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Joined 10 months ago

I'd prefer to hear 50's opinion over Ja Rule

Or you're on a farm and desperately need windbreaks

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Just when I thought rural CO couldn't get dumber

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It's FL -- if he was an immigrant they'd be broadcasting that as loudly as possible

Newer, less stable packages. I've been on Fedora as a daily driver since 2009 and have had yum updates break things. I do RHEL full-time so I've got the know-how to unravel it, but it's not for the noob / non-technical, at least not at first.

This boy here is short I say short -- them jokes is going right over his head

Or Dune. Or Morecock. Or basically anything.

Is this true for other piercings? Asking for a friend

Evil megacorp declines to be less evil, news at 11

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Everyone had been telling him he was the smartest guy in the room, and he thought he was. Plus BTC and crypto are still kinda in shaky legal status, and he'd made a lot of donations to politicians.

Crypto ain't cash, they can unravel the block chain and figure out the transactions. He can't just disappear with a few mil and not be followed.

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Ask it to print one billion digits of Pi, but to do it with sarcastic narration like it was a NYC construction worker

Corporate equivalent to a speeding ticket

We don't, but she's a famous music star dating a famous football star, who is in the game.

Advertising runs the world, and whatever gets more clicks and eyeballs gets paid, so everyone has a reason to hype it.

Didn't they connect the old guy to a group of Russian-funded extremists?

Kinda like howthe Russian GRU blew up a Czech ammo dump not too long ago:

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Stealth firing me thinks. Dell getting on that post 2022 tech layoff thing a lil late

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CNN is now under right wing mgmt so take their proclamations with a grain of salt -- they're cheerleading for the "fake election" team.

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Assuming JP Morgan, "My pronouns are: Fuck You Pay Me"

Okay so just shoot them then

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She's been saying that for years, IIRC

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Good. Fuck the LEC system, let anyone have a crack at it

The problem isn't the ships it's the insane amount of diesel they suck down. We already run giant ships powered by nuclear reactors.

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They're going to spend billions and you'll still have to manually put in your resume details even after uploading it

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Yeah Hollywood ugly is a meme. Oh man she's so ugly... But she's like solidly at least an 8, just not wearing makeup and in unflattering clothes and lighting l

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They just keep fleecing the rubes and the rubes just keep letting them

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All the Ways Rupert Murdoch Left His Grubby Fingerprints on Tech

article about it has 16 scripts blocked by NoScript including a bunch of Scorecard Research aka Comscore aka shady trackers

also fuck rupert murdoch

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Why is this sister of Denver man and not "2 American Citizen"s? Denver Post struggling to make this relevant to readership?

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Crypto. Most LLM based AI. 80-90 percent of the startup world after 2009.

Anything related to toxins or detox. Keto and Carnivore diets.

Most online college programs.

Those vibram finger shoes and barefoot running. Most gym memberships; honestly half of the gym bros need to diet more than they need to slam weights and HIIT

Probably ozempic, since people going off it immediately balloon back up

I've wondered for a long time what the long term impacts of aggressive teeth bleaching are on enamel, too, but not sure if I'd call that snake oil; it works entirely as intended

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That's often the state curriculum. Don't hate the player hate the game baby

Aye, that's the weirdest part. Panera is like the basic mom place, coffee and bagels and sandwiches. Seems like a demographic mismatch, and not being blatent about the caffeine intake literally got people killed.

Point is, shouldn't have been a thing and should have gone away sooner.

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"we're letting you"

Mark my words, a Disney style price raise is in the cards, probably before summer 2024

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Jerusalem Post

Exactly. This guy hasn't been relevant for years.

Accelerationism is literally foreign propaganda, and has its roots in a few European leftists that had their views hijacked as a way of pushing radicalisation to status quo liberals.

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He rattled off a nonstop stream of profanity and insults for like 10 min straight as a way of training / demo-ing to the actor. Kubrick thought he did a far better job and left him in the role. Much of his dialog was ad-libed.

The original DI ended up as the crazy guy shooting civilians from the helicopter. "You guys oughta do a story about me!"

X is one of his older websites, a financial platform that he created after his first startup was sold. Name comes from "X marks the spot" from old treasure maps, was to be the place for all transactions.

It struggled and didn't really get off the ground, but was able to merge with another platform called Confinity, run by Peter Thiel. The merged platforms then became PayPal, and made both guys rich as shit. Thiel eventually power played Musk and got him kicked out of the company, arguably for good reason, though Thiel is quite a piece of work, too.

The new X is Musk's attempt to make twitter more like his old site, and is why he was throwing around things like making it a peer to peer payment site, similar to WeChat / WePay or Venmo. How he plans to make tweets into bank transfers I've got no idea, esp. when losing 30 percent of users.

More on this:

Damn it's almost as long as his leg

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The "tactical" reason is that the US threatened to shut down its aid program.

One even pseudo-related vid and they'll spam you. Esp if you're in a region where Jesus sells pretty well. I got a ton of that shit when I was in Kansas city for work.

Plus YT is a business, and for the right price they'll show whatever people pay them to show. Welcome to the cyberpunk dystopia

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Chaebol. Zaibatsus are in Glorious Nippon, Chaebols are Korean. But same concept, and just as terrible.