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Nah, the comics make a point that "worthy" is based on Asgardian morals, not Christian. Pacifists couldn't lift it because Asgardians are expected to be warriors.

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Goku vs Jesus debate when

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Hospitals won't accept paid blood transfusions, but there are two paid markets for what they CALL donations but are sales.

If this person was talking about paid transfusions there's a subset of parasite that literally just pays young people for elective red cell transfusions. This was actually a plot point in Silicon Valley and it wasn't a bad depiction of the relationship. Basically, it makes the recipient feel a little more energetic because that's literally how blood transfusions work, but these old leeches think there's something special about it

The other is just paid plasma. It's got a lot of use in industry but regular apheresis is both time consuming and much more risky than they pretend, so they have to offer financial incentives. This blood (plasma) is NOT transfused directly, it is used in various industries for anything from hemophilia treatments to makeup.

Direct transfusions have a higher risk to the recipient so accepting paid transfusions is just not worth it if you have any choice at all, and the nature of paid plasma products demonstrates quite readily why it's an unacceptable risk, even with improved testing. Hemophiliacs were actually the highest risk group during the AIDs crisis by 3x the rate of gay men. You simply cannot trust people to be safe with other people's health when money is involved.

Don't think too much about the implications for for-profit healthcare as a whole.

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Bro's protest voting when the Weimar American Republic has Nazis on the ballot and thinks building "grassroots support" for the twentieth year in a row justifies it when the world is about to run out of time anyways

You want Green candidates? Tell them to run as Democrats or make a fucking militia.

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I'll vote for a senile old man who wants universal healthcare and won't help do a genocide any day of the week.

I'll also vote for a senile old liberal who's the opposite of both of those things when the alternative is a fuckin Nazi, but that doesn't mean I'll be quiet about my displeasure.

Yes, yes, we all know what happens when you scratch a liberal but it's better than not having to scratch to find it. Even if all that's holding the powers that be back is a skin-deep veneer of civility and deniability a vote to strip that veneer away makes you a fool, not a revolutionary.

Trump's lies were more obvious than normal. So there's that, I guess.

Maybe they just related to someone having trouble keeping up with a yelling idiot liar?

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People said it was just a rumor that he was a Navy Seal, but that artist knew the truth.

Yeah some treason is cool

Like, yes, Trump is a traitor, but the real problem is he did it for the wrong treasons, making him trash.

I mean, I think it devolved into a literal mental breakdown at the end. That or it was just a freeform poem all along.

And everyone who cares about facts would never vote for him.

No, you fools, the divine spirits of the stars are different than ghosts!

Step 1: Flee the country

Step 2: Laugh at all the idiots getting what they deserve

Step 3: Get nuked anyways

Yes, indeed. So really what you need from a president is a trustworthy image and a baseline moral character, because all the actual governance minutiae is handled by the staff.

So why is it that all these people come out of the woodwork to insist the president NEEDS to be mired in one of the most corrupt political systems in the developed world?

Strange that an ailing old man has his administration behind him to do all the gruntwork but an actually popular candidate wouldn't

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And it will be again in 2026. And 2028. And 2030 if those don't work...

The Nazis are in the Reichstag. It ends with the death of the Republic or a civil war, period.

I mean, he has spent most of his career fighting universal healthcare.

It's not elder abuse for Trump because Nazis aren't people.

Shockingly accurate

You are literally who internet piracy is for my friend

Go duplicate some digits

Because they're fucking Nazis, how many ways do they need to prove it to you?

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You're right, we won't KNOW, it might be the single exception from the past two hundred years.

You're just intermittent fasting

The state calls everything it doesn't want you to do a crime, including telling the people things they absolutely need to hear.

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Uh, if there's a "rest of the world" why haven't I seen it?

Not me, I didn't consent to that

Of course, one of the things about Lemmy is you can't appeal a mod action (as far as I know)

JordanLund seems fairly level but once deleted one of my comments for "advocating violence" when I said Nixon and Kissinger should have been hanged for treason. They're both already dead... And that's the legal punishment for high treason. Which they did.

Tl;Dr you can't get in a mod fight because you can't fight back

This guy doesn't know the difference between rigging and ratfucking, point and laugh at him.

You just found out why women tell their friends their exact plans for first dates.

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Yeah most of them know their balls are being busted by "Satanists"

Like what?

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I hate that they think bookshelves are an indicator for it

So are yours, but we don't say anything

The oligarchy is welcome to not poison people.

I like how that guy thinks the hive mind complains when progressives win because of "corporate donations"

I mean, they could just give away 90% of a billion dollars, leaving them with a pathetic 100 million dollars.

If only. I went to one of their bishop factories as yooth, the people that matter to the organization don't share these principles.

Robespierre Did Nothing Wrong

FlyingSquid for President

My body is ready for the cleansing fire of Atom

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