Man who said he'd 'pluck out' VP Harris' eyes was baffled when feds appeared at door: Complaint to Not The – 1046 points –
Man who said he'd 'pluck out' VP Harris' eyes was baffled when feds appeared at door: Complaint

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Imagine the level of training to attain such a perspective:

Hoist with his own Google review:

Ouch, the stupid:

approximately 4,359 posts/replies

Give or take

Good job FBI, who knows whether he was serious but there’s a reason there’s an exact statute for this and he actually had weapons - not a good look buddy.

I feel like after one threat like this you shouldn't legally be allowed to own weapons.

If found with an illegal weapon after these statements should be recited in front of a judge/jury during trial so they know why the person shouldn't be allowed to have it. These kinds of threats are not things that normal, rational people make.

Lucky that the investigator had that tech training or the suspect could have slipped away

I imagine they cranked into high gear after someone took a shot at Trump. Assassination attempts tend to beget more.

It’s weird the personal amount of attention these people give to hating their politicians and wanting to personally harm them. Like, I hate Trump, but really I just want him to go to jail, I’m not going to throw my life away for somebody that detestable.

It’s because it’s All About Them. Their (as fragile as spun-sugar) ego is all-important, and anything that threatens it has to go. And since they wrap their ego up in Being a Republican, and Being a Strong White Man, and all the racist bullshit that goes with that stance, that makes Harris is a physical manifestation of everything they hate. Such ‘challenges’ to their ego cannot be allowed to exist.

Same. I just want trump to face actual consequences for his criminal activity, and for him to never be relevant to politics EVER again.

I honestly wish I could block trump like in black mirror. So whenever his face comes up on my screen it's automatically blurred. His voice gets a long "bleeeep" for however long he's talking. That'd make me happy. I'm sick of seeing his ugly mug and hearing his shitty words everywhere.

Imagine the level of training to attain such a perspective

Keep in mind that there's a lot of dumb people in the world, which is why lawsuits spell out everything, even if some details sound obvious to us.

Oh, indeed, I appreciate the verbosity. You have to admit, seeing that particular phenomenon spelled out is pretty fun!

Winchester, Virginia

Well that explains part of it

I’d have to read the source, but what was the original action that prompted the FBI to ask for all these records? Just looking at this GETTR garbo site, it looks like profiles more/less could be public (as in i can look at accounts without an account), but they also say there they looked at his google map account.

This does feel a little 1st amendment breaking to me though. Maybe they considered the 4k comments so spammy it constituted an attempt to manipulate the forum? I can see the argument in the content, but what argument do they even have to consider it noteworthy. I suppose this is why most websites just ban toxic content like me, so they don’t have the feds on their door. Jesus.

Quick 11-page read here if you wanna try to answer your own question so you can check if I’m off base:

  1. Write law you can’t threaten [vice] president

::: spoiler screenshot


  1. Find threats against VP

::: spoiler screenshot


  1. Ask host for records, examine records, ask host (Google) of connected account for records

  2. Jail

1A is sacrosanct but the moron went too far.

Jokes (one & two) are dandy though :) Two is funnier while one is more extreme.

I wasn’t trying to JAQ off or anything, I’m just terminally toxic.

IDK who downvoted ya, and wish I’d rephrased:

if you wanna try to answer your own question

Cuz I meant that with, say, a collaborative exploration kinda vibe but it reads more like a dig or something.


Edit: peep that second video! ITYSL is a masterpiece

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