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The runes… decoded

Thanks for sending and sharing, that’s incredible to the point it’s hard to believe

Course they only need a 1px by 1px image for that right?

Shoutout Facebook Container for Firefox, or Firefox if you’re still using a browser that’s killing the open web 😉

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(Bluesky post is registration-walled and registration is invite only)

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The vegans re-labeled it too

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For the kids

Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal


Sony BMG initially denied that the rootkits were harmful. It then released an uninstaller for one of the programs that merely made the program's files invisible while also installing additional software that could not be easily removed, collected an email address from the user and introduced further security vulnerabilities.

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Sent OP’s thread to email on his business’s semi-hidden contact page

(sorry for the spam Louis, lotta us instantly thought of you - hope it translates to some awareness, action, & Adsense revenue)

Number three combo, hold the freedom please

Couldn’t hear you over the sound of my freedom

…nevermind, that was somebody rolling coal

Hey is “porn star” the best way to describe her?

I seem to recall we were saying “adult film star“ or “adult film actress“ and now the verbiage has shifted. If I’m right, then maybe it’s an attempt to destigmatize?

(“Porn” should also be more accurate given the number of adult films which are not pornographic)

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