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Blocking someone from a hacking game because they tried to hack it is basically admitting defeat.

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That’s not very “Kobayashi Maru” of them.

Embed only true facts, not best guess derivations from external sources.

If the camera has an accurate thermometer on board, would be helpful to embed the value in EXIF.

If there is no thermometer, should embed only the time and location. If someone really needs temperature, it should be determined from external weather DB, not embedded in the photo.

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Financially, no.

With babysitting? Absolutely.

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” -Some Rapist

Why is the documentation incomplete?

Asks every programmer since the dawn of time.

You can add things to the ducking dictionary.

More content than Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all in one place? That’s terrible! Where can I see this dastardly collection?

For comparing machines to horses, use the power a horse can sustain all day long. Early industrial use of horses did not run them ragged and swap every 5 minutes.

They’ll never defeat Hamas as long as they deny equal rights to Palestinians.

End Israeli apartheid.

Music costs nothing if you don’t pay musicians.

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Imagine buying a $50k car and they take away features because the CEO is having a temper tantrum and wants everyone else to suffer.

You’d have to be a fool to give this guy your money.

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That’s a weird way of bragging about understaffing leading to overwork, but I guess it explains why they can’t kick those quality issues.

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Look up the email for their legal department and demand they cancel all fraudulent bookings under your name. Play dumb a little so they take it up with marketing.

If it needs someone’s cloud servers to function, you don’t really own it.

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I’m sick of Christians who work for the public suing because they don’t want to do their jobs.

If you cannot serve the whole public, quit your job in public service.

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Once again, pirates did the work of preserving culture that the free market threw in the bin.

Understandable they don’t want to help the BBC if it will turn right around to steal their collection and throw them in jail.

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The “set up” was to ask incriminating questions to someone too dumb to plead the 5th.

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If there is one moron at work, you have a moronic coworker.

If everyone at work is a moron, you are the moronic coworker.

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Employers controlling their workers “time off” is old fashioned dystopia.

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If Trump has absolute immunity for acts committed while president, Biden should order the summary execution of Trump.

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That’s really good anti-advertising.

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I skipped those, but I’m about to ruin whatever new platform my kids get in to.

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Accompanied by whining “they wouldn’t let me”

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Is this supposed to be a feel-good story of the little guy working within the system?

It feels like a capitalist dystopia where health insurance will tell everyone else to go die in a ditch.

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Texas is a high tax, low service state.

California is a high tax, high service state.

Texas spends their taxes on corporate welfare.

California spends their taxes on education, infrastructure and health care.

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Thumbnail looks like a purple Dodge Challenger is about to drive through the window.

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Why do we allow so many terrorists to own guns?

If you use a gun to commit a crime, you should lose the right to own guns forever.

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There’s a lot of money to be made as a middleman.

If there’s a gold rush, you want to be the guy selling shovels.

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Can’t fool me, they gave it away when they removed “Don’t be evil” from their motto back in 2015.

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What sort of pathetic man-child have the people of Oklahoma sent to represent them?

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The irony of the straw poll site throwing up an anti-adblock banner 🤣

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That’ll be $49.99, pal.

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Special shout-out to LiftMaster/Chamberlain who did the same rug-pull on their customers last year.

Never trust free cloud services attached to a paid product.

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“By design” AWS bills project owners for unauthorized calls to the public S3 API.

So what I’m reading from this is you can do a billing attack on anything hosted in AWS so long as you know one of their bucket names.

Escape is the first duty of every prisoner.

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Sokath, his eyes uncovered.

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Some of those that work ad tech are the same that write filters.

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The free market decided. It says ‘no’.