
244 Post – 1055 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Epicurean Revolutionary Libertarian Socialist

I make FOSS things:

wiki-user: db0

Am not

I'm literally getting pinged from inside hexbear after being banned, from people cackling that I can't respond.

Commenting is not the same as the report function

I'm not the kind of person who goes to some other's community and starts hitting the report buttons because someone insulted me (although I am fairly sure I did that as well when I reported the rule 7 violation once?). I would assume your own established people who do that themselves instead of attacking me for reminding them their own comm rules. Surely you don't think that it's my responsibility to police your comms and report whenever I see yet another thread attacking our admins and instance? For me, this is a culture issue.

if I may what is the db0 process for handling disputes for mod actions?

We haven't had to establish any particular process. We have an appeals matrix channel if needed, but we haven't had anyone disputing our mod actions yet.

Do you think that if one of your moderators was sent a direct message calling them a piece of shit, you would act differently?

Yes! In fact, I have had some of your users PM me before because I banned them from a community because they were harassing random people. I just laughed at them and then reported and blocked them on the second PM I also receive mention pings from your comms which is how I sometimes find these threads after they've been going on for a while. Lately I've been sometimes searching my alias, since new threads kept popping up so often.

Question: Is there no nuance in your world? Am I some random troll? No, you know very well who I am and why I reacted the way I did, or if you can't possibly understand why I would react so badly and out of character for me, did it not strike you as something that would require some clarification before acting? Because from where I'm standing, you were just looking for an excuse to ban me. Much like that mod who admitted they were just looking for any excuse to ban me from their comm because I annoyed them with my mere existence.

And fair's fair, you can ban whoever you want, but if you do a) don't act like this was some neutral decision and b) don't spread disinfo that I "harassed your admins" because I justifiably insulted one of them, once, after they insulted me first and deleted all my non-rule breaking comments trying to defend our instance from disinfo.

I dispute the accusation that there were 10 different posts, rather there were three that are removed. If there are others, please send me the link so that they can be addressed.

Historically, ever since I upset hexbears by rejecting left-unity, 10 sounds about right. Just off the top of my head there's the one about the removed post where I was banned. The one where they attacked unruffled. The one where they attacked my pfp. The one where they attacked me for posting a meme in /c/anarchism. The three you removed after my meme. I am not keeping links mate, this is not so important to me. But the constant hate trend is undeniable, let's not kid ourselves.

I think you will find there are many threads flinging insults and disinfo about us and I would say that I don’t feel the need to defend, in fact had you or Unruffled heeded my advice about making a non-admin account to comment/post on we would not be in this situation.

How can I possibly comment about the rationale for removing a post in /c/piracy with a pseudonymous account?

As strange as it sounds, I commented inside hexbear threads because I still see some value in your opinions of us. I wouldn't go to a fascist instance to defend myself (I would just defed them). But in order to have any chance to do that inside hexbear, I need an extremely hard shell around me because of the massive toxicity and bad faith I have to face, toxicity which gets thicker and thicker with every new thread about us allowing to fester. So I am compelled to defend my instance as myself when I see disinfo about how we're "defending corporations" or some other typical uncharitable shit. In the last thread, I tried to do this as calmly as humanly possibly while one of your peeps threw ableism in my face, and even that wasn't enough.

Likewise, you don't go to defend yourselves in every reactionary comm because you don't care about their opinions, but you came in this thread to do so, even using an alt to do so,for similar drive to myself. You intuitively understand why I do what I do.

Is it fair to expect the admins to individually review over 3 million comments without having reports to guide us to those made in violation of rules?

Maybe not, it's also not fair to expect us to act as the hexbear police. Your own community should be self-reporting as needed instead of turning a blind eye when it's someone they love to hate.

After all this, I still don't have any hate in my heart for hexbear and I'm probably the only reason we haven't de-federated you. However I don't think it's true for you peeps and I think that's sad that so many in your community are so hell bent on burning this bridge because they can't tolerate me being against "left unity" or being cowered by the constant bullying.

I literally reported posts publicly for rule 7 violation, at which point I got abused for saying that. To my knowledge none of the people who did this were sanctioned.

Also, I'm not particularly interested in training your cops. It's your whole culture that created 10 different posts shitting on our instance and our admins and that is not fixed by more prompt reporting.

Say what you will about random people complaining about hexbear, it's individuals here and there. if you had threads upon threads dedicated to flinging insults and disinfo about your instance and your admins, I suspect you might want to defend yourself sometime, like you felt compelled to do just now.

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Sadly no way has been found yet to harness the power of the terminally online trolls.

There's at least 10 threads in hexbear about me and the instance full of insults and disinfo. Also this is not Wikipedia

Wait what do you you mean "keeps posting"? This is the only thing I've posted about hexbear for months!

