2 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin's development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

And instead mentions Bluesky, which I wouldn't even really classify as part of the Fediverse. Sure, it's federated, but it's pretty much just federated with its own self, and isn't accessible from any part of the Fediverse at large.

Not the headline with "Rupert Murdoch" and "at 92" I was hoping for.

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I feel sorry for the Arrowhead devs. They made a spectacular game that was revered across the entire industry and loved by its fans, and their overlords at Sony went and caused so much damage to their reputation overnight. Literally just 24 hours ago people were writing articles about how Helldivers 2 is the right way to make a game and should be an example for the rest of the industry, and then Sony calls in a hellbomb on the reviews.

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Using only the power of a small star, we were able to crash Windows in record time.

So not only was it hateful, but it was wasteful, too. Good job, Utah.

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How quickly we went from "I didn't do it" to "I did it, but it wasn't that bad".

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It wouldn't work; Tekken doesn't support throwable items, which are an essential part of any legitimate Waffle House fight.

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Millennial here. Us, too.

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That's why Spitz said to be angry in the Steam reviews instead of their Discord. People mistakenly took it as a dismissive whine, but that was actually a very important comment that I feel many people overlooked. Sony ain't gonna do anything differently unless there is actual, tangible damage to their brand. That damage doesn't come from chat rooms, that comes from storefront reviews.

Keep the bad reviews coming if you want any hope of Sony relenting.

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Lemmy's still small enough that if you're even remotely active, you start to recognize just about everybody. I like that, and I kinda miss that about the smaller communities/forums of the old internet.

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I'm not well-versed in Iran's politics, but is there actually any hope that his replacement will be any better for the Iranian people? I'd have to imagine that whoever is next in line would already be very much aligned with his existing policies.

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It's like a Geiger counter for privacy.

Okay, I thought the conspiracy theories were kinda silly at first. But now, even though I don't care about Kate Middleton or any of the royal family, I gotta admit I'm kinda curious now.

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They're stupid, but also dangerously influential. They're important people to keep an eye on. This is news.

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Not only is it a choice, it's a choice the community has had several opportunities to make and has failed each time, and it's starting to become a funny meta-story of its own at this point.

Operation: Legitimate Undertaking would be the first time we had to make this choice, and that choice was to unlock either the AT mines or a new rocket launcher. To unlock either, we had to liberate the planets where they could be manufactured, but for lore/game mechanic reasons, we could only save the factory workers on one of those planets, before the other one would ultimately succumb to invading forces.

To unlock the AT mines, we'd have to liberate several planets before we could even reach the destination planet to begin liberating it and we'd have cut it very close to the deadline (because absolute failure was the third option, if we couldn't liberate either planet in time), but the path toward the rocket launcher planet was significantly shorter. So the community banded together to liberate the planet with the rocket launcher, since that was at least a more easily-guaranteed victory. The AT mines would have to wait for another day.

The next time the AT mines would become available again was several weeks later, and the task to unlock them this time wasn't so much a "choice", as much as it was a challenge. Enter, Operation: Metallic Harvest. The task was for the community to collectively kill 2 billion Automaton units by the deadline. "Easy, in the bag", the community said to itself, as we had just come hot off the heels of a similar major order to kill 2 billion Terminid units, which we had completed well before the deadline. 2 billion kills? No big deal, those mines are as good as mine get it hah hah hah.

Unfortunately, this major order came just after the announcement that the previous major order was actually glitched and every player in a mission was getting points for every other players' kills, basically making it so that the progression was 4 times faster than it should have been. So our previous confidence was misplaced, and caused us to misjudge our ability to actually get 2 billion kills in time, resulting in a failure of this major order. Once again, the AT mines were put on hold.

That brings us to today, with Operation: Trolley Problem, where the developers are basically giving us the mines at this point, but it's of course still up to us to accomplish, where we have to once again choose which planet to liberate. Realistically, they could have given us any other explanation for what's happening on the other planet, and we could've had those mines. But the choice was mines, or children.

We're Helldivers. We're Super Earth's elite. You think we're really about to let suffering children die? No, we're the good guys, and at least half of chose children are of legal age to work in munitions factories, so saving those children means saving the future of democracy. Sorry mines. Maybe next time.

Honestly, I hope that the community continues to never unlock the AT mines. I want to be able to look back at this game in five years and see the storied history of all the failed attempts to unlock them.

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Somehow I identify with both of these comments simultaneously.

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I had no idea ICQ was even still operational. Good on them for making it as long as they did.

I was never an ICQ user, but it's always sad seeing such long-standing icons of the internet shut down.

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Consider Japan, who does it differently. Death row inmates in Japan are not told their execution dates, as they had issues with people committing suicide before they could be executed. So now they only find out with just a few hours of notice when they're going to be executed. You could be sitting in your cell, ten years into your sentence, enjoying an otherwise ordinary, quiet day in prison, only to be told that it's time to die, whether you're ready for it or not, the equipment and staff are already prepared and there's no time left to argue your case.

