Man who escaped Oregon prison 30 years ago was found in Georgia with a stolen identity, authorities say to – 132 points –
Man who escaped Oregon prison 30 years ago was found in Georgia with a stolen identity, authorities say | CNN

The discovery of the stolen identity came after new investigative technology employed by the US State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service developed new leads in the case this year, the Marshals Service said without elaborating about the technology.

Facial recognition?


He molested young boys and his alias on the run was Willie Cox.

Wiener penises

Edit: I was only thinking about the name, and after rereading the context this is incredibly insensitive, and I apologize

At first I was thinking "Damn, if he made it that long without getting into any trouble, maybe they should just let him go." Then I saw what he was originally put in for to begin with. Now I worry that he may have still been abusing kids these last 30 years.

I'm glad I read your comment before posting. I had the same mindset

Maybe a central database of death certificates that can be compared with people currently alive? I still don't get how you can just use a dead person's identity in the US without anyone figuring it out.

Yeah probably face, if it wasn't controversial it'd be public

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!

It used to be trivial to steal the identity of a dead child, obtain a SS#, and build a fake identity. There were manuals you could buy to walk you through it. Changes to the system like issuing SS#s at birth and computerizing databases has made this technique obsolete.

He was within 4 years of release when he escaped according to the article? I wonder if he only has to do those 4 or if he'll die in prison