1 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Have you tried voting harder?

The opposite, granting Palestinians citizenship allows them to potentially control the government.

Compare that to any point in our lifetime, where Israel has been their defacto government: Palestinians must report each birth, each change of address to a "foreign" government. If they want to leave their country, they must seek permission from the "foreign" government. If they want to visit their family across town, they must present identification to a "foreign" government.

Citizenship ends apartheid.


CHANGED passw0rd123! TO passw0rd1234!

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Not funding the genocide and thereby stopping the genocide seems like a good alternative.

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I have issue with supporting an apartheid state. I think aid should be conditioned on Israel granting full citizenship to Palestinians.

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Write to your representatives.

Withhold endorsement until one of the candidates adopts the policy position you (and a majority of Americans) prefer.

Sure, here's a professor of International relations in Israel:

Asked whether Israel could get by without US economic and diplomatic support, Benjamin Miller, Professor of International Relations, and the Director of the National Security Center at the University of Haifa, gives a one word answer - "No."

I'm not sure what he's said, but I wouldn't trust it.

Not while I'm paying for them

If you can't support your claim that it goes far beyond a typical GOP platform, don't make that claim.

I pulled up the 2012 GOP party platform and it hits all the notes brought up in the OP's 2025 cartoon, from taking away women's choice to ignoring climate change.

Openly? Party platforms are about as public as it gets!

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Do you have specifics?

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"Project 2025" seems like any Republican party platform from the last 20 years 🤷🏻

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Yeah no shit, it's doing the job it was intended to do.

Israel is a client state of the USA. The genocide is being carried out by the Biden/Harris admin.

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A ceasefire with Hezbollah means end to the genocide, which goes against Israel's desire to ethnically cleanse Palestine.

Hamas already agreed to a ceasefire proposed by the USA in May, the UN in June, and Blinken claims Netanyahu accepted it in August.

Israel went back on that agreement, and then assassinated the negotiator. Israel is not offering a ceasefire, and they're clear about this in Israeli media. Israel has rejected all ceasefire proposals.

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I pointed out where you're wrong and provided evidence. Even today, look who rejected the ceasefire with Lebanon.

Hint: it's the side carrying out a genocide right now

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Left, not liberal.

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it's hard to find a show that isn't on a tracker somewhere

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Which side is cool with genocide?

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oh no my DRM machine is adding more DRM

In the end, you can't out-tech the law. You need rights.

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Proud to be on the official test server 🥲

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It's great seeing people become more honest and open about themselves.

They can run their own lemmy server, and they don't need to federate with any servers run by or for proles or anyone else they find distasteful.

Also, the deepest faith you can have in a political ideology is when you don't recognize you have one.

Illiterate by far. No more reading your posts

And why not farts

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oh sweet. I care far more about the backend than frontend

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I enjoy the flow of the new Doom Eternal, once you get the hang of it you can keep an infinite supply of health and ammo that only runs out when everything's dead - and you end up taking on much more than you thought possible.

However the jaw-dropping, frightening game that Doom was in 1993 will never be recaptured. Yes, scary games existed. Yes, 3D FPS existed. But nothing came close to Doom, it was a graphical marvel. I'd show it to friends, grandparents, anyone who'd look and they'd all either be amazed or reach for the bible. Their idea of video games was mario, Doom broke brains.

Doom 2 is what I played most. At the time, playing over a local BBS with my 28k modem (the fastest available!), I could see that network play was the future of gaming.

your body has quit trusting your judgement of what you put in.

Costa Rica when I last went in ~2016 had vast resorts that were empty around Monteverde. $6 a night for a room.

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Has elon musk called anyone a pedo yet?

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I don't think it's possible to justify support for apartheid.

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Wow I can't believe they'd normalize a genocide! Hope that never happens again

Cool that our tax dollars are being spent on blowing up Christian churches, children and journalists

There's no reason to avoid hoarding!

There's a collection here,


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Specifically, Mozilla plans to scale back its investment in a number of products, including its VPN, Relay and, somewhat remarkably, its Online Footprint Scrubber, which launched only a week ago.

I just purchased an annual plan for Monitor, partially to help Mozilla. I guess this is my thanks

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I care a lot about what other people think (not good) and if someone tries to help or helps me, I can’t stay without saying thank you.

Since you consider this to be a bad thing, have you tried changing yourself? I recommend chillin' and hangin' out.

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