Honestly, I don't know which one is "better". They're both cruel in their own ways.

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First he was outed by a pizza box, now he's been outed by his biggest supporter. It's almost comical.

Japanese law is very business-focused. For instance, their defamation laws give little regard to whether or not a claim is true; if you make public statements that hurt a business's reputation, you're likely to be punished for it. People often seem to not realize that Japan is a very conservative nation.

Give 'em a break, they wrote the article one-handed.

Buying a ticket for the next Marvel movie will now require a PSN account.

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While I think removing the stigma associated with having deepfakes made of you is important, I don't think that desensitization through exposure is the way to go about it. That will cause a lot of damage leading up to the point you're trying to reach.

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Video source for those who don't feel like clicking around.

They don't go into detail, but I'd be real interested to see a breakdown of how this was made. It looks almost entirely like actual Sora output, with the exception of Geoffrey and the TRU logo, which I think are comped-in renders. But the rest of it all looks like genuine AI output, all the way down to a bit of R'lyehian text in a few places.

It's honestly a little scary how good this looks. Granted, this was made by a professional media team who understand how these tools work and know how to use them better than anyone else, so of course it's going to be good. But it won't be long at all before this becomes the baseline.

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Why do gamers spend thousands of hours on games they hate.

It's because that "hate" comes from a place of love, and isn't really hate at all. From the outside, it can be hard to understand, but the people who hate certain games the most are usually the biggest fans. They hate seeing squandered potential when something they love gets ruined by updates.

They don't hate the game, itself. They love the game, and they love what it could be under different circumstances. They love the memories they've had with the game, the connections they've made, the experiences they've shared. The "hate" they seem to have isn't really hate at all; it's passion. They love the game and want to see it in a better state. That's why they're so hyper critical, because they care the most.

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I'd be down to give Hellpals a try.

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I'm going to assume that it's more than just an allegation and that it's sufficiently substantiated if they're willing to publicly cut ties with him like this. Their statement says that they confirmed the events with the involved parties, so I imagine they're confident in their decision.

There's no "what if", Satanic Panic never went away. If anything, it's being boosted by social media.

The only thing they've ever done on accident was make their logo look like a ballsack.

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I generally prefer Lemmy to Reddit, although I do miss being able to find niche communities that are both populated and active. Smaller communities tend to become ghost towns around here, unfortunately.

I'm actually really surprised that Valve is loosening up on this one. They usually play hardball when it comes to refunding a game past the 2 hour mark.

Going by the price being listed in what appears to be USD, I'm going to assume this is a US player, but is there any confirmation on where this person is from? My theory was that Valve wouldn't issue refunds unless you were from a soon-to-be-unsupported region, so that could change my thoughts on things.

EDIT: Also just noticed this was a refund back to the Steam wallet, and not to the original payment method. I've not refunded a game on Steam in many years, but is this their standard practice these days?

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Plain clothes officers in an unmarked car with guns drawn on him for a seatbelt violation. How is somebody supposed to differentiate them from any other gang calling themselves "police"?

He shot in self defense. Period.

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We already saw it happen when OSX share increased and Apple had to abandon the whole "Macs don't get viruses" schtick.

It's kinda crazy that Apple got away with spinning "Our products don't sell well enough for this to be a problem" into a marketing point for as long as they did.

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I love stories with happy endings.

Instead, TMOS researchers used metasurface-based upconversion technology, which essentially provides an easier pathway for light photons to be processed. The photons travel through a resonant metasurface, where they mingle with a pump beam. The non-local lithium niobate metasurface boosts the energy of the photons, and draws them into the visible light spectrum without the need to convert them to electrons first. It also doesn't require cryogenic cooling – which reduces 'noise' for sharper images in traditional night vision – so can do away with even more of the bulky night-vision goggle mechanics.

This reads like a Turbo Encabulator script.

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Cowardly, psychopathic behavior. Hopefully they're caught.

I was pressed for time when filing this year, so I didn't want to experiment with the IRS' new program and just went with FreeTaxUSA since I knew it would be fast and have my data from last year saved. For those who tried the new program this year, how was it?

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They're just trying to test if anyone will actually pull the trigger on a class action.

What would be the benefit to such a move?

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He did the test wrong because he's experimenting with "safety" algorithms that the manufacturer has provided little-to-no documentation on and is having to come up with answers on his own. Maybe he wouldn't be "doing it wrong" if Tesla hadn't over-engineered every aspect of their piece of shit truck in the first place. This thing is a solution in search of a problem, and it'll chop your fingers off until it finds it.

There are a lot of complaints about this, but the two most legitimate ones are:

  • PSN accounts are not available in every region that Steam allowed Helldivers 2 to be sold in, so some people are going to lose access to a game they've paid for and have been playing for months
  • Sony has a bad track record with protecting users' data, and many people do not want to give Sony more access to their PII