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Ever read up on the elections in Germany that led to Hitler’s rise?

The millionaires and billionaires that have paid for all these nominees think Trump will: 1. cut regulations for them, & 2. he’ll be easy to control.

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

(I admit, there’s also a bit of 3. help get Israel to start WWIII so all them rich white folks can get raptured, which is one of the reasons Biden also is supporting Israel.)

Men who are inferior to their fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women. -Mary Wollstonecraft

Many billionaires are not only morons, they’re racist morons. They also love the trappings of fascism—as long as they get to be the ones on top.

Have you seen that article about that one techbro rich boy and how he wants to structure San Francisco? How the techbros would wear grey shirts, and their Republican friends would red shirts, and everyone else would be forced to wear blue shirts, and those with grey and red shirts would get preferential treatment, because they would buy out the cops?

It’s a chilling article; I recommend reading it.

I mean, it’s supposed to be.

Probably still won’t stop future humans from opening the vault, sadly.

You’ve never gone to the cops with a problem before, have you?

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Historically speaking, the only way they would consider gun control is if we handed minorities guns.

The last time serious gun control was passed was when the Black Panthers armed themselves.

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Hard disagree. It would be one thing if he was just off in his corner by himself being a terrible person, but he’s very much always in the limelight and has a whole cult of personality worshipping the ground he walks on. We need articles like this as a counter to all the ass-kissing going on.

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I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. ― Susan B. Anthony

Bold of you to think a conviction will convince them. More likely is them deciding it’s an attack of the Deep State on their God-Emperor, and they’ll vote even harder for him, or any Republican who promises to free him.

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Sadly yes, when the law fails. See Jeffery Dahmer for when someone in need tried to rely on the police for help.

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You mean how to tell the Fey from humans? That’s just old lore. Like one of the ways to see if someone was fey was to scatter flour on the ground; they’d often have reversed feet, or bird tracks, or hoofprints instead of regular footprints.

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When a library expels a book of mine and leaves an unexpurgated Bible lying around where unprotected youth and age can get hold of it, the deep unconscious irony of it delights me and doesn't anger me.

-Mark Twain

My cousin left the navy for that exact reason. Of course, she actually had to work with Trump, so I imagine that didn’t help.

Don’t a lot of people run for office on a platform of arresting and convicting people who commit crimes, though? Or am I missing something?

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If you’re lucky. If you’re not, you get Jeffery Dahmer’d.

Well, that was a bit elitist.

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That’s partly it; the PNW does seem more open minded most times; but I bet the other part is you’re a guy.

This isn’t the sort of thing women tend to talk about with men, for obvious reasons. I bet those women on your dev team have some stories, if you could get them to open up about it.

The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself. — Richard Francis Burton

The problem I run into is time. And sometimes location. My previous job, for instance, was far enough out that there was no bus service; I had to drive. My only other option was a 2-hour transit ride and then a half-hour bike ride, partly on gravel roads.

And my friend has a job that’s 15 minutes by car, or 45 minutes away by bus. Even worse, with recent construction messing with the trains, his commute has gone to 2 hours plus.

And this is in a city with a decently robust transit system.

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A fool and his money…

The exceptions in the law:

If the child is pregnant

If a judge okays it

If the parents okay it

Nothing wrong with this picture, nope, nope, nope. No abuse could possibly happen with this setup.

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What year did you graduate?

How much was your debt?

What were those ‘shit wages’?

What were your other expenses? How much of those ‘shit wages’ were you able to put towards the loan vs. your cost of living?

What year did you pay it off?

I’m quite curious.

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I hate to say it but… you hit the bully back. I was bullied in school, and that was the only thing that made a bully stop. Of course, don’t pound them into the ground, and do it when the teachers aren’t looking.

That was advice I got from a teacher, and it changed my life. Before, I’d gone to a teacher when I was bullied. I tried to ignore the bully (he hit me in the head with a rock for ignoring him). I tried asking the bully to stop.

Then one day my science teacher said, ‘sometimes, you have to hit back’.

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Source? From what I’ve heard, recent studies are showing the opposite.

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Doubt it. Most pythons are surprisingly picky eaters.

