
0 Post – 301 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


If it’s entirely pointless.. then why is there a bot to stop it?

It’s entirely pointless to stop something that is entirely pointless.

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Yeah they’re all in on snaps. Vote with your distro choice.

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7% of emergency department visits were for kids that took melatonin?

What kind of bull is this?

(Bad reporting or proofreading, 7% of pediatric ingestions)

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It’s not a controversial decision… it’s a dumb as fuck decision not based in medicine or science.

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Disagree. Libreoffice is pretty capable for most use cases nowadays.

Compatibility is also pretty good with Microsoft formats despite Microsoft‘s best efforts.

OpenOffice is dead.

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Yep. Why I use Linux now. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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People need programmers to make boring things. Often boring things make more money than programming stuff for science.

We need both. Programming is a tool.

AFAIK Libreoffice only uses Java for limited things and isn’t a requirement.

Pretty sure it’s mostly C++

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Audiologist here.

We treat it like a medical emergency. Reason being if it is a sudden sensorineural loss then they would start you on Prednisone asap. It may help to preserve your hearing.

We think it needs started within a few weeks (at the very most) but earlier is probably better.

That being said, it might not be a sudden sensorineural loss. A hearing test would tell you.

In my experience having seen many actual sudden sensorineural losses over the years, the treatment doesn’t necessarily help in many cases. It’s a last ditch effort really to preserve what we can. Personally, I would probably just wait for morning, but I would tell a patient to go immediately.

The owner must immediately remove road salt? The rust belt is nothing but 3 piles of road salt in a trench coat for half the year…

I have a ton of flatpaks which means packages are shared between them, so no it’s not lazy or a copy of the whole system. It makes a ton of sense for stability.

Updates are diff’s so downloading and updating is fast. Not entire packages.

Making every package work with only a certain version of a dependency and hoping it is stable doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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We’re in the early hype phase of a new innovation fad. It’ll die down and then we’ll find out what it’s ACTUALLY useful for.

Lesson I also learned when I started out with Linux… don’t fuck with grub unless you really understand what you’re doing! Borking grub is a right of passage imo.

I’m not sure how to fix your issue (I gave up on dual booting and just have windows in a virtual machine, so Windows doesn’t mess up grub).

I always keep backups of the working grub config in case I need to restore. Just boot into a version of Linux on a usb key and copy the working config.

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Sure. Except you gain universal compatibility for all distros that have flatpak and aren’t building all the different package formats. Makes it much more attractive for actual developers to package since it’s only done once.

There’s no right answer here, but there are definite benefits.

I’ve had many little issues since I moved to Linux years ago, most of which would never have been an issue if flatpaks were there at the time. My experience has been better with them.

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I mean… there’s porn

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Partisan judges don’t like rules that are non-partisan, who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Or until you give up on the bullshit and just install Linux already (me 5 years ago).

The driver thing confuses me. What I love about Linux is I DON’T have to go on a wild search expedition for drivers or install random software to get my hardware working.

Wacom tablet just this week.. plug in and works perfect on Linux.

Wasted 30 minutes getting it to work on Windows and disabling the junky software it comes with on boot.

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Well yeah, since when is Hamas a threat to America?

Now that I have 2 kids?

Sleep, man. Fucking sleeeeep.

But really, there is no such thing as a do nothing day. I’m lucky if I do nothing for 10 minutes.

Because you’re paying attention. More mental effort.

Earth’s response, “yeah man, it was DEFINITELY your fault!!”

Attendance 100%

So just use Lego bricks.

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Man wait till they learn about masturbation…

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Tax deductible doesn’t mean it costs you nothing.

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That… seems like a lot.


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Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew.

Mine mostly comes from how they treated Christian, the developer of the Apollo app. Ridiculous.

bats eyelashes

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Obsidian + Syncthing is what I’ve settled on. Not perfect, but the best I’ve used.

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Sounds dumb

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I’m excited for all the new apps. It’s like the Wild West of app development lol.

I know this will be a popular response, but I don’t get it.

I just use a pot and the rice is always perfect? Not hard at all? Am I just good?

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I actually very much doubt wordpad has hurt office sales.

Jellyfin + Synology NAS was a great investment for me! ;)

Wouldn’t go back.

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Great. Now do split panel!