Sure, whatever. That's their prerogative. But if you also insult me and delete my comments explaining our position so as to allow your disinfo the fester all the better, I might just call you a disingenuous pos

Edit to say, that being a loud mouth is not a "liberal" or "reactionary" either 😁

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There's some good peeps there and they help in keeping the crypto-fash in check. But their clannishness is unchecked.

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Eh, I don't plan on defederating over such drama. They see some value in some of our users and we see some value in some of their users and we can ban the red-fash apologists and disinfo peddlers if they become a problem.

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I was born in cringe. Molded by it...

They literally ignore the rules of the dunk tank just to allow flinging abuse at our admins for trying to do our jobs. If we try to defend or clarify ourselves peacefully we just get insulted. I once even pointed out that they are breaking their own rules and got ridiculed for even saying that.

On top of that every time I showed any vulnerability by tying to explain that their behaviour of constantly bashing us based on uncharitable interpretations is hurtful, I just get ridiculed even harder for doing so. All this while their admins just turn a blind eye until much later when they might remove the rule breaking thread.

Ah here we go, grab your pop-corn and head over to thread #7 :D

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I think it's because you and me face the brunt of their ire for trying to defend our instance inside their toxic comms, and that colors our perspective. But I try to step out of this and see things less personally when it affects more than just me. Just my take. I generally appreciate having the chance to be challenged from the left on occasion. None of us is perfect at the end of the day.

Are you going via lemmy.dbzer0.com or via hexbear.net?

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Where the children are playing so that they can precicely target them of course. Wouldn't want to waste missiles to not hit any innocents.

Argh, why make 2 communities? >_< Pick one damnit :D

I'm going to the blahaj one

Anyway well done for recognizing the ship is rapidly disintegrating.

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Love how they bellyache about the mods not doing a good enough job when they spent the final weeks of the June protest harassing the existing mods and and basically dismissing and disrespecting all the work we were doing for the past decade. They just expected things to go back to business as usual and the mods should just shut up and continue doing unpaid janitorial duties for the benefit of spez out of sheer momentum I guess? The scale of their entitlement is unreal.

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To be honest, it's not a huge deal. The copyright cartel can easily send dmca requests to your isp just for having text guidelines. Not everyone has the bandwidth or energy to deal with stuff like that.

I just wish this wasn't done at the request of a transphobic racist who just did it to get back at is for getting banned for making transphobic and racist communities in this instance.

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Response from the admins

From where I'm sitting it looks like classic overconfidence. I would say keep your eyes open in the future but don't pick up the pitchforks just yet.

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I'm actually faulting them for trying to make money off a crowdsourced service. They didn't write the damn subtitles.

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Well I'm not really on reddit anymore, so that helps 😁

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Same instance. njal.la is our provider

lemmy.dbzer0.com is willing to accept this content on their instance, as well as the potential legal risk coming from this, which they’re free to do.

Well, it's more that we believe a domain root url embedded in an image, or a link to a rentry doesn't really have any risks. At least, nothing likely to get us sued. Note that all these domain links existed (and still exist) in the reddit /r/piracy wiki for years without problems.

The reason being that almost all of these takedowns are coming from automated crawlers, who won't bother OCR every image they come across, or b64-decoding every string.

Ex-captain here. AMA.

Why of course we're already in the fediverse. !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

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We warned you about Chrome. We told you bro.

The speed that this happened suggests they might have gotten spooked by something. Put down the pitchforks mates and give them a chance to explain first.

EDIT: Welp, I expected an explanation by now...

EDIT2: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/16795373

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Don't know man. I'm not making enough in donations to pay for the server costs, never mind hiring lawyers. I'll deal with this when I have to 😅

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The same reason that USA calls their brand of jingoism "freedom"

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That's a patently ridiculous statement

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I agree with google, only I go a step further and say any AI model trained on public data should likewise be public for all and have its data sources public as well. Can't have it both ways Google.

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No joke, this is probably the best update anyone can do for lemmy at the moment. The performance improvements are massive

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Final Update: Problem has been resolved by migrating my lemmy backend. We are currently catching up to lemmy.world, which should probably take all the next day. But the "distance" is reducing by hundreds of syncs per minute.

I will write a post-mortem soon

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Here's the donations links from on the sidebar mateys. The server is currently is not covering its hosting costs ;)

EDIT: Removed since they're in the OP now

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Lol that's like too funny now. Hitting legitimate users with the nagware, so that the only ones having a good experience are the pirates :D Tale as old as the first VHS tape

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We do have our own piracy wiki here BTW!

You don't need to pirate OpenAI. I've built the AI Horde so y'all can use it without any workarounds of shenanigans and you can use your PCs to help others as well.

Here's a client for LLM you can run directly on your browser: https://lite.koboldai.net

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I was the top mod in /r/piracy, so ye

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"Hallucinate" is the standard term used to explain the GenAI models coming up with untrue statements

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A lot of the reddit power users have moved. What's left is now is bots (re)posting the jankiest content and lurkers with too much inertia to move.

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