Take one of mine. ‘Only mice, only live, and no white ones!’ is the usual dinner order. And sometimes they’ll snub that mouse if it doesn’t meet their standards. I feel cats should take notes.

Burmese are pretty chill. This isn’t ’looking for food’, this is ‘I found a hot water bottle’.

People who have no experience with snakes always seem to have the silliest ideas about what they’re like.

There’s two kinds of putting on makeup: the kind where you’re going for drama, and the kind where you try to make it look as natural as possible, highlighting features to make them look better.

Most often, when you see comments about ‘women should look like this!’ And ‘see, women without makeup look better!’ the pictures that go along with the comment are women with a very good version of the second type of makeup.

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Ball pythons are derp noodles, not nope ropes.

But what it also does is force them to allow other religions into their ‘religion can do this-and-that’s bullshit, which they hate.

Dude, my niece would answer ‘no’ to any question asked of her, then follow up with ‘yes’ if she liked it/wanted to do it.

Learning a kid’s quirks is just part of parenting. What the heck are you on about?

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Some people need a very structured, simple, well-defined worldview in order to function. Sort of like a computer has to follow a set program or it bluescreens.

‘This person coming towards me is a man. I can tell by his bowler hat and dapper suit. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning sir, nice weather today’.’ And ‘This person coming towards me is a woman. I can tell by her dress and long hair and makeup. She is married based on the ring I see. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning, ma’am, nice weather today’.’

And so on.

A person not presenting clearly as either gender, or isn’t the gender they’re expecting, means the ‘script’ no longer works. They no longer feel sure of what to do, and that lack of control of the situation makes them panicked.

Really, a lot of this, and conservatism in general, comes down to simple structure and control, so these people feel they always know what to do and where they stand.

Because our society is a social contract, and to act wrongly means you get ostracized from society. In ancient times that was practically a death sentence, and I don’t think these folks have ever gotten over that. They fear becoming the ‘outsiders’, left to the wolves and lions.

$50K is not shit wages. Minimum wage is, for example, $13.25 in MD. That is shit wages. And lucky you to find such a cheap apartment, and be able to share it. Nowadays, using MD again for consistency, you’ll be paying $1450-$1600 a month for a studio, if you’re lucky. And what if you don’t have someone to share that with?

And don’t get me started on the mercurial rise of food products. The luck you have to roll to have a beater not die on you with no way to revive it (mine just did; I can revive it, to the tune of $4,000).

You didn’t have it trust-fund-easy, but you still didn’t have it all that bad.

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According to the CDC, 1 in 3 women in the US have been victims of sexual harassment or assault. And honestly, given how underreported those sorts of stats are, it’s probably higher.

Another hypothetical question was posed to women a while ago: if all the men on the planet got whisked away (not killed, just sent to an awesome men-only vacation planet or something) for 48 hours, what would you do?

The answers were overwhelmingly things like ‘go for a walk at night’, ‘take a jog with my earbuds in’, ‘go to the gym’…

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‘Speech is free, but lies you have to pay for.’ - Louis Tompros, lawyer with WilmerHale and lecturer at Harvard Law School.

People can’t move for a variety of reasons. Job. Family. Plus it costs a shit ton to move sometimes, especially if you’re moving far away. Seems like you’re the one being entitled. ‘Just move!’ has big ‘if they don’t like the country, they should just leave!’ energy.

Also, often there’s a lot of availability and cheap houses in certain places because the local economy is shit and so there aren’t any jobs.

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Welcome to modern retail, where everyone is guilty of shoplifting until proven innocent.

I’ve largely quit shopping at Rite Aid, Target, and Fred Meyer because of it.

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We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read.

~Mark Twain

Yup. The problem is the definition of ‘not doing anything wrong’ can change very dramatically very fast, depending on who is in charge.

Honestly it hasn’t been that great for a while.

The joy of a country run by religious loons that believe Israel will kickstart the Second Coming for them.

Remember, everyone: they want Israel to start a serious war in the Middle East. Because that’s the first step in all the Jews dying and those old rich white Christians being raptured up to heaven.

If anything, the only reason they don’t want it to start now is because they haven’t convinced all the Jews to go back to Israel